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150th post, Machine Archetype Contest!


Creativity and fun check  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Which archetype held the most creativity?

    • Vehicroid
    • Machina
    • Cyber
    • Ancient Gear
  2. 2. For contestants: which archetype did you have the most fun on?

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As I am finally a 3 star member, I will host a contest on Machine-type archetypes! If you like Machines, then you should join.



1. No spamming, trolling, etc.

2. I will be the only judge.

3. Overdue posts will be declined and eliminated.

4. There is a 20 point entry fee (but extra additions to the pot are appreciated).

5. No real life pictures.

6. No stealing cards.

7. No written or joke cards.



The tasks and results will be posted as soon as I can. There will be 4 different archetypes, one for each round. The first round, 3 people will be eliminated, the second round, 3 people will be eliminated, in the third round, 2 people will be eliminated, and the fourth and final round will be a 1-on-1 with the remaining 2. Requirements (e.g. level, spell/trap, etc.) will be posted with each task.



1st Place: 50% of pot +3 reps

2nd Place: 30% of pot +2 reps

3rd Place: 10% of pot + 1 rep



1. snowyash07

2. Metagross386

3. dogfish44

4. Hila Equitatus Inflectus

5. Thermatic

6. MysteryBanjoMan !WINNER!

7. .:Blu:.

8. War Chess

9. Evil Hero Neos

10. ~Shadow of Alpha~ DROP OUT

POT: 1000

Anyone who donates 50 or more points to the pot will get +1 rep!

[spoiler=Task 1]You're first task is to create a new Vehicroid support monster. Vehicroids are very flexible, from destroying face-downs, to trample damage, to direct attacks. That leaves plenty of room for creativity! The maximum level is 6, and NO TUNERS. Spells and Traps are not accepted, only monsters. It does not have to be a new Vehicroid, just maybe a support. But either are fine. For the rating, the Picture will be out of 2, OCG out of 3, Creativity and Effect out of 3, and Balance out of 2. Now get to work! The due date is December 23.


[spoiler=Task 1 results]

1st: MysteryBanjoMan

Pic: 1.8 / OCG: 3 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 1.8 / Total: 9.5

This card is great! I suppose there has to be someone behind those roids. Not only did it support, it was it's own roid as well. Good balance, it was weak, but had a good effect.

2nd: .:Blu:.

Pic: 1.9 / OCG: 2.4 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 2 / Total: 9.2

This is another hybrid. Roid support and is still it's own roid. I liked the general effect, the picture fit with the name and effect, and you do deserve second place. Kudos to you!

2nd: Metagross386

Pic: 1.6 / OCG: 3 / Creativity and Effect: 2.7 / Balance: 1.9 / Total: 9.2

About time the roids got a Beastking of the Swamps for themselves. A great card, I'd use it if I had any roid fusions to use it for, and it's a great addition to the roid world.

4th: War Chess

Pic: 1.5 / OCG: 3 / Creativity and Effect: 2.7 / Balance: 1.9 / Total: 9.1

Quite... odd. I wouldn't ever think of a lobster driller as one of the entries. Looks more like a hermit crab to me, though. Also, why is it a Spellcaster? But on the positive side, creative (on the weird side), flawless OCG, and a great card overall.

5th: Hila Equitatus Inflectus

Pic: 1.6 / OCG: 2.6 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 1.8 / Total: 8.8

Clamproid is a good card overall. It looks like an iron, rather than a clamp, though. Anyways, I think it's just a tad UP, but better UP than OP. A good, creative effect and addition to the roids.

5th: EHN.inc

Pic: 1.8 / OCG: 2.5 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 1.7 / Total: 8.8

It's like Jetroids brother, and I'm glad you paid attention to that fact, bringing up Jetroid in the effect. I'll keep you guessing for the OCG, but the card is pretty good and a nice balance.

7th: dogfish44

Pic: 1.6 / OCG: 2.6 / Creativity and Effect: 2.7 / Balance: 1.8 / Total: 8.7

Ooh! Just enough to make it to the next round! Anyways, you deserve to be there. I think the card is good, and I would use it if it existed - with a perfection to the OCG, of course. I won't tell you about errors, just about stuff you did well, so I will say that this is another one of those cards that were very well made and original.

8th: Thermatic

Pic: 1.5 / OCG: 2.8 / Creativity and Effect: 2.7 / Balance: 1.6 / Total: 8.6

In my opinion, your old picture was better than the latter one, and that cost you a few decimals. The effect was very good, though! I wish I had that card to use in my deck, since I'm a fan of roids (well, duh). Sorry you didn't make it to the next round; I'd love to see more from you.

9th: snowyash07

Pic: 1.9 / OCG: 2 / Creativity and Effect: 2.5 / Balance: 2 / Total: 8.4

I liked the picture and a great effect! But - you lost major points on the OCG. I think a tank is a great addition to the roids, and a great - actually perfect - balance. I enjoyed looking at that card, and I can see you put a lot of effort into the picture. You have lots of potential.

10th: ~Shadow of Alpha~ DROP OUT



[spoiler=Task 2] Second round, second archetype. This one is Machina! Machinas focus on getting other Machinas to your hand or to the field, so you can swarm your opponent. The maximum level is 8, spells are allowed, but NO TRAPS. No tuners, but unions are allowed. It does not have to be support, but if it isn't, it cn be a new Machina. For the rating, the Picture will be out of 2, OCG out of 3, Creativity and Effect out of 3, and Balance out of 2. Same as last time. Get to work! The due date is December 27!


[spoiler=Task 2 results]

1st: MysteryBanjoMan

Pic: 2 / OCG: 3 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 2 / Total: 9.8

Would you believe it - first again! Almost perfect, maybe a bit more OOMPH in the effect. Otherwise, great job, I hope your streak loosens up, though, so other guys can take the spotlight. :P Just kidding. Keep up all the hard work!

