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Giftorium | An Uplifting Super Power Academy RP | Saga 1: Entering Giftorium | (Started/Accepting Again!)


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Akira looked at the building "I guess this is where there cafeteria is I shouldn't wonder around this palce too much" he walks up to the door and stops. He pulls out a watch from his pocket "It has been 4 years since then father". He smiles then walks in the cafeteria he sees Vayne, Izzy and a few others he didn't know sitting at a table "Well it seems like they are having fun together" he walks into the food line "I wonder if they have anything good here?" he moves closer and picks up what he wants before walking and sitting a table in front of the others. He looks at them "I wonder if i will room with one of them?" he takes a bite of his food "This isn't half bad.
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When Samantha Saw the younger kid that gave her a chill before she instantly recived a headache. She lightly grasped her head trying to not make a sceen. " Crap not again" She says in a low voice. Samantha quickly places her head under the table reaching into her duffle bag. She retrives a bottle of pills from her bag, she quickly downs two pills and grabs a glass of water, which sat in her lunch tray. After she drinks half of the water, Samantha places her elbows onto the table as she stare into her half empty glass of water. " The headaches are becoming frequent, I should go get my room key and get some rest." As Samantha stares into the glass, she notices her reflection staring back at her. A look of fear comes across Samanthas face. The reflection begins to speak to Samantha " How long do you plan on resisting?" The voice echoed and sounded as cold as ice. Samantha screamed sutmbling backwards causing her to fall out of her chair. The glass she was holding fells to the ground shattering into shards. Samantha remained on the floor with a freaked out look upon her face. She soon came to her senses, she grabed her bag and got off of the ground. Samantha hept her head tilted to the ground. " Aghhhh there was a bug in my glass...... ah excuse me." She kept her head down and quickly left the lunch room. Samantha walked down the hall towards the reception desk hoping she could get a room key.
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OoC: Really?!?! Where'd all this come from? Did everyone stay home today?

Lance looked as the group headed off for the Cafeteria. "Really....Well i guess it's okay. I really am hungry...." he said gripping his shirt where his stomach was. "Actually...." he said as it growled, "I'm really really hungry..." he said laughing and sitting down at a Cafeteria table. At the moment he was all by himself eating as much as he pleased. "Man...i really need to make some good friends. I guess i already have Izzy as a friend....that's about it so far...I wonder if Ronald's here yet?" he asked himself. Ronald was his best friend at this place.
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ooc: everyone, if u read my post, youd now that there was already prepared food on the table :/

