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Prep. [Started/Accepting]

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"Ah, good, you're awake. It's about time."[/color]

You awaken to the sound of the voice and look around and find yourself in a bedroom. You have no idea where you are and you can't remember how you got here...in fact, you can't remember anything, but your name. Suddenly, the voice over the intercom greets you again.
"Welcome to Power Prep School. I'm your host, Genji Ooka. From here, you will go to the cafeteria, eat breakfast and meet your peers. From there you will go to orientation. I'll be awaiting your arrival..."[/color]

The voice fades away, leaving behind only silence and mystery as you sit alone in your room, preparing yourself for the unknown...en you will head to your orientations.' The voice would cut off and leave you in your room alone.

[spoiler=Synopsis]You look like an average student. You sound normal. You seem normal. Maybe there was a time when you were normal but if you're here you're not normal. Well you just woke up so you probably don't know where you are in this school. First we'll start off with where you are. This is a school for people who are abnormal like you. You have some sort of special ability that sets you off from everybody else. A super power if you will. Actually, I don't think I should put it that way. It's more of an ability that increases your own mental skills in some way that allows you to do some pretty crazy s***. If you noticed. Your memory is gone except for your name. Well have fun and make friends. You don't want to wander these halls alone with other people that might and could kill you any second. Some might try. Good luck and remember. Come to class.[/spoiler]
1) Have fun. Yeah, I made this rule #1. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?
2) Follow all the following rules to the best of your ability (pun not intended)...oh and #1.
3) No godmodding. No lolyoudeadz.
4) No spamming.
5) No whining or bi***ing at the host/co-host. They get final say.
6) Have fun...what do you mean I already said this?
7) At least 4 lines per post in the IC. You know the rules and all those other rules.
And yes, this is based off Tower Prep
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Name: Genji S. Ooka
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Picture: [img]http://api.ning.com/files/q5-3HBDfZNYFwwPH3TL9BFzfgVg82z0wPubRDBNmwfvO9sMHqwtg6DFxHkzqC4WPnIICNiUWluDDtfJzBJXn7dEKXlY009Hc/AnimeGothGuy.jpg[/img]
Personality: He is strict about school rules, and is the head master of the school. He is know by all the staff, and is very hard to be found around the school.
Ability: "Alias" My upper-body is covered in armor, and the stand-alone mecha Alias is created to assist me. Both my body armor and Alias can create nearly unstoppable shock waves of compressed air. The fusion of both forms of my power also allows me and my ability to truly fight as a team, coordinating their attacks to capitalize on their advantage.
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Name: Hereh Minamino
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: She is quiet around people she doesn't know. She is curious and a little naive.
Ability: She can control nature, the roots of trees make them come to live), make vines grow.
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[quote name='Hereh'sMoa!' timestamp='1292562383' post='4858709']
Name: Hereh Minamino
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: She is quiet around people she doesn't know. She is curious and a little naive.
Ability: She can control nature, the roots of trees make them come to live), make vines grow.

very good. You'll be in room 15B.
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Picture: [IMG]http://i1011.photobucket.com/albums/af233/techigogin/hqdefault.jpg[/IMG]
Personality: Deamon's personality changes... sometimes in a good mood, he is happy and quite, sometimes in a bad mood, he is pissed and loud. You might be thinking 'Well, isn't that everyone?' he goes from good mood too bad mood for no true reason (most of the time)
Ability:Can transfrom into a "Demon". It is strong and its body is covered in a dark armer made of tough bone. It stands 8 feet tall and can grow black bat wings. It does not talk or show emotion. It seems too have a mind of its own and doesn't seem too hear others(No control over this power... Seems too be emotionally driven and it thrives too accomplish what Deamon wanted just before he transformed).
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Name: Reika Casterwill
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: Reika tries to help everyone, and is overly cheerful at all times. When she is sad (rare) se is silent, and when she does talk, an angry tone accompanies her.
Ability: She can control animals. Animal under her control grow to large proportions, larger than most of their specis. Whilst in control of an animal, she can see through it's eyes, and use it's senses. Only lasts about 5-7 minutes.
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Name: Vagner Gericov
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Picture: [img]http://i639.photobucket.com/albums/uu113/starcuttie/Anime%20boys/AnimeGuy1.jpg[/img] (ignor the word in the centre)
Personality: Very laid back, and enjoys fighting. He doesn't always start them, but will always be part of them. He is also a bit defencive about his lite, almost un-noticable, Russian accent.
Ability: He has an ability to cause sonic shockwaves from his hands and feet, increasing speen, jump height, punching power, and can shoot them across rooms. This power does have its drawbacks, as he can temporaraly defen himself whilst clapping.
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Name: Kazuya

