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[Finished]A 3 round contest! Deadline for Round 1 5/1/11


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When this card is destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard, search your deck for two monsters with a level lower than this monster and Special Summon them in face up Attack Position.

(considered swarming?)
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Heres mine, dont lol at the pic... I couldnt find any decent kuriboh pics


Watapon + Kuriboh

When this card is Fusion Summoned, pick up the top 5 cards of your Deck. Add any Trap cards picked up to your Hand and retun the rest to the bottom of the Deck. You take no Damage involving battle with Fiend-Type and Fairy-Type monsters. Increase this cards ATK by 1000 for each card with "Kuriboh" in it's name in your Graveyard. Increase this cards Defense by 2000 for each "Watapon" in your Graveyard. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon as many Level 1 monsters from your Graveyard as possible.[/spoiler]
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Here's my card, as Hila said there were not any good pics so I used a well known one.


LORE: This card can only be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by Fusion Summon. When this card is attacked, you can tribute it to end the battle phase, gain life points equal to the ATK of the attacking monster and Special Summon the monsters you used to Summon this card from the Graveyard.
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Here's mine hope you all like it:

[size="5"][u]Kuriboh Incarnate[/u][/size]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned except be offering 1 face-up "Kuriboh" as a Tribute. As long as you control 2 monsters (including this card,) your opponent can not select this card as an attack traget. Whenever you or your opponent declare an attack, place 1 "Kuri Counter" on this card, you can remove 2 "Kuri Counters" from this card to select and activate 1 of the following effects:
-Special Summon 1 "Kuri Token" (Fiend-Type/Level 1/ATK 300/DEF 300). "Kuri Tokens" are treated as "Kuriboh"
-During your opponent's Battle Phase you can discard 2 "Kuri Counters" to reduce Battle Damage inflicted to your Life Points from 1 of your opponent's monsters to 0.
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