Hakuro didn't eat he was more focusing on viewing everyone in the cafeteria, kira, tyson and mono however were eating like crazy. Hakuro stood up. "Whgere are you going?" Kira asked as he chocked on jis food causing tyson to hit his back and make him spit it out. "I'm not hungry, I'm going to get a room key." hakuro stated whilst maintaining his light smile. Hakuro walked past the table with vayne, izzy, lance and everyone on it, the whole time he merely glanced at it until he walked out the cafeteria room, he then walked over tot he reception table and noticed another girl there. The one known as Sammy. "Hello. Don't think I saw you before." Hakuro stated again makling his light emotionless smile surface.
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He didn't mind to much when the two sat although he was still a bit annoyed. Now everybody seemed to be crowding around him. Some guy thought it'd be okay if he just sat right next to him. "You want to know my power?" He slammed his hand on the table. Soon there was a hole in the table and a katana in his hand. He threw the blade up. It spun around and fell back. The blade stuck into the middle of the table. Vayne wanted alone time just as much as some other people. He quickly ate his food and walked away to the front desk to get his dorm room number, get there, and then get to bed with hopefully no interruptions or injuries.
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Hakuro was about to receive his reception key when he noticed someone was waklking towards the front desk from the other side of the hallway. It was Vayne. Hakuro maintained his light smiled as he though to himself. "Well, well, looks like the night hasn't finished and he looks mad t-" "Heres your key Hakuro was it?" the receptionist asked hakuro turned and looked at the room number, 85. "So I'm in the second building am I?" hakuro thought to himself. Well then no point standing around to see if somethign happens if we reall have to do these ability test assignments, then I may need to make sure I'm ready for them." hakuro began to walk out the room and towards the dormitories.
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Ronald looked as Vayne walked away to the front desk. He lost his appetite and sighed. He then got a sadistic look in his eyes. He clenched his fist and banged on the table. [i]He is NOT turning his back on me, nor will he ignore me![/i] he thought as he stood up and began to walk towards the front desk. As he saw Vayne in front of him, he tried to stay quiet while following him. He was sick and tired with his act of treating everybody that says one little thing to him like crap. [i]I don't care what he went through as a kid, or whatever his problem is, he shouldn't take it out on everybody he sees looking at him![/i] He clenched his fists again.
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Izzy looked at Sammi as she began acting weird. It was because of the little kid that had walked over. "What's wrong with her...." She mumbled, and for the time being, forgot about the kid and started eating the food on the table. After a while she said, "You can sit and eat....Just dont use your powers again...." [i]I guess I should try and be nice and this time if he uses his powers I can just leave.[/i] She thought periodically glancing at the kid. "Im Izzy by the way." [i]Its kind of nice talking to people....Somethimes annoying and tiresome...but nice...[/i]
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Vayne got to the reception desk and slammed his hands onto it. "Hey lady. I need a dorm room now. I need some shut eye and some alone time from all the bastards here." He obviously didn't notice the person sta-excuse me. Following him all sneaky like. Yeah, let's go with that. "Make it something that I don't have to walk to far away to get to. The sooner this s***ty day is over the better." He was feeling tired and just wanted some sleep. Vayne was hoping that nothing would get in his way of a good rest.
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The reception lady was first intimidated by Vayne but then sighed and gave him dorm number 21, "this is in the closest dorm to the academy just walk through that door and it won't be to far." she satted whilst pointing to the door to her left. Hakuro had already made it back to his dorm, noticably he was in dorm building 2 he opened the door pit his stuff inside and looked out atthe varanda, the skywas now dark as it was night, kira andtyson also walked intot he room. "Hmph, looks like connections with chronix got us int he same dorm." Kira stated as the two walked ina nd went to seperate beds turning off the lights and sleeping, Hakuro maintained standing ont he veranda looking at the back exit of the academy where everyone would walk to there dorm buildings. Hakuro folded his arms. He began remmebering the buildign for a split secnd he sensed an unbelivable power coming from an individual. "Who did that come from?" he thought to himself, maintaining the light smile he always has. "it wasn't vayne or lance...who was it? Normally i should pick these things up."
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After Lance was done eating his fill, he decided to go to the reception desk. He saw Vayne there too and gritted his teeth under a smile. He walked up to the Desk and with a smooth, cheesy-ass smile, he asked, "Hey good looking, how about you get me the keys to my room, and we can have a celebration party?" he said raising one eyebrow using all of his manly charms. He was an irresistible man at his last school. Even at an early age. No woman could resist his crazy magnitude of charm.
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Samantha felt a bit releaved that her outburst in the cafeteria did not cause a big ruckus. She soon gathered her toughts and wiped the sweat from her head. Samantha made her way to the lady at the reception desk and recived her room key. " Thank you very much" Samantha placed the key into her pocket and looked around. " Ok I guess its this way, Dorm three." Samantha soon made her way to the dorm rooms, she really did not have any trouble finding it. She opened the door and immediately fell upon the bed. "Aghhhhhhh, its so sofffffffffffffft." Samantha felt very relaxed at the moment until she noticed a mirror ontop of the dresser. She quickly jumped off the bed and turned away from it. Samantha took out a shirt from her bag and threw it over the mirror. Samantha started to freak out, she tryed to avoid anything that would cast a reflection of herself. For a moment Samantha stood in place with an uneasy look upon her face. She soon had an idea " Wait a sec I can talk to that Mr.Tranquil guy. He might be able to help me." Without unpacking her bag she exited her room and made her way towards Mr.tranquil's office. After about ten minutes of walking around the halls she finally found his office. " Well I gues this is his office" She knocked on the door a few times anxiously awaiting a respond from Mr.Tranquil.
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tranquil had ignored the first few knocks due to his focus on an item he was holding, a photograph of ayoung version of him next to two younger boys who looked to be his brothers they seemed in their teens. "It's all my fault..." He thought to himself after finally hearing the knocking he put the photograph ina draw closed it and called out. "come in." Noticably in the room there were many dream catcher like objects aroudn the room, and the walls were purple and blue, it was quite a large office with dark purple desk and 2 chairs in front of it, he sat behind the desk and awaited the individual to come in. Tranquil was often quite polite and he hardly left his office so he was free to talk to any time. Also in the room were many circular objects that changed colour constantly, all colours of the rainbow would appear on these objects.


