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-All YCM rules apply.

-Only a 3 stars or higher member can challenge me.


Cards Requirements:

- Make a fusion monster of: "Lava Golem" + 1 FIRE monsters

-It must have a lore.

-No joke cards.


To Win:

-First to 4 votes wins/person with the most votes wins when 3 days have passed.

-Winner gets 1 rep from loser.



You must give a valid reason to vote, you cannot vote based on the picture, name, etc.


[spoiler=Zandaa Roaisu]awq5o0.png


1 "Lava Golem" + 1 FIRE monster

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by returning the above cards you control to the Deck. (You do not use "Polymerization".) When this card is Special Summoned, it's control is shifted to your opponent. The controller of this card cannot declare an attack with this card unless he/she controls FIRE monsters other than this card. The controller of this card takes damage equal to half of their Life Points during his/her Standby Phases.






"Lava Golem" + 1 FIRE monster

This card can only be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by sending the above cards on either side of the field to the Graveyard. (You do not use "Polymerization".) You cannot conduct your Battle Phase the turn you Summon this monster. During each of your Standby Phases, you can remove 1 FIRE monster in your Graveyard from play to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent's Life Points. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Lava Golem" in your Graveyard to your opponent's side of the field.


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Ok I vote for... Metagross386


Zandaa Roaisu


Well, the card is good, and keeps to the theme of summoning to the opponents side of the field, yet it is way way OP'd. eg. If they were to be running say a non-FIRE deck then they would gain no advantage to having this card on the field, also the Halving of Life points is way to steep. Maybe 1000 or 2000 to advance on Lava Golems effect but this would result in a very easy win.




This card is also reasonable, the thing that puzzles me though. You have actually reduced the main effect of Lava Golem. I suppose you gain an advantage of being able to keep the monster but, For instance King Pyron, who is easier to Summon (albeit weaker) but has the same effect, without removing from play monsters. I would call this a watered down version of Lava Golem, but it's still good enough to win.

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Well, let me comment about the cards.



The card seems OP, because it can cause unimaginable damage if the other player has a stall deck. The card has an effect thet resembles Lava Golem but is has this mega burn thing.

I know it says nothing, but atwork is better than the other card.



Its first effect is balanced. As it is a powerful monster, it holds himself in the first round. The burn effect of it has a cost, which is good and not underpowered. And its last effect is nice, because it gives your opponent a powerful monster and continous burn.


So I must honestly vote in : Metagross386

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