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Greetings All

SethLaRoth Deshawl

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[spoiler=The New Member's Guide to YCM, Ver. 1]Well, I make tutorials every now and then, here are my most recent ones (and my only ones ;P):


How to post your cards on the Forums. I swear, at least 75% of all new members don't know this.


How to change your Member Title. As I'm told, you also need either 2 stars or 50 posts.


And speaking of stars...


1 Star = Join

2 Stars = 25 Posts

3 Stars = 150 Posts

4 Stars = 400 Posts

5 Stars = 1000 Posts

6 Stars = 5000 Posts


Post count is not counted if you post in the Out-of-Character Planning Section or the Games Section.


How to make a spoiler:

[spoiler=What you want on the outside of the spoiler. (1234567890)]What you want inside the spoiler. (AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz)[/spoiler]

resulting in:

[spoiler=What you want on the outside of the spoiler. (1234567890)]What you want inside the spoiler. (AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz)



How to give Reps:

add.png gives a Positive reputation point, more commonly reffered to as a +rep. You can only give a total of five every 24 hours.

delete.png gives a Negative reputation point, more commonly referred to as a neg. You can only give one every 24 hours.

Both of these buttons can be found in the lower right corner of a person's post. Click on these buttons on a person's post to give that person a +rep or a neg.

Try it out!


How to Print your cards:

This question is asked all to often here by new members. The answer:

Use a printer. You can't print your cards to look like the actual TCG cards, but if you have a high-quality printer and glossy photo paper, you can get pretty close.


How to send a PM (Personal/Private Message):


If you're in a topic and you want to send a short message. Located under the user's avatar.


If you're sending a message from someone's profile page. Located under the photo.


How to make :



Hope that helps! Anything else you need, just ask.


Oh, and welcome.


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