Proffessor Chronix stood int he darkness of the night, his black long jacket blowing in the wind as he stood on the desert like plains west of the acadmey. Suddenly he put a small black object ont he ground and then buried it. "If these guys are as good as the channcelor thinks, then they should have no problem with this. And those idiots Hakuro, kira, tyson and mono better know what to do."


at the reception desk the giirl who was quite pretty was flattered by Lances gesture as she blushed howevr a loud she then chuckled aand gave lance room 18 in the first dormitory building
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Lance nodded and took the key. "Thanks sweetcheeks." he said with a click of his finger. After that, he was off to the first dorm building. He picked up a bag that was right outside the school that he had totally forgotten. He then arrived at his final destination for the night. "Ahh...finally, it's time to take a freiking load off..." he said jumping on the bed. "I wonder who my roommate is?" He whipped out a snuggie from his backpack and put it on his bed, and an extra pillow as well. "Now for some R&R." he said getting in his snuggie and laying his head against his pillow.
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Vayne had left a while ago to go to his room. Amazingly he finally found his room and only got lost four times. It was a new record. For getting lost the least anyway. He heard a door close as he passed a corner to get the his room. "21...Here it is." He took the key out of his pocket and after looking at the key and the door for a minute he finally figured out how to get in. Put the key in that hole. It took another 30 seconds to figure out how it went in and then another minute to figure out he needed to turn it. He got in, took out the key, and closed it locking it behind him. Vayne found the bathroom and took a hot shower. Then used a towel that was there to dry off. Then jumped onto the nearest bed and put a blanket over him not even bothering to get into any pajamas or anything.
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Izzy took her time eating, not moving too fast or slow, waiting for most of the other people to leave before she was ready. That kid was still there, and he had't aswered any of her questions. Izzy wasn't offended or anything, but it was begining to freak her out. As soon as she got to the room a freezing cold shower is the frst thing she was doing. "Well...I guess...Bye..." Izzy mumbled glancing at the boy before leaving the way she saw everyone else exit. There only a minute or two walk from the cafeteria was a desk and a lady behind it, with a sign that said 'Reception Desk' handing over her head. "Is this....Where we get dorm rooms?..." She spoke so quietly that the lady would no doubt have to strain her ears to hear her.
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Hakuro stood ont he railing of the veranda, still with his arms folded the wind blew taking his medium long black hair and swaying it to the side. He still contained that light smile of his. he began remembering something.

[i]It was a slightly younger version of Hakuro standing in front of Reikaru. There were 8 large black thrones behind reikaru all of which had men sitting ont hem, however they were covered byt he shadows. the thrones seemed to raise in size when it approached the middle one the 5th. One of the thrones tot he very right of the thrones was empty. Noticably a gold engraving was ont he chair that spelt out "Reikaru".

Reikaru looked down at the then 10 year old Hakuro. "They've approved of you, Hakuro, you live to serve me as your purpose. Who knows after when I'm not long for the world, i'll entrust you with that seat." Reikaru pointed tot he throne to the far right. "Do you recognize that I am the purpose for you to serve. Hakuro?"

Hakuro looked down and clenched his fist. A light smile then surfaced from a frown. "Yes Reikaru."[/i]
Hakuro returned to reality, "The mission will be complete reikaru, I swear it."

meanwhile at the reception desk.

"huh?" the lady behind the desk quesitoned. "oh you must mean the dorms yea?" she questioned with a smile. "You should talk up more, let's see I guess you can be in room *same rom numbeer that Sammy's in*, how's that?"
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Riley was frozen on the spot, too shy to even speak. When he came to he realized that everyone had gone, [i]Oh...I shouldn't let myself get embarrased infront of other people...Wait, shouldn't I be getting my dorm number?[/i] Riley realized that he should be going and ran off to the Reception desk, bumping into Izzy literaly.

