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Yu-Gi-Oh Galactical Trials (GT) | (Not started/Accepting 5 only) |


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[spoiler= Current Story of Galactical Trials]


The year is 9,500 AD, the days of Yugi Moto, Jayden Yuki and Yusei Fudo are long gone, dueling is now not just used for fun or for sport, It's used by world leaders to run an Autocratic Leadership. Many have taken advantage of the not so simple game of Duel Monsters. Dueling is now done all over the universe, however our story takes place in a specific Galaxy, 7 seperate planets form this Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth the Terra solid planet, Mars the Pyrotic Fire planet, Neptune the Aquatic Water Planet, Jupiter the Gale-Force Wind Planet, Saturn the Bountiful Light Planet and Pluto the Endless Dark Planet, these 6 Planets form 6/7 of the planets from the not well known in the universe galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy.

The lives of a single individual on each planet in this isolated Galaxy are bound to change as a Tournament is being held by the other planet of the Galaxy, Planet Vesta. These individuals are invited by the host of the tournament and leader of the Giant Planet Vesta, Sir. Regald. to represent their planets and its honour. Although this appears to be a harmless tournament, Sir. Regald has saught to it that the 6 individuals will compete in the tournament.

[center][size="3"]10,000 Years ago[/size][/center]

Long ago, in the time prior to our forfather's forfathers, the planet, Earth, was still young humble villagers of small villages hunted during the day and gathered in their huts during the night.

In the closest to the centre point location of Earth, a little boy watched as his father gathered fire wood under the night sky. The stars seemed to fill the sky completley with crystal lighting. The boy smiled as he picked up a small stick in an attempt to help his father gather fire wood. His father wiped sweat from his forehead and smiled at his son's attempt to help. As the two walked back to the village of huts, the son stopped, he then loocked up at the sky and saw 6 small, because they were at a distance, meteors soaring across the sky.

"What's that daddy?" the little boy asked, the dad looked down at the boy with a worried expression, he then looked back up at the sky. His worried expression turned to shock as 6 what appeared to be, shooting stars headed for the falling meteors, after a collision, a large bright light blinded the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

"What is that?" The father questioned, when the light diminished little specs of glistening light descended on the earth, the little boy smiled with joy as the father remained suspicious.

The father looked once again at the sky noticably a card dropped from the sky and fell into the fathers hand, the father and the boy looked at the card, it was a Duel Monsters Card, something not yet known to the world.

"Divinity Paladin Gaiarock?" The father questioned as he read the card.

[center][size="3"]9,980 Years later[/size][/center]

Zakurai, a, at the time, 7 year old boy sat by his father's bed as he lay sick in a hospital, tears began streaming from Zakurai's eyes.

His father smiled lightly. "Son, don't be sad...When something goes...something a new is brought..." The father the slowly lifted up his arm and gave Zakurai a Duel Monsters card. Zakurai looked at the card and was shocked.

"F-Father...*sniff*...This card, I've never seen you duel without it...I can't."

"I want you to have it...son.... *cough, cough*"

"Father!" Zakurai called as his father smiled lightly then closed his eyes, the constant sound of the life support machine showed also a straigh red line through the small monitor. "F-father?" His father lay motionless, as doctors rushed into the room and hurried Zakurai out. "Father!" He called as he was taken out of the room.

1 hour later. A doctor walked up to the sitting Zakurai. Zakurai quickly stood up and faced the doctor. The doctor shook his head and patted his shoulder and then walked off. Zakurai stood motionless. He then looked at the card his father had given him as tears dropped from his face.

"Divinity Paladin..." He stated.

[center][size="3"]20 Years later[/size][/center]

In a large office surrounded by windows, stood 4 men, 1 was smaller and looked out the large windows at the dawn sky, noticably there was a large dueling field outside and below the office, it was surrounded by a big stadium. The 3 men ont he other side of the desk looked on as the smaller man asked.

"Have they been found?"

"Yes Sir, Regald, The Scouters are now headed to the 6 other planets of the Milky Way Galaxy."

The smaller man smirked. "Good, have them assembled on the dueling fields when they arrive, they are bound to receive the invitations already....Soon, all of the protectors will arrive, and let's hope they cooperate, or else i fear the worst will arise...[/spoiler]

[spoiler= RP Information]
This RP includes Synchro Monsters, it will not include the New "Excess" Monsters. This RP will only accept 5 other members, as you may have guessed the card that dropped on earth also dropped on the other planets of the Milky Way Galaxy except Vesta, and they are different cards, they are different Types as well.

App requirements:
* Be detailed and try to be creative
* Personality and Bio is crucial
* Only create an APP if you intend to post quite frequently,
* All Custom cards will be deliberated by me to ensure balance
* All Custom cards are expected to be of quite high standards in terms of Deck strategy
* I will reject Unsatisfactory Apps
* We are each 1 of the 6 duelists who have inherited one of the cards, we are on different planets, don't choose a plant that's already been chosen or a type of monster for the card.
* The 6 cards also all start with "Divinity"
* I recommend You reserve a spot until I finish my App so you can get an Idea of what is expected and what to have in the bio.

