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ycms worst card maker.


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[spoiler=what this contest is]This contest is to send who you think ycms worst card maker get beter in rehab. they will be put through 6 challenges, in hope that they will get better. im not a great card maker myself, so we must have 2 other judges help me teach ycms worst card makers. after every challenge we will have 1 graduate. at the final three challenge there will be 1 graduate, 1 failed student, and ycms worst card maker.


no spamming, flamming etc.

please, you cant nominate yourself, thats cheating.



[spoiler=how to join]there is an entry fee of 40 points from the nominator. the nominator nominates ycms worst driver (remember to discuss this with them first).


order form


what they need help with:______

example card (not edited):______





red = nominee

green = nominator

blue = why they were nominated



coolguy1o1 nominated by newfie shark for overpowering cards and ocg errors.

______ nominated by _______ for _______

______ nominated by _______ for _______

______ nominated by _______ for _______

______ nominated by _______ for _______

______ nominated by _______ for _______

______ nominated by _______ for _______

______ nominated by _______ for _______










all 6 graduates get 50 points and a rep


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I might not be original/polite by saying this. But this contest is likely to take part with 6 people who probably either don't care about what you think about them, OR were nominated after their very first post. So, I suggest go with a different focus. You yourself look for 6 CardMakers which you consider need help/improvement, and THEN do this.

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