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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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[quote name='Donovyn Mikara Gerra' timestamp='1343371788' post='5990040']
It's about thirty six chapters (each one is only about five pages, so it's fairly short) and if you like, I can send you a couple chapters about the time i get around to sending out my DEF spin-off.

Sure, that sounds like a good-

[quote name='Donovyn Mikara Gerra' timestamp='1343371788' post='5990040']
sending out my DEF spin-off.

Oh right, this is the one about the Dark Magician, right? ...wait

[quote name='Donovyn Mikara Gerra' timestamp='1343371788' post='5990040']
[b]sending out[/b] my DEF spin-off.

What's that mean?

@Remo-Good to hear man, I'm going to try writing 1 or 2 more chapters and then I'll come to a decision. Expect something within the next couple of days.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1343367892' post='5990020']
But you guys will totally send me fan letters when DEF comes out, right?

Fusion if you ever publish DEF I'll see about getting my cousin to try and animate it for you.

[quote name='Donovyn Mikara Gerra' timestamp='1343371788' post='5990040']
It's about thirty six chapters (each one is only about five pages, so it's fairly short) and if you like, I can send you a couple chapters about the time i get around to sending out my DEF spin-off.

Thirty six chapters, five pages each, is honestly kind of . . . short (Oo)

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Well neither do I, which is why I stopped reading the Eragon series, but having it that many pages per chapter it has to be [i]extremely[/i] good if you ask me. The one type of style I want to see be used in a major novel is the "pick your adventure" type.

Anyone remember those?

You read so far and then it gave you an option were to take the story then told you which page to flip too. Imagine a novel like that!

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What if someone did a fanfic like that?

Like, after each chapter they had have a fresh poll for which approach should happen

that way, the audience engages directly with the story (much like how we kept harassing Fuse about our characters) and the writer has to do extremely difficult writing as a sort of challege

Like, what if the main protagonist has to go from a white knight to a villian protagonist?

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DL doesn't come around that often but when it comes to Fusion I think he could do it . . . if given enough time

On a side note I'm learning how to Hack Brawl (>8D)

[s]If only I could find my SD Card Reader |||(>>)[/s]


My computer can read SD Cards . . . sometimes I don't know wither I'm smart or a dumb ass

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Oh my, Gems are truly, [i]truly[/i], [b][i]truly[/i][/b] outrageous.

Of course, no one knows who the Gem Knight is, what an under-rated guy.

As usual, so many talented writers are hidden all over the internet.

[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1343448166' post='5990752']
DL doesn't come around that often but when it comes to Fusion I think he could do it . . . if given enough time

On a side note I'm learning how to Hack Brawl (>8D)

[s]If only I could find my SD Card Reader |||(>>)[/s]


My computer can read SD Cards . . . sometimes I don't know wither I'm smart or a dumb ass

And sadly, the same goes for me. I've been using an external device this whole time.

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[quote name='Donovyn Mikara Gerra' timestamp='1343408149' post='5990251']
Umm the one about the dark magician was a one shot. I'm writing one set in the DEF universe, focusing on... Finish up SHC and then you'll see.

Right right, but what do you mean by sending it out? Like to Creative Writing? Or a publishing company?
[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1343429588' post='5990535']
Fusion if you ever publish DEF I'll see about getting my cousin to try and animate it for you.

Thing is...I dunno if I can write DEF anymore.
The Dark Knight Rises has prevented me from writing my Inactive Master Plan.
[spoiler=Explanation regards movie spoilers]
>TDKR bad guy holds city hostage with a nuke
>DEF bad guy holds city (and rest of the planet) hostage with a nuke
>TDKR bad guy is bald, buff strongman
>DEF bad guy is bald, buff strongman
You see the problem here?[/spoiler]
[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1343447565' post='5990739']
What if someone did a fanfic like that?

Like, after each chapter they had have a fresh poll for which approach should happen

that way, the audience engages directly with the story (much like how we kept harassing Fuse about our characters) and the writer has to do extremely difficult writing as a sort of challege

Like, what if the main protagonist has to go from a white knight to a villian protagonist?

That'd be a fun challenge, provided it wasn't too long a story.
But I don't have the time for it :/

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1343525697' post='5991414']
Well I still think he really shouldn't change Life since, I mean, there really isn't that big of a difference. [i]Maybe[/i] turn the bomb into something else that could destroy the Earth

But to what though is the issue I'm having at the moment.
And it doesn't matter if it's just Nolan's interpretation, everyone in our generation cluster will remember the Dark Knight movies and they'd recognize if something remotely like one of its plots was used.

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I don't think so Fusion because you got to remember that unless it is word for word it isn't a copy. Also our generation won't be reading it when it's published, nor do I believe people will remember Dark Knight Rises for very long; however Dark Knight Returns will be remembered for the best Joker

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I guess the [i]worst[/i] that could happen is something like the comparison [i]The Hunger Games[/i] got from [i]Battle Royale[/i].

I'm thinking that I might redesign Life anyway though. Or embellish him a little more (well, I definitely need to do that).

About TTGL and 5Ds, how exactly are they similar? The whole rising to galactic levels, the Spiral Energy/Crimson Dragon or the over the top chanting?

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[quote name='Yuzuru Otonashi' timestamp='1343535312' post='5991543']
The Arc Cradle/Divine Temple is Teppelin
Ener-D/Momentum is clearly Spiral Power
Z-ONE is a villain whose plan is eerily similar to Lordgenome/The Anti-Spiral.
The characters are like shitty expies.

Okay, good points. I dunno if they're all expires necessarily, but I can definitely agree everyone lost their awesomeness eventually after Dark Signers.
[quote name='Donovyn Mikara Gerra' timestamp='1343581126' post='5991893']
TTGL never mentioned playing a children's card game on motorcycles. Totally something I would do. And 5D's never used the phrase "naked ape". And Simon only has one hair color and no face tattoo

But Kamina has a shitload of arm tats.
Still, no question which is the better anime.

[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1343584023' post='5991931']
I have a confession to make
no homo

Yeah man, he's amazing. I can't wait for his video game.

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