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Dragon Tamers Unite Club!


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[b][center]As most people know in all the Pokemon games, there are Dragon trainer, people who prefer to use Dragons more then anything else! I, for one, am one of those trainers. I want to Unite all those trainers, so we can claim as the kings and queens of the DragonTamers. Join me, so we can become those Kings and Queens![/center][/b][b][/b]

[spoiler= Application form] 1. Name your Dragon tame
2. Say why you want to join
3. (Optional) Say how youcan make this a better club. (If any inappropiate answers, the member who stated the remark will be Reported) [/spoiler]

[spoiler= Members] Administrators= Marluxia
Normal members=

[spoiler= Rules] 1. No abusive swearing
2.No flaming
3. No one can except New Members except Adminisrartors and bosses. [/spoiler]
[center]So sign up NOW![/center]

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