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Some Stuff about the Evolution of Species

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[color="#FF8C00"][b]原始の生活 - 起源細胞
Genshi no Seikatsu - Kigen Saibō
Primordial Life - Origin Cell
WATER/Level 1/Aqua-Effect
If this card was Special Summoned, you can tribute it to Special Summon either of "Vital Spirit - Marine Soul", "Vital Spirit - Airborn Mind" or "Vital Spirit - Terrenal Body" from your Deck in ATK position.

[b]重要なスピリット - 海洋ソウル
Jūyōna Supiritto - Kaiyō Souru
Vital Spirit - Marine Soul
WATER/Level 3/Fish-Effect
When this card is Normal Summoned, if "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" is in your Graveyard, shuffle 1 "Vital Spirit" monster from your Graveyard into your Deck. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard add a "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" from your Graveyard to your hand.

[b]重要なスピリット - 地上のボディ
Jūyōna Supiritto - Chijō no Bodi
Vital Spirit - Terrenal Body
EARTH/Level 4/Rock-Effect
If this card is Special Summoned its original DEF becomes 2100. When this card is destroyed by a card's effect and "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" is in your Graveyard, select 1 face-up monsters your opponent controls and flip-them face-down.

[b]重要なスピリット - エアボーンマインド
Jūyōna Supiritto - Eabōnmaindo
Vital Spirit - Airborn Mind
WIND/Level 2/Fairy-Effect
When this card is Normal Summoned and "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" is in your Graveyard, destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card. When this card is destroyed by a card's effect and sent to the Graveyard add a "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" from your Graveyard to your hand.

[b]原始の力 - エアボーンタイタン
Genshi no Chikara - Eabōntaitan
Primordial Force - Airborn Titan
WIND/Level 6/Fairy-Effect
If you Tribute Summon this card, the Tribute must be a "Primordial Life" or "Vital Spirit" monster. Once per turn, if "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" is in your Graveyard, you can select 1 card on the field and return it to its owner's hand.

[b]原始の力 - 地上のタイタン
Genshi no Chikara - Chijō no Taitan
Primordial Force - Terrenal Titan
EARTH/Level 6/Beast Warrior-Effect
If you Tribute Summon this card, the Tribute must be a "Primordial Life" or "Vital Spirit" monster. Once per turn, if "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" is in your Graveyard, you can destroy 1 face-down card on the field.

[b]原始の力 - 海洋タイタン
Genshi no Chikara - Kaiyō Taitan
Primordial Force - Marine Titan
WATER/Level 6/Sea Serpent-Effect
If you Tribute Summon this card, the Tribute must be a "Primordial Life" or "Vital Spirit" monster. Once per turn, if "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" is in your Graveyard, you can draw 1 card.
Tane no Kigen
Origin of the Species
Normal Spell Card[/b]
Special Summon 1 "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" from your hand or Graveyard.

Sentaku-Teki Shinka
Selective Evolution
Normal Spell Card[/b]
Send 1 "Primordial Life" or 1 "Vital Spirit" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Add a "Primordial Force" monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.[/color]

Genshi Shinka
Primordial Evolution
Continous Trap Card[/b]
When a "Vital Spirit" monster is destroyed by Battle and sent to the Graveyard while at least 1 "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" is in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Promordial Force" monster with the same atributte from your Deck. You can tribute this face-up card to add a "Primordial Life - Origin Cell" from your Graveyard to your hand.[/color]

Saibō Bunretsu no Gensho Shōmei
Primordial Lighting of Cell Division
Normal Trap Card[/b]
Destroy 1 "Primordial Life - Origin Cell". Special Summon 2 "Vital Spirit" monsters from your Graveyard.[/color]
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