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Avatar: TLAB(OOC Thread- Started/Acceping)Owned: Hotaru987


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[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1292640885' post='4860522']
He'll be the one to chain her down.
How arousing.

... This story is pretty damn bleak. >_>

Can someone hurry up and save the girl already?

On a completely unrelated note:

[spoiler=lawl moar water benders]Name: Saemi Tsao

Age: 10 (lol, rules. >_>)

Appearance: Short in stature, blue in eyes, fair skinned for a water bender. Her long brown hair is easily her most recognizable feature, extending to about the length of her thigh. Average build to her. She typically dresses in traditional water bender clothes. Her pleasant face is almost always smiling.

Visual Aid: [spoiler=image][img]http://imgur.com/Rgx47.png[/img][/spoiler]

Personality: Typically a chipper, happy, and overly upbeat young child. She wears her emotions on her sleeve, emoting profusely. Ecstatic and full of joy and the smallest of victories, heartbroken at hurt at the most minor of annoyances. It is seldom to see her mad, however she dislikes fire benders, regardless of their personalities or any history she may have had with them.

Bender?: Water bender. However, she has no skill or strength in terms of water bending. She is strictly a healer.

Nation?: Water. Currently living in the Earth Kingdom City of Omashu.

Weapon: Lol


Saemi was born in the Northern Water tribe, under the time of a great strife. The Fire Nation had planned an invasion on the North. While the tribe mostly repelled the attack, that didn't mean they couldn't manage to take a few civilians, prisoners of war. Saemi happend to be in the wrong place and the wrong time, taken by enemy forces.

But the refugees got free, eventually. An Earth Kingdom raid near Omashu and all the prisoners were set free, but out charming young lady was left without much. Miles and miles from home, no idea of the fate of her parents, and no family to love her.

However, she did make a quick connection with a certain water bender. He promised to help her out, once he finished business in the Fire Nation. But thats another story.

Living in the city of Omashu, she attracted a load of attention when she healed a man afflicted with the deadly Pentapox. A rarity, one who could heal and ease stress with such skill and with such ease as if it were nothing, she quickly became an invaluable asset to the city, and it's war time efforts.

However, there are rumours abound that things are not quite as they appear...

Avatar's Teacher?: Lol

How did you meet the Avatar: She'll meet the Avatar in the [b]eighty second![/b] post of the RP.[/spoiler]
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But I mean the avatar just happened to be the fire lords daughter, who just happened to be trying to tak over the world, and just happened to be a bastard father.

So yeah.......Wow....This is a bleak story....

Anyway, 3.....2.....1..

GGGAAHHHHH!!! THE CUTENESS!!! ACCEPTED! *The power of cuteness rules all!!*

OMG BLU!!!.....YOUR CHARACTER IS EVIL!!....And apparently so am I...Because I actually found that very hilarious....
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....I kinda did....Which would be terrible...And the story is steadily becoming bleaker -_-

Also WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER GOOD PEOPLE!?! They are kind of important to the plot, especially now!

By the way, awesome posting Ketodama, and everyone for that matter. Now if more than just the bad guys can post now.....

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I could potentially have Akihana somehow manage to make Akuanzaku pull a heel-face turn if the other good guys don't show up...or I could just have her pull of some shock and awe tactics to grab Izaria and get her the hell out of there.

And if you want bleak, just wait until I've got Akuanzaku planning the assault on Omashu!
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....Kin....Puching people....Smacking people....Collecting money.....Threating girls to get naked....And burning down houses and dead fathers and selling daughters......Evilness....But Awesomeness at the same time....As well as hilariousness....

@Ketodama: ...You...are....awesome....
And that may have to be necessary if they dont post by tomorrow. I like to give people a chance to post. Something may have come up so...*sighs*
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