Age: 15

Gender: male

[spoiler=Picture:] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs28/i/2008/046/3/5/The_Cold_Fire_by_little33cat.jpg[/img](hair black, eyes more of a yellowish color)[/spoiler]

Personality: Kazuya is usually calm & quiet around most he doesn't know only talking to them if he needs to talk to them or to find if he can trust them, often looking bored when he moves, having been bored of most stuff that doesn't include battles in which his personality changes drastically going from calm to being thought of as on the edge of lunacy as he goes from bored to excited often playing around with those he fights even to the point where when bored he may try to play mind games to get a person he doesn't trust to fight them, his movement while fighting seeming unorthodox and random. While with those he trusts and not battling Kazuya is usually kind, making sure they're OK if there's been a battle nearby and if they're hurt often attempting to avenge them, while avenging some his lunacy seems less like lunacy and a more serious side appears to his battle style as his movements become more calculated the look on his face not one of lunacy he gets when excited by battle but one of nearly pure rage his voice becoming slightly darker as another personality takes him over altogether, those in the way of him on a run of vengeance would often be left in fear of that side of him.

Ability: The ability to control Light, able to create a small amount from his hands and manipulate the light around him, if in enough light he can concentrate the light into a single shape which will not only cast a more powerful light through the area it's in is also solid able to interact with physical objects, while using this ability his lights glow/flash to more of a yellow color and glow as if a torch was on behind them. whilst outside in full daylight the amount of objects he can create would be almost infinite but are limited to his imagination also disappearing as it grows darker having less light able to give it form and shape, creating larger objects drains him greatly and often gives him a need to rest for at least half an hour before being able to focus light into a solid shape properly, smaller shapes draining him slowly able to be used over an extended time, while battling using these powers he often forms them into non-lethal objects aiming to hurt the opponent not kill them however will advance to lethal weapons if struck with and object that is easily capable of deadly force, his light being stronger than metal in daylight but very weak in the moonlight only being able to form small amounts of light from it.

(idk.. maybe i went a little overboard on the personality lol.. if my light control is OP ill change it to simple manipulation)
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Name: Cypher Raines

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Personality: He is very care-free and rarely gets serious unless in the most pressing of situations. He is also very intelligent with a measured IQ of 151 but rarely applies him self giving the excuse, "Its not worth my time". He dislikes quite, peace, and cohesiveness thus he tries cause situations using his ability and his charisma. He tends not to take sides but to either watch or help which ever side is losing to prolong the situation. He tends to hang around a select group of people he finds interesting.

Ability: He has the ability to cause illusions in multiple ways. One of the most common is he effects the Occipital Lobe of the targets mind so that he can manipulate what they see however this effect is reduced depending on the targets mind strength. This is best used during one on one encounters. Another one is controlling the air and light in the area to cause illusions that can effect large audiences, this is generally weaker than the mind illusions but very useful. Combining these his martial art is his combat strength. (I might add other ways of causing illusions as we progress)
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Name: Aran Z. Shiranai

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Picture: [spoiler=Blue Hair ftw][img]http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae250/BlaziaDragon/Anime%20Boy/Goth_Anime_Boy_answer_6_xlarge.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Personality: Aran is a lazy guy. He would much rather be lying up against a wall than anything else. The only thing he would rather be doing is rock climbing, which he has taken an extreme like for. He never tries to say anything to make anyone feel bad, although he might do just that. Accidentally, of course. He typically has a smirk on his face, or has no expression. He is quite sarcastic. He also seems to be troubled by Vacuum Cleaners.

