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The first one to post here will face me in an 1vs.1...Winner after 5 votes gets a rep.Challenger names the requirements.Requirements: Make a set of 3 "LV" monsters.To vote, you must provide a valid reason for picking one set of cards over the other, or your vote will not count.Good luck![spoiler= Hila Equitatus Inflectus's Cards]302788q.jpgOnce per turn you can select 1 monster on the field. Reduce it's ATK and DEF by 500 until the End Phase and it's Battle Position Changed. Once per turn you can equip 1 monster you control to this card.It is treated as an equip card and placed in your Spell and Trap card zone until your next Standby Phase. Increase this cards ATK by half the orignal ATK of the equipped monster -500. If this card is destroyed retunr the equip monster to it's owners side of the field. During your Standby Phase, by discarding 1 card from oyur hand to the Graveyard and tributing this face up card, you can Special Summon 1 "Spirit Chain LV5" from your hand or deck.302788z.jpgThis card can only be Special Summoned with the effect of Spirit Chain LV 5". Once per turn you can select 1 monster on the field. Its ATK and DEF is halved until the End Phase and it's Battle position is changed. Once per turn you can select 1 other monster on the field. It is treated as an equip card and placed in your Spell and Trap card zone until your next Standby Phase. Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by half the original ATK and DEF of the equip monster. If this cards is destroyed, the equip monster is also destroyed. During your Standby Phase, by discarding 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard and tributing this face up monster Special Summon 1 "Spirit Chain LV7" from your hand or deck.302788e.jpgThis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned with the effect of "Spirit Chain LV5". Once per turn you can select 1 monster on your opponents side of the field. Switch it's battle position. It's ATK and DEF become 0 until the End Phase. Once per turn you can select 1 other monster on the field. It is treated as an equip card and placed in your Spell and Trap card zone until your next Standby Phase. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the equip monsters ATK and DEF. If this card were to be destroyed destroy the equip monster instead.

[spoiler=My Cards]252848.jpgWhen this card is Summoned, select 1 empty card zone on your oponent's side of the field. When a card is placed in the selected zone, you can send this card to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Wicked Dragon LV7" from your hand or Deck. This card cannot be destroyed by battle.252848.jpgThis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Wicked Dragon LV4" or "Wicked Dragon LV10". When this card is Summoned, select 1 card zone on your opponent's side of the field. As long as there is a card in the selected zone, this card cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects.252848.jpgThis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 face-up "Wicked Dragon LV7" you control. When this card is Special Summoned, select up to 2 card zones on your opponent's side of the field. Destroy any card in these zones. These zones cannot be used as long as this card is in face-up attack position on your side of the field. This card cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects. When this card is removed from the field, remove it from play. You can return this removed from play card to your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Wicked Dragon" monster from your Deck. Then send, from your Deck to the Graveyard, a number of cards equal to the Level of the Summoned monster.

Image credit for my cards goes to Jazin Kay.

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Hila gets my vote. the requirements were Lvl 3 AND YOU MADE A LEVEL 4, 7, AND 10

Not 3, 5, 7


This isn't a valid vote because the requirements were to make a set of 3 Level monsters, not 3 Level monsters that use Level 3, 5 7...


Hila's cards have an interesting idea, but there are OCG errors everywhere...


Level 3:

Reduce = Decrease

Battle Position Changed = change its Battle Position

-500 part... = It's incorrect, though as of now, I don't know what it should be

retunr = return

oyur = your

discarding from your Hand to the Graveyard = discarding (the rest is not necessary)

tributing = Tributing

deck = Deck


Level 5:

Its ATK and DEF is halved = Halve the selected monster's ATK and DEF

equip card - Where does it equip to? It's not specified...

equip monster = equipped monster


level 7:

one monster on your opponent's side of the field = one monster your opponent controls

Once again, it does not specify to what it equips to...


On the other hand, it would be hard to be an attacker using Sotos' cards. However, they have nice ideas, and they create an original, creative, and balanced way of blocking Card Zones.


Though both sets are creative, Sotos gets my vote for not having as many OCG errors.


Also, on a side note, 2/3 of Hila's cards use pictures from existing cards...




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