[spoiler= Rules]
- My word is final
- Don't argue
- No godmodding or anything of the sort, I won't even give you 1 warning for this, one time and you're out.
- No OOC only posts
- No shortposting
- All YCM Rules Apply
- Respect is a given
- 1 App each, unless other direction is given[/spoiler]

[spoiler= Application]

Age: (14 - 20)
Personality: (No, lone wolf, cool calm and collected, be interesting)
Appearance: (minimum 1 paragraph or pic)
Bio: (Minimum 4 lines try to establish why your character thinks how they think from their past)
Principle: (What does your character belive in? Can be anything cliche)
Home Planet: (Mars, Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn)
Protector card Name: (This is one of the 6 cards, remember name starts with "Divinity" include the prior version, the prior version is for eg: Divinity Paladin Gaiarock, and the current version is "Divinity Paladin" The current name is the card name now)
Deck Type:
Deck Strategy:
Ace card: (Your "Divinity" Card, Post it here in a spoiler, make it creative and welldone, not bloched with effects, minimum level: 6 Maximum level: 8, The attribute Shuld be based off your home planet. Remember the Type must not be the same as someone elses. For EG: Neptune Water, would most probably have Aqua-Type)
Signature Cards: (minimum 3 max 5, the cards you use most often)
Custom Cards: (In a Spoiler don't have a million links okay, max 3 links.)[/spoiler]

[spoiler= My App]
Name: Zakurai Kura
Age: 18
Occupation: Dueling Teacher
Personality: A giving character who fights with all his heart, he believes in others and will alwaays oppose any type of evil. He is easy to gat along with as he tends to make conversation ot of the smallest of things, he incourages people and always strives to better himself, in both dueling and being a friend. While dueling he always smiles, through dueling his experiences and beliefs are said to come alive.


Except a bit taller and hic lothes are more brownish and also part of his hair is a darker brown colour
Bio: He grew up with a single father parent, his mother had left them, she was an accomplished duelist in the pros league and felt that having a family tied her down to being a regular housewife, it is for this reason that Zakurai adopts a "never leave a man behind" attitude, he received lots of encouragement and reassurance from his father that it wasn't Zakurai's fault, through this act of kindness Zakurai imitates the act with friend and collegues. At 5 his father died, it was unknown of what cause, they found nothing wrong with his organs. Through this Zakurai was taken from his upper lifestyle and lived at an overnight boarding school. It is at this place that Zakurai had lived until me was 18. He now helped manage the boarding school and taught dueling along side with a good friend of his Lokat. Lokat was left by his parents at the orphanage as a baby, he and zakurai threw the years never saw eye to eye, they always argued and were in competition with eachother. After a gang tried to disrupt the learning of the boarding school, Zakurai and Lokat teamed up driving away the gang, through this a new found respect was seen through the two.

(Important to note for Bio) When Zakurai's father died he left him a card, his favourite Duel Monsters card that had been passed on in their family for generations. "Divinity Paladin". When Zakurai was 10 he walked to the boarding school at night only to be challenged by a mysterious man to a duel, in a hard fought duel, Zakurai finally had summoned his monster "Divinity Paladin" however he was soon defeated by the man who told him that one day he would unlock the "secret" to his signature card and that Zakurai would "Develop the Symbol".

Zakurai had no idea what this meant but took the words to heart. After turning 18 Zakurai competed in tournaments with Lokat as a partner, the two won tournmanets together to help raise money for the orphanage.

Principle: It's not about what you "need" to do, it's about what you "can" do.
Home Planet: Earth
Protector card Name: Divinity Paladin Gaiarock
(With this card, the effect can be whatever, howevr try not to make it bloched with effects, must be minimum level 6 and maximum level 8 No ATK over 3000 and none under 2000, try not to have the same ATK as anyone else, also make sure the attribute is of the planet your from. The types must also all be different, ensure that the name starts with "Divinity")

Will make my card when I have more time but that's the basic rundown of it, must be a Synchro monster.
Deck Type: (IIt doesnt have to be a single attribute Deck)
Deck Strategy: to come
Ace card: (Your "Divinity" Card, Post it here in a spoiler, make it creative and welldone, not bloched with effects, minimum level: 6 Maximum level: 8, The attribute Shuld be based off your home planet. Remember the Type must not be the same as someone elses. For EG: Neptune Water, would most probably have Aqua-Type but its up to you, also remember this is the current version of the card so for eg: Zakurai's protector card at the moment is called: "Divinity Paladin" But when he Develops the Symbol it will be "Divine Paladin Gaiarock. )
Signature Cards: To come
Custom Cards: (In a Spoiler don't have a million links okay, max 3 links.)

Will finish later[/spoiler]

[b][size="5"]Plot 1: The Grand Galactic Cup[/size][/b]

[size="4"]Protector Decided Planets:

Earth - Zakurai Kura (Bluster Soldier)
Protector card: Divinity Paladin (Gaiarock)


Neptune - (Reserved)
Protector card:

Mars - FREE
Protector card:

Jupiter - (Reserved)
Protector card:

Pluto - (Reserved)
Protector card:

Saturn - (Reserved)
Protector card:[/size]
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@ Swift, you join so many RP's, you said be4 ur already in a few and thats why u dont post in my other rp, so why would joining another one help that :/, I dunno i'll think about ur res

@King Mew, Accepted for now, i'll base it off the quality of ur app when posted
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i've basically finished my app now, so everyone feel free to create your apps now, NOTE: This RP is designed with various plots and antagonists, if you join this, u intend to stay and post regularly, if not, then don't make an app because I don't want this to come close to dying.
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Question... do our Divinity monsters have to be Synchro monsters? Cause the only water cards I can see my character using are the Ritua monsters... and they focus on Ritual summoning... I don't think a Synchro monster will fit... although, I could have her use the Ice Boundry Monsters... but they're Ice... and if I'm not mistaken, Pluto's the ice planet.
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