Ability: Hazing. He can, at will, turn completely into a Haze or Mist form, suspended in mid-air. This can be used as sort of a Smoke Grenade, for he can explode to cause it to have a larger effect. This also allows him to float around without anyone knowing he is there. He cannot be hit by projectiles, punches, ect. while in this form. While he can keep himself from blowing away from harsh wind, this will prevent him from moving. Best Used for Stealth, cover of Allies, and Infiltration. He has been experimenting with his power, to try to see if he can turn himself completely invisible. He has had moderate success, although he hasn't done it completely yet.
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Name: Ryo Crow
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Ryo is a genius, While the rest of the kids were doing their multiplication tables, he was doing Calculus. He likes to read, mostly books he steals. He rebels most rules. He is kind of annoying to people, mostly because he leaves them looking stupid. He's is very manipulative, but people dont know it. He is attractive, he has many friends, but not true friends, and has had many girlfriends, but never went very serious.
Ability: The ability of minor telekenisis, this includes, minor mind reading, and moving objects with his mind for a given period of time.
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Name: Starla Haruti
Age: 18
Picture: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/cool-wallpapers/anime-wallpapers.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/inspiration/50-great-sites-to-download-free-cool-wallpapers/&usg=__pILFrB73lhtDs99xy7HPIR_rjPM=&h=330&w=500&sz=49&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=S1xg6ckKuYdaOM:&tbnh=157&tbnw=224&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bbirds%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1322%26bih%3D774%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=302&vpy=481&dur=874&hovh=182&hovw=276&tx=98&ty=178&ei=DJcLTc_DFsP38AbWs8TTDQ&oei=DJcLTc_DFsP38AbWs8TTDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0
Personality: sweet, calm, shy and loves to be outdoors. she is very lady-like and seems like she is afraid of even her own shadow. because of this people challenge her a lot to fights. she backs down constently because she doesn't want to hurt anyone with her abilities. but be carefull around her. despite her appearence she is an often deadly opponent and will do anything to protect her friends.
Ability: she can controll energy. not like light really but pure energy. ex: create stars and throw them as a weapon, absorb other people's energy (this is what she is afraid of happening), create weapons out of energy from nature and so on.
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[quote name='Sondance' timestamp='1292568503' post='4858814']
Name: Sondance Graves
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She is really outgoing and random. Loves Puppies.
Ability:She can manipulate Fire.

Sondance-chan!! :D

[b]Name:[/b] Naxamt
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Gender:[/b] M
[spoiler=Picture:] [img]http://imgcache.ktxp.com/attachment/Mon_0709/140_117690_4902c54ad80ffb6.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
[b]Personality:[/b] Loose-going, but takes things seriously when appropriate. Always up for excitement, whether it's legal or not. However, he [i]is[/i] a good person, at heart.
[b]Ability:[/b] Can teleport, but only to (1) places within reach, (2) places he's been to before, or (3) common places (such as a town square, a store, etc.).

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[quote name='Sondance' timestamp='1292568503' post='4858814']
Name: Sondance Graves
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She is really outgoing and random. Loves Puppies.
Ability:She can manipulate Fire.

Hey Son, You'll be in Room 16B

[quote name='techi' timestamp='1292569314' post='4858826']
Picture: [IMG]http://i1011.photobucket.com/albums/af233/techigogin/hqdefault.jpg[/IMG]
Personality: Deamon's personality changes... sometimes in a good mood, he is happy and quite, sometimes in a bad mood, he is pissed and loud. You might be thinking 'Well, isn't that everyone?' he goes from good mood too bad mood for no true reason (most of the time)
Ability:Can transfrom into a "Demon". It is strong and its body is covered in a dark armer made of tough bone. It stands 8 feet tall and can grow black bat wings. It does not talk or show emotion. It seems too have a mind of its own and doesn't seem too hear others(No control over this power... Seems too be emotionally driven and it thrives too accomplish what Deamon wanted just before he transformed).

