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Black Thunder


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|Keravnos, God of Black Thunder|0|SET2|Thunder/Synchro/Effect|Dark|8||3100|2800|
1 Thunder-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned, send up to 4 Thunder-Type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard.
Once per turn, if this card would be destroyed by a card effect that does not target it, it is not destroyed.
During each of your End Phases, return 1 Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard to your Deck and destroy 1 card on the field. If you cannot, destroy this card.|

|Astriapi, Goddess of Black Thunder|0|SET2|Thunder/Synchro/Effect|Dark|6||2500|1300|
1 Thunder-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned, send 1 Thunder-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard for each monster on the field.
If you send 4 or more monsters to the Graveyard this way, draw 1 card.
If you control another Thunder-Type monster, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target.|

|Vrondi, Highlander of Black Thunder|0|SET2|Thunder/Effect|Dark|2||1400|100|
You can return 1 Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard to your Deck to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.
This card cannot be destroyed by battle.
If control this face-up card during your opponent's End Phase, remove it from play and send 1 Thunder-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard.|

|Cheimon, Trickster of Black Thunder|0|SET2|Thunder/Tuner|Dark|4||0|0|
This card can only be Normal Summoned if there is a Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard.
When your opponent declares an attack, you can Tribute this card to negate the attack.|

|Lailapse, Soul of Black Thunder|0|SET2|Thunder/Tuner|Dark|6||0|0|
If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing.
If you do, you cannot Special Summon this turn, and during the End Phase you can add 1 "Black Thunder" monster from your Deck to your hand.|

|Vrohi the Downpour|0|SET2|Thunder/Effect|Water|2||200|300|
You can return this card in your Graveyard to your Deck to return 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field to the owner's hand.
You can only activate the effect of "Vrohi the Downpour" once per turn.
When a Thunder-Type monster you control is attacked, you can discard this card to end the Battle Phase.|

|Nova Alchemist|0|SET2|Thunder/Effect|Dark|3||800|1800|
When this card is flipped face-up, you can send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 monster with 0 ATK and DEF from your Graveyard.
When this card is Normal Summoned, it is changed to Defense Position.
During your End Phase, you can discard 1 Spell Card to send up to 2 Thunder-Type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard.|

Designed for NGD.
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|Lailapse, Soul of Black Thunder|0|SET2|Thunder/Tuner|Dark|6||0|0|
If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing.
[s]If you do, you cannot Special Summon this turn, and[/s] during the End Phase you can add 1 "Black Thunder" monster from your Deck to your hand.
By comparison with sangan you should change that.

I think your cards could be a bit more powerful although it looks like as you know how to balance.

I got just 1 suggestion. At the moment the stonger monsters support itself but i think it could be more interresting if the weaker monsters would support the stonger monsters.
For example:

|Black Thunder|Thunder/Effect|Dark|4|1700|0|
During your End Phase, you can send 2 Thunder-Type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard.

Black Thunder|Thunder/Synchro/Effect|Dark|8||2300|2000|
1 Thunder-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, return 2 Thunder-Type monsters in your Graveyard to your Deck and destroy 1 card on the field.
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wait idea

|Vrohi the Downpour|0|SET2|Thunder/Effect|Water|2||200|300|
You can return this card in your Graveyard to your Deck to return 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field to the owner's hand.
You can only activate the effect of "Vrohi the Downpour" once per turn.
When a Thunder-Type monster you control is attacked, you can discard this card to end the Battle Phase.|


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@Card 3:
"You can return 1 Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard to your Deck to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. "

Way too abusable as tribute/synchro fodder. It's just lucky that Thor's likely to be getting the banhammer or this'd be outright silly.

More Graveyard using cards seems a bit... eh. But still, the mentioned clause is the only really bit problem I can see.
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And you never rated the cards I made for the NGD



First card ATK is way too high for a Level 8 Synchro I mean we have a level 9 Synchro that has less than that ATK and aa way worse effect...even when this is not a generic Synchro...
2600 would be just fine IDK

Second Card is ok actually thought a little Situational it can setup Graveyards easily...and may give you an extra card. With all of this the self protection effect may seem to be just an anoying Extra.

Vrondi is anoyingly Spammable

Rest is OK...IDK how a Deck build of this would look like ATM so I cant say anything else.
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