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Kongou's Drawing Club---Three Legendary Fakemon on Kongou's Riden Pokedex are added and an improved pic of Wolvintom


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Okay this is the first series' plot of my manga:
First off the main character is NOT human, but an alien. He looks like a giant walking lizard, but he's not. Yes, an alien. And this isn't the good one, but it's good enough. In his world, Kongou is 16 year old, but in human years, he is almost 25,000 year old

In a different galaxy, there is a Jupiter-sized Earth looking planet with unique features named Riden. The life forms in Riden are called Chromo Ultima, they had very long life spans. They came from an ancient universe that died from old age, so they moved to this current universe. The past is a secret to almost everybody. The Ultimans are literally planet-makers in the past. In Riden there is an alien named Kongou Nishimura. The home he lives in looked like the Middle Ages, because of their mega superhuman abilities, they don't need to be advanced. Well one day, Kongou stolen and hid two out of eight precious and powerful gems somewhere in the universe. When someone founded out what Kongou did, he was punished. So the emperor of Riden, his father, Czalader, banished him from the planet by imprisoned him in a special kind of car-sized crystal rock prison that came beneath Kongou and sent him to another planet..is it obivous, he was sent to the planet Earth traveling half lightspeed and in wormholes, because his planet is in a different galaxy. Somehow, when he got to Earth, the special crystals weakened him, and turned him human, and weakened his abilities. When Kongou arrived at Earth's atmosphere. Even the rock prison was burning up, it wouldn't dissolve because it was harder than diamond. As Kongou crashed, the crash was so great that it was lucky that it hitted in the Sahara Desert. Because the impact was so great that it could had wiped out half the USA and it also cracked the rock prison a bit, enough to break free barely. The world went to a crisis, but Kongou, still in human form, redo the damage and erased the impact of the crash in people's memories but it had weakened him even more because the redo abilities was a one-timer only. Also he knew that he was going to be sent in this planet, so that's why he hid the two powerful gems in Earth. But because in Earth's core was the exact same crystals in Kongou's prison, Kongou even in his normal form, his abilities are half. So 17 years later...

In 17 years, it doesn't even affected Kongou's age because he had a very long life span. Kongou was moved around the world to not his real identy, but he learned how to turn human to disguise himself. Then when he moved to Japan one day, he bumped into a beautiful 15 year old high school girl named Hiromi Suki with her childhood friend, Takeshi Shundo, an 15 year old silver haired boy with bully problems. The trio became friends at the first time. Then Kongou wanted to go to the same high school as Hiromi and Takeshi for no reason or is there? After two months, an problem went off, something like a giant nuclear missle was going to the same area where Kongou and the others. Kongou was looking for Hiromi, she was shopping with friends, the missle was near where she was. Kongou wanted to do something, but he don't want to be found out, but he had no choice, when the missle was dropping, Kongou created a wall of flames around the city and grabbed on the missle and tried to go to his real form but the missle wasn't normal, on it was the crystals that was on Kongou's rock prison, so he couldn't went back to his real form, which was trouble because in his real form, any human object is unaffect to him, but not in his human form, but he still moved the missle with unimaginable speed to the atmosphere and finally the missle exploded. Hiromi was shocked what just happened, then she was crying, but right front of her was the crisped body of Kongou grinning on here, saying it's okay to run away from him because he is a monster, but Hiromi declined it because friends don't do that. After the problem, Kongou told Hiromi and Takeshi everything about him and why he was on Earth. He even shown them his real form, Hiromi was calm, but Takeshi was freaking out. Then a madness alien breakout happens, wolf-like aliens came from these dimensional holes and were secretly possessing weak humans for hunger. Konogu knew who sent those monsters, but didn't said it. One day, Takeshi was walking to school, one of the bullies jumped him in an alley, but while beaten, Takeshi felt stronger than normal so he tried to punch the bully, the bully didn't saw the punch and was hit in the face by a such of force that he became unconicous and the impact was so strong that it destroyed the wall behind the bully. Takeshi was stunned about what just happened so he pretend nothing had happened. After school, Takeshi was getting worried because he felt stronger and stronger, so he asked Kongou what is going on. Kongou told him that because Kongou is on Earth and he had enormous alien "chakra" that is affecting any nearby humans that have precious possessions that will become their source of their newfounded powers. Because Takeshi had a necklace from his grandfather, it became his power source which it can transform into a sword with special powers, meanwhile it also made him stronger and faster than any unaffected human would ever be. Kongou also thought that if Takeshi was affected then that means Hiromi was also affected, just it turned out, Hiromi was affected by Kongou's alien chakra. Her hair bow is her source of her powers, her powers is a magic gun that can do magic attacks. So Kongou wanted to teach Hiromi and Takeshi how to control and use their powers more better to fight off the monsters, because those two aren't the only ones that are affected by Kongou.
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[spoiler=some drawings][img]http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/9775/01162011115114pm.jpg[/img]

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I think we should have rankings...

EDIT: do I get a title?


[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/236819-my-first-line-art/page__view__findpost__p__4943694__fromsearch__1"]Lineart of Kongou's manga's main character (Kongou [i]how original[/i])[/url]
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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1295483730' post='4945615']
I already claimed 'The Doodle King' 83

but BT you think you can draw what I asked Kongou to do as well? Or would you like a different "assignment"?

I'm no good at manga drawings v.v
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