"Oww! Oh, sorry..." Riley said, his cheeks burning, he got up and stood a foot away from Izzy, hoping that she'll be out of his aura's range. "Sorry for blanking out earlier, I do that when I'm embarrassed, anyway, my name is Riley...What's yours?"
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Once Samantha heard that it was ok to enter the office she did. She walked into the office rather timidly, her eyes darted from left to right scaning the room. She couldent help but notice the room was full of dream catchers. Samantha recived a weird vibe as she entered the room. She tryed to ignore the feeling as she made her way towards the desk. " Ah hello Mr.Tranquil my name is Samantha Page and I was hoping that I could talk you for a bit." She sat down in a chair across from his desk. The sight of the circular objects that changed colors caught Sammi's eyes. " Such a strange office, could Mr.Tranquil be a hippie?" She tought to herself. " I am sorry to bother you like this Mr.Tranquil, but I was hoping you could help me out with a problem that I have been having for some time now." She took a deep breath, and stared Mr.Tranquil in his eys. " I know it is only the first day, butI need help I belive it might be my powers or I might be losing my mind."
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"It's fine." Izzy said, although she flinched at the sudden contact. Riley then introduced his self and asked her for her name. [i]I'm meeting a lot of people today...[/i] She realized that she had been staring at him for a while with a blank expression. "It's Izaria....But call me Izzy...I now have to go now." She said nodding her goodbye before walking to the room she was given. It didn't take long to findit and when she entered the room there was already somebody else's stuff. Izzy stared blankly at the mirror wondering why there was a shirt on the mirror. "Strange...." She mumbled removing the shirt and laying it on the bed. Turning to the other bed she saw that someone had brought her bag down from the nurses room. "Saves me a trip." Izzy laid down on the bed intending to rest and hopfully go to sleep.

ooc: Are there bathrooms connected to the rooms?
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The man walked slowly through the open field leading up to the school like building, the sun was out but it was starting to get cloudy; a dark omen for some. [i]I've searched all over the world for a place like this, a place that could help me refine my skills and give me the knowledge to achieve my goals.[/i] The man thought as he got closer and closer to the gate of the building. [i]If all turns out right, maybe I'll even get some help in my goals.[/i] The man made it to the gate pushed it open and started looking around the campus.
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the chancelor was walking through the front entrance of the academy hen hesaw the boy erntering the gate. The chancellor wondered to himself for a second, "Hm i guess this must be the final student we've been waiting for. The chancellor put his hands behind his back and apoproached the student. "Welcome, i take it your a new student hear? please tell me your name" thre chancellor requested as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. The night sky was now black, it appeared all the students were sleeping or heading to their dorms to sleep. "Hm, well theres only 1 student left so if this is you then everyone will be here.'
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The man didn't even acknowledge the chancellor's existence at first; just kind of stood there when he finally did turn his head he had a look of heavy thought. "Strider, my name's Strider." Strider had worked it out so that all records on him eleminated the use of his first name, so Strider should have been what was on the chancellor's student list. "Tell me about the school, if you could." Strider said, walking past the chancellor and looking at the building some more.
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The chancellor observed the name. "Hm it does appear that this one's prepared himself, Now that I remmeber there was little we could mfind on him when he applied. He also seems slightly olderr then most of the other students, he may have a little control over his power already." The chancellor thought to himself. "Very well." The chancelor began. "As you may or may not know." the chancelor walked to stand next to strider. "This isnt the only supernatural academy, there are 7 (mmaybe 8 or 9 have to check back inthe rp) other academies. they each specialize in one dimension of fighting. Ours for example is control and the manipulation of your power, one other thing we like to assume our students adopt is respect. Respect for those who are weaker then you, respect for those who are stronger than you, these two elements are the traits oft he academy, there are numerous sporting fields, and training areas, as you can see there are many different terrains, when facing the academy tot he west about 1km out is a desert plains area, north about a km out, is an artic icy terrain, tot he east again a km out is a fiery lava type terrain and of course as you know south is the forest terrain. There used to help develop your skills in different environemnts allowing you to adapt to your surroundings. The cafeteria is straight down the hall and the 4th left all the way at thte end of the hall is the reception desk, therer you can get a room key into one of the three dorm buildings. Each dorm building has 50 rooms, buildign 1 is room 1 - 50, building 2, is 51 - 100 and building 3 is 101-150. They are located at the other side of the academy at the back, so just go straight through the hall and the receptionist should inform you where the buildings are lcoated. Now then before you go. Would you mind demonstrating your pwer for me. It is a preequasit prior to being accapted intothe academy." The channcelor then turned asround and lifted a finger, suddnely the ground began to shake, noticably a earth like man appeared from the ground, it was solid rock and the appearance of a man. "if you wouldn't mind mr Strider."
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"A demonstration? Hm, ok then, I'll show you a [i]little[/i] something." Strider raised his right hand and had his pointer finger facing the earthen man and his thumb extended up, like a small child would pretend to make a gun. Suddenly a small red mass began to form at the tip of Strider's pointer finger until it resembled the size of a bullet and was spinning quickly about his finger tip. "Blood Pistol." Strider said and then brought his thumb down and his hand up, firing the small mass of red right into the center of the earthen man which proceeded to shatter into pieces flying everywhere. "And that's all there is to it." Strider said and then started walking to the reception desk.
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