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Avatar: TLAB(OOC Thread- Started/Acceping)Owned: Hotaru987


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§îl¥€®, you mind changing your post? Kin knows earthbending but no one besides himself knows about it so there's no way you can know he is an earth bender. Also, the only way you'll probably hear about Kin is by the citizens of Guangshang who speaks quite frequently about his evil reputation.

EDIT: Actually you don't need to change anything, Kin is well known to be braggy about things and so you can probably hear it from people that Kin knows earth bending.
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[quote name='.:Blu:.' timestamp='1294963553' post='4933016']
§îl¥€®, you mind changing your post? Kin knows earthbending but no one besides himself knows about it so there's no way you can know he is an earth bender. Also, the only way you'll probably hear about Kin is by the citizens of Guangshang who speaks quite frequently about his evil reputation.

EDIT: Actually you don't need to change anything, Kin is well known to be braggy about things and so you can probably hear it from people that Kin knows earth bending.

Hmm...maybe Yun is drinking pals with Wan Shi Tong and gained her information that way? You never know, it could happen. XD
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As the story goes along I will be updating on the villages, and cities on the map.

At the moment the Fire nation city of [b]Shingue[/b] is the city northwest of the main capital, as well as the closest to the location of the avatar. Named after a famed Great Sage of the fire temple. It's about a [b]day's[/b] travel from the main capital by [b]walking[/b], and thats with absolutely no detures.

So Blu you would get there in half the time.
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Guys my computer is broken right now. There is a crack on the inside of the screen, and I won't be able to get it fixed until tuseday. Hopefully ,ill be able to get a loner, but of not then I don't know when ima be able to get on. I'm on my brothers phone right now and his keypad is so friggen sensitive its annoying. But anyway, I'm really sort about this. I'll do my beat to post even if I have to use my brothers phone nut for now...yeah...well talk to you guys later.
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Age: 18
Appearance: [url]http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs23/f/2007/361/5/f/Chyuta_absorbed_by_Rage_by_shiroifushicho.jpg[/url]
Personality:Akria is mature, composed, logical, sophisticated, and intelligent. He is also relatively level-headed in terms of how to fight, stating that if one's excuse for a battle is to fight out of hatred, prejudice, or simple competition, then it is merely instinctual and animalistic, and that it makes the challenger look "childish," "unworthy," and "not much of a warrior" Akira is somewhat pacifistic he despised engaging in combat , unless it involves self-defense and protecting those dear to his heart. He refuses to finish off weaker or injured opponents, and will stop fighting them once they've been disabled or incapacitated.
Bender?:Air and Sound
Weapon: none
Bio: Akria was born and raised in the Nothern Air Temple upon reaching the age of 10 he left the temple after his fathers disapparence to live with his mother in the Western Air Temple. Each day he would train to become as strong as his father upon training the Mother Superior saw his potential and decieded to teach him the advanced Soundbending. Amazed at how quickly he use soundbending the Mother Superior told him that he could one day become a great High Monk if he trained. Thrilled about what she said he ran outside the temple to find where his mother was upon reaching the area he notice that the surroundings were burned. A moment later he heard his mother's scream he rushed to find his mother being taken away by fire nation troops. Enraged he attacked the troops nearly getting killed in the process until other monks came to save him. Days later he left the temple in find his mother and figure out what happened to his father.
Avatar's Teacher?:No
How did you meet the Avatar: N/A

[spoiler=Rp Samle]
“Why are you gasping, did I tell you that you could breathe, pea brain?”

If there was one thing that Raian Ametashi hated more than being yelled at by his commanding officer, it was being yelled at by his older brother who was in fact said commanding officer. The man looked up into his older brother’s eyes; the darkness that he saw there was enough to make even the best firebenders turn away in fear. Aivan barely seemed to register the little four-year difference in age between them. While he, the youngest son, was coming of age at twenty, Aivan thought himself a courageous leader at only twenty-four. It was strange that three years had already passed since his return, since Ankita’s death.

An angry looking face appeared in his vision, distracting him for only an instant. It looked like a koi fish at first, his brother’s mustache resembling whiskers. Raian freaked and sucked in a deep breath. Doing so was a bad idea as it caused him to release his grip on the bars. Raian rolled to the side as he fell, barely missing the spikes that were popping out of the ground below him. Almost as soon as he stood up, Aivan was in his face.

“Stop daydreaming, Pixie! Resume your position!”

The taunt was a low hit, but one that was expected. Aivan loved to make fun of Raian’s choice in men over women in romance situations. Raian gritted his teeth at his brother and did as he was told. He leaned over the pit full of sharp spikes, gripping one set of bars on one side and keeping his feet on the other side. This was what his brother called training. Unfortunately, the younger man knew the truth. Aivan wanted him to get hurt because he was jealous.

Somehow, though he was the new outcast of the family, he had also been blessed with the good looks. His skin was tanned the color of tree bark with his face as smooth as a leaf. His raven black hair he kept short for fear of getting it burned off. It was shaved all the way to his ears. Unlike the rest of his family, his eyes were a kindly brown. They shone when he smiled, complementing his every emotion. When he was angry or sad, they looked like darkness, forever trapped in marbles. The only marred part of his features was the angry red scar that covered his entire back. When looked at closely, you could see the beginning at the bottom of his spine and then follow the ripple effect across the entire bag. It continued onto his neck in a vine looking streak, but stopped there.
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Yes it is.

I just had some computer problems so I couldn't post for the past three or four days. I'm about to post now, and my computer is going to be worked on friday, but im going to get a loner laptop tomorrow(hopefully)

TitanKing: There is one thing I cannot accept in your app, and thats the fact that you are a Soundbender. Only Master Air Benders can be sound benders, and only the avatar teachers are master benders. If you take that out then I can accept your app. Sorry for the inconvience.
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Alright, I think it's time we replaced TitanKing's and KakkonWolf's characters. It has been forever since KakkonWolf last posted and TitanKing never posted at all. The only reason I'm saying this is because TitanKing has control over the Water Master; if this keeps going as is, Izaria might never have a Water Master. Maybe we could promote Pika's Saemi Tsao to Water Master?
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Well, right now the whole Fire Nation is stacked up against Izaria, Sun, and Akuzanka, is is not? I don't want to have Saemi join the group right now, just in preparation for the future. And also, if we knock off Kakkon and TitanKing's characters, we'll have only the bare minimum of "buddies" for the Avatar...except, there is also Sun...but every Avatar team needs a Sokka character, right?
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TitanKing has spoken to me about why he hasn't been posting - but I have told him that he should post at least once to introduce the character. As for Kakkon_Wolf, His characters aren't in the RP anymore - I guess I should removed them from the list - thought Titan King has said he wanted to occupy one of the slots for the avatar's team.

Lauryn is another who hasn't been posting. She's the lieutenant for Akuanzaku's fleet, but she's been MIA for a while as well.

Though it would be funny to see Izaria learning waterbending from a 9 year old. So if TitanKing is still this way by time we get to her, I will allow her to become Izaria's master. Simply because it will be awesome to have a kickass 9 year old, and to help the plot along....But mostly for the first reason lol.
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