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The YCM Christmas/Winter Party! Awards Ceremony is 1/3 done!

<}Alpha Frogodile{>

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  On 12/24/2010 at 3:22 AM, Obsidan said:

Uhh..... poinl, this is a contest.

The Christmas Tree, Christmas Presents and Christmas Decorations are what we are SUPPOSED to make.

They were the set challenge. So you know.


Well if you look at mine...they arent the tree, present, and decorations, but they are...., and they include the things that were required for each card. It techniqully never said it had to be a tree, a present and a decoration....it just sat it needed to be what requirements are needed....But they would like to see them because it is a contest for Christmas.....

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  On 12/24/2010 at 3:22 AM, Obsidan said:

Uhh..... poinl, this is a contest.

The Christmas Tree, Christmas Presents and Christmas Decorations are what we are SUPPOSED to make.

They were the set challenge. So you know.



But why just those?

Why no creativity?

Made those for nothing.

I guess i will submit my cards a little while when i get the time.


Is there anyway there sutible for the second round?

Ill submit them then if i get passed the first round.

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Ahhh, I think They're on time...




LORE: Discard 2 cards to select this card in your deck and add it to your hand. Whilst this card is face up on the field, all Tokens gain 1000 ATK and DEF. Pay 500 life points during your standby phase. If you don't, destroy this card.




LORE: Activate when an opponents mosnter declares an attack. Negate the attack and destroy one "Snow" token you control, then gain life points equal to the combined ATK and DEF of that monster. Remove this card in your graveyard from play to pay 1000 life points, and increase the ATK of one monster on the field by 1000 until the end phase.




LORE:You can only activate this card whilst "Great Snowfall" is face up on the field. If "Great Snowfall" is removed from the field, destroy this card and all tokens Special Summonned by this cards effect. You can remove from play 2 cards in your hand to activate one of the following effects:

- Special Summon a "Snowman Token" to your side of the field (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 5/ATK 2200/DEF 0)

- Special Summon up to 2 "Snowlady Tokens" to your side of the field (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 4/ATK 1800/DEF 400)

- Special Summon up to 3 "Snowkid Tokens" to your side of the field (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 3/ATK 1300/DEF 900)

- Special Summon a "Snowdog Token" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 0) and a "Snowcat Token" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 500) to your side of the field.

Destroy 5 different tokens you control to destroy every card on your opponents side of the field, and this card.


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Here are my cards. I think i did good.




This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can not be special summoned. This card can only be ritual summoned by the spell card "Christmas". When This card is ritual summoned flip it to face down defence position. If this card is attacked while in face down defence position negate the attack and increase this cards defence by 1000.

If this card has 2000 defence during an attack while this card is in face down defence position negate the attack and flip this card face up. This card cannot be affected by trap cards.




Christmas lore:This card can only be played when "Christmas Tree Spirit" Is on the field face up. Increase Its defence by 1000. As long as this card remains face up on your side of the the field your opponant cannot attack your life points directly and you do not take battle damage. This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of trap cards or monster effects. When this card is destroyed successfully by a spell card you take 1000 points of damage to your life points.




Christmas lore:When you play this card destroy all trap cards on your opponants side of the field and in their hand. As long as this card is face up on the field when your opponant draws a trap card he must discard it and draw again. If you have "Christmas tree spirit" on the field when your opponant discards a trap card because of this cards effect you may draw 1 card.




Edit: fixed spelling mistakes.

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