2nd: .:Blu:.

Pic: 2 / OCG: 2.9 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 1.9 / Total: 9.6

Incredible card. Really was a powerhouse! A big brute of a card with lots of creativity packed into the mix. This card has a perfectly fitting picture, and a great card overall. I like the fact that the unnoticed "3 tributes" effect was brought back.

3rd: Hila Equitatus Inflectus

Pic: 1.8 / OCG: 2.9 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 1.8 / Total: 9.4

I like that many entries were supports and their own Machina's at the same time, actually, ALL of them were, but you put the idea to good use with it's effect. Not many cards have dice listed in the effects, even though they add to creativity. You did that, though, and I congratulate you on your work.

4th: dogfish44

Pic: 1.7 / OCG: 2.7 / Creativity and Effect: 3 / Balance: 1.9 / Total: 9.3

I like the fact that you put a bodyguard to the Machina world. Like Allure Queens, most other archetypes could use some protection. I usually end up having my Commander Covington killed before I can summon my Machina Force. I'd use this card!

5th: EHN.inc

Pic: 1.8 / OCG: 2.7 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 1.8 / Total: 9.2

A good "Relinquished" machine, although I wish it had a drawback, other than just the "until the end phase" thing. Still, a good card, I'd use it if it existed. I hope I can see more of your talent in the future!

5th: War Chess

Pic: 1.8 / OCG: 2.9 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 1.7 / Total: 9.2

Can you believe that not even a 9.2 could get you to the final round? I like the idea of a Union, though, but it should say "Union" after the type. I'm glad someone made a Union, though, and a good one at that. Well done, overall.

5th: Metagross386

Pic: 1.9 / OCG: 2.4 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 2 / Total: 9.2

I like how you made a Synchro, and among few others, a well balanced one. I think you lost the most points on the OCG, but that's okay! Every other aspect of that card is great!



[spoiler=Task 3]Task 3, the second last one, will focus on Cybers, like Cyber Dragon, Cyber End Dragon, etc. Now listen up! The card must have an effect that does not allow it to be normal summoned or set and have "Cyber" in it's name, if it's a monster, or, a spell or trap that either supports or special summons Cyber cards. Fusions, as an idea, will be greatly appreciated. Maximum level 10 (lots of room here!), no tuners or synchros. It does not have to be a machine, but it must fit the requirements. Keep up the good work, the due date is December 30!


In this link, look at Cyber Dragons, or Chimeratech monsters (no cyber ogres!)

[spoiler=Task 3 results]

1st: .:Blu:.

Pic: 2 / OCG: 3 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 1.9 / Total: 9.7

A great card in total, I would use it in my deck! I like the idea of putting a defensive cyber, an offensive cyber, and the original cyber together in a fusion. Great pic, nice balance and I think this could be a real card one day. It - and you - has potential! Great job!

1st: MysteryBanjoMan

Pic: 1.9 / OCG: 3 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 1.9 / Total: 9.7

Once again, the OCG master rises to the top. A great idea of a card, I like the picture and it's an awesome support card! A good choice of effect mixes make it a good balance, if maybe 0.01% OP'ed. I'm glad you made it to the final round - I love seeing your creativity.

3rd: Hila Equitatus Inflectus

Pic: 1.9 / OCG: 2.8 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 2 / Total: 9.5

I was surprised at how good non-machines can support machines when I saw this card. I love the idea of bringing tokens to the field, and it doesn't seem OP'ed or UP'ed. A great card in total, I would use it if it existed. I hope I can see more great cards from you in the future!

4th: dogfish44

Pic: 1.8 / OCG: 2.6 / Creativity and Effect: 2.8 / Balance: 2 / Total: 9

I'm glad some people worked hard at their cards, and it's obvious that you did. It looks like a lot of thought went into that effect, and I love the new "0 monsters" thing. Not a brought back effect, but as far as I know, a new one altogether. A great new defensive cyber!



[spoiler=Task 4]The final archetype is Ancient Gears! This archetype focuses on shutting down opponent's traps during their battle phase for an all out, non-protectable attack. Some cards have bonuses like trample damage and direct damage, so as long as the negation effect is there, anything else can be added, and it's in as an Ancient Gear! However, Ancient gears, unless they're Golem or Gadjiltron Dragon or Gadjiltron Chimera or Beast, they are somewhat weak. Try comparing Engineer to a card like Exarion Universe. Anyways, spells are allowed, but they MUST be equip spells or field spells that somehow help the ancient gears, NO TRAPS, no tuners, fusions, or unions, and the maximum level is 6. Your card must have "Ancient Gear" in it's name and support as well. The due date is January 1st, so get to work![spoiler=Info]http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Gears

[spoiler=Task 4 results]Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... the winner of 500 points!

[spoiler=Are you ready?]All contestants worked their butts off in this heated contest, but only 1 will emerge victorious!

[spoiler=Here we go...]The winner, with a rating of Pic: 1.8 / OCG: 2.9 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 2 / Total: 9.6, beating a 2nd place man with a rating of Pic: 2 / OCG: 2.8 / Creativity and Effect: 2.9 / Balance: 1.8 / Total: 9.5, our winner...

[spoiler=The winner...][spoiler=is...]MysteryBanjoMan!

Great use of the multiple choice effect, and a creative punch with tokens! Keeping the general effect and strength of an Ancient Gear! A great card, nice name, and congratulations on your win of 500 points!


And in second place: .:Blu:.!

A nice geary picture and a great addition to the Ancient Gears! I think you did a beautiful job incorporating many different effect types into that card while keeping to the contest rules! Excellent card!







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