You'll be in Room 17A

[quote name='Obsidan' timestamp='1292578340' post='4858911']
Name: Reika Casterwill
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: Reika tries to help everyone, and is overly cheerful at all times. When she is sad (rare) se is silent, and when she does talk, an angry tone accompanies her.
Ability: She can control animals. Animal under her control grow to large proportions, larger than most of their specis. Whilst in control of an animal, she can see through it's eyes, and use it's senses. Only lasts about 5-7 minutes.

Room 18B

[quote name='Otaku-sama' timestamp='1292588035' post='4858992']

Please post am App, so we can see your info, thank you.

[quote name='Lerahk174' timestamp='1292595111' post='4859073']
Name: Vagner Gericov
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Picture: [img]http://i639.photobucket.com/albums/uu113/starcuttie/Anime%20boys/AnimeGuy1.jpg[/img] (ignor the word in the centre)
Personality: Very laid back, and enjoys fighting. He doesn't always start them, but will always be part of them. He is also a bit defencive about his lite, almost un-noticable, Russian accent.
Ability: He has an ability to cause sonic shockwaves from his hands and feet, increasing speen, jump height, punching power, and can shoot them across rooms. This power does have its drawbacks, as he can temporaraly defen himself whilst clapping.

Room 19A

[quote name='ANBU' timestamp='1292596706' post='4859092']
Name: Kazuya

Age: 15

Gender: male

[spoiler=Picture:] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs28/i/2008/046/3/5/The_Cold_Fire_by_little33cat.jpg[/img](hair black, eyes more of a yellowish color)[/spoiler]

Personality: Kazuya is usually calm & quiet around most he doesn't know only talking to them if he needs to talk to them or to find if he can trust them, often looking bored when he moves, having been bored of most stuff that doesn't include battles in which his personality changes drastically going from calm to being thought of as on the edge of lunacy as he goes from bored to excited often playing around with those he fights even to the point where when bored he may try to play mind games to get a person he doesn't trust to fight them, his movement while fighting seeming unorthodox and random. While with those he trusts and not battling Kazuya is usually kind, making sure they're OK if there's been a battle nearby and if they're hurt often attempting to avenge them, while avenging some his lunacy seems less like lunacy and a more serious side appears to his battle style as his movements become more calculated the look on his face not one of lunacy he gets when excited by battle but one of nearly pure rage his voice becoming slightly darker as another personality takes him over altogether, those in the way of him on a run of vengeance would often be left in fear of that side of him.

Ability: The ability to control Light, able to create a small amount from his hands and manipulate the light around him, if in enough light he can concentrate the light into a single shape which will not only cast a more powerful light through the area it's in is also solid able to interact with physical objects, while using this ability his lights glow/flash to more of a yellow color and glow as if a torch was on behind them. whilst outside in full daylight the amount of objects he can create would be almost infinite but are limited to his imagination also disappearing as it grows darker having less light able to give it form and shape, creating larger objects drains him greatly and often gives him a need to rest for at least half an hour before being able to focus light into a solid shape properly, smaller shapes draining him slowly able to be used over an extended time, while battling using these powers he often forms them into non-lethal objects aiming to hurt the opponent not kill them however will advance to lethal weapons if struck with and object that is easily capable of deadly force, his light being stronger than metal in daylight but very weak in the moonlight only being able to form small amounts of light from it.

(idk.. maybe i went a little overboard on the personality lol.. if my light control is OP ill change it to simple manipulation)

Room 20A

[quote name='GrandRaine' timestamp='1292603390' post='4859230']
Name: Cypher Raines

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Personality: He is very care-free and rarely gets serious unless in the most pressing of situations. He is also very intelligent with a measured IQ of 151 but rarely applies him self giving the excuse, "Its not worth my time". He dislikes quite, peace, and cohesiveness thus he tries cause situations using his ability and his charisma. He tends not to take sides but to either watch or help which ever side is losing to prolong the situation. He tends to hang around a select group of people he finds interesting.

Ability: He has the ability to cause illusions in multiple ways. One of the most common is he effects the Occipital Lobe of the targets mind so that he can manipulate what they see however this effect is reduced depending on the targets mind strength. This is best used during one on one encounters. Another one is controlling the air and light in the area to cause illusions that can effect large audiences, this is generally weaker than the mind illusions but very useful. Combining these his martial art is his combat strength. (I might add other ways of causing illusions as we progress)

Room 21A

[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1292604499' post='4859260']
Name: Aran Z. Shiranai

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Picture: [spoiler=Blue Hair ftw][img]http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae250/BlaziaDragon/Anime%20Boy/Goth_Anime_Boy_answer_6_xlarge.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Personality: Aran is a lazy guy. He would much rather be lying up against a wall than anything else. The only thing he would rather be doing is rock climbing, which he has taken an extreme like for. He never tries to say anything to make anyone feel bad, although he might do just that. Accidentally, of course. He typically has a smirk on his face, or has no expression. He is quite sarcastic. He also seems to be troubled by Vacuum Cleaners.

Ability: Hazing. He can, at will, turn completely into a Haze or Mist form, suspended in mid-air. This can be used as sort of a Smoke Grenade, for he can explode to cause it to have a larger effect. This also allows him to float around without anyone knowing he is there. He cannot be hit by projectiles, punches, ect. while in this form. While he can keep himself from blowing away from harsh wind, this will prevent him from moving. Best Used for Stealth, cover of Allies, and Infiltration. He has been experimenting with his power, to try to see if he can turn himself completely invisible. He has had moderate success, although he hasn't done it completely yet.

Room 22A

[quote name='.:Fader:.' timestamp='1292604693' post='4859263']
Name: Ryo Crow
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Ryo is a genius, While the rest of the kids were doing their multiplication tables, he was doing Calculus. He likes to read, mostly books he steals. He rebels most rules. He is kind of annoying to people, mostly because he leaves them looking stupid. He's is very manipulative, but people dont know it. He is attractive, he has many friends, but not true friends, and has had many girlfriends, but never went very serious.
Ability: The ability of minor telekenisis, this includes, minor mind reading, and moving objects with his mind for a given period of time.

Room 23A

[quote name='Auralady' timestamp='1292605055' post='4859272']
Name: Starla Haruti
Age: 18
Picture: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/cool-wallpapers/anime-wallpapers.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/inspiration/50-great-sites-to-download-free-cool-wallpapers/&usg=__pILFrB73lhtDs99xy7HPIR_rjPM=&h=330&w=500&sz=49&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=S1xg6ckKuYdaOM:&tbnh=157&tbnw=224&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bbirds%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1322%26bih%3D774%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=302&vpy=481&dur=874&hovh=182&hovw=276&tx=98&ty=178&ei=DJcLTc_DFsP38AbWs8TTDQ&oei=DJcLTc_DFsP38AbWs8TTDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0
Personality: sweet, calm, shy and loves to be outdoors. she is very lady-like and seems like she is afraid of even her own shadow. because of this people challenge her a lot to fights. she backs down constently because she doesn't want to hurt anyone with her abilities. but be carefull around her. despite her appearence she is an often deadly opponent and will do anything to protect her friends.
Ability: she can controll energy. not like light really but pure energy. ex: create stars and throw them as a weapon, absorb other people's energy (this is what she is afraid of happening), create weapons out of energy from nature and so on.

Room 24B

And just to let everyone know, Dorm A is the boy rooms, and dorm B is Girls dorm.
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Name: Saiyu Mamoru

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Personality: Saiyu is outgoing, fun and a really unique individual. She doesn't like doing things by the book, always trying to find some new way to do something. She's observent, though not very good at with the small details prefering to look at the big picture. Loyal to friends, and exeedingly clumsy. It's thought that she suffers from ADD, but really she just has so much energy. Most have attributed it to the fact that her powers of electricity gives her an abundant amount. Dispite her power she has a problem with thunderstorms, but loves going out into the rain.

Ability: Electricity Manimulation. At the moment she cannot create electricity but since waking up she had been experimenting with her powers. As long as she's near a source she can pull it to her, and the closer to the source she is the stronger the lightening. Other things she has found out is that by using the lightening, she can numb her body to pain but once it wears off all of the pain comes back.
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