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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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But Clone Saga was just...meh. And they put Peter Parker back once they realized people wanted Peter more than Ben.

Unless you're referring to Ultimate Spider-Man.
That last issue was the closest I ever came to crying over a comic book...didn't actually cry, but it was close, dammit.
But even though Miles is alright, Peter's far more compelling.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1342585646' post='5981587']
But Clone Saga was just...meh.
[b]I'll admit Ben Riley was not the best replacement. However you have to admit him struggling with if he is the real Peter Parker or just a clone was compelling[/b]
And they put Peter Parker back once they realized people wanted Peter more than Ben.
[b]I haven't read that yet[/b]

Unless you're referring to Ultimate Spider-Man.
That last issue was the closest I ever came to crying over a comic book...didn't actually cry, but it was close, dammit.
[b]You should've cried. That way I could get a good life right now (>BD)[/b]
But even though Miles is alright, Peter's far more compelling.

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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1342631636' post='5981948']
Whoa Fuse

I seriously didn't know you where the go-to man for spider-man knowledge 0-o"

Eh I guess, though Cortez probably knows a lot more since he's a big fan of Marvel in general. Dude owns a giant encyclopedia for it too, it's crazy.
But yes, Spider-Man's pretty great; I just spent 3 hours reading Spidey stuff I got from the store today.
[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1342636353' post='5982005']
[b]I haven't read that yet[/b]

When I say "they", I meant the readers, not people in the story actually telling Ben to take a hike and bring Peter back.

You know, you don't really see a lot of superheroes in anime. Aside from Tiger & Bunny, but I haven't seen that yet.

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Oh okay . . . I was a little confused though. And no there isn't a lot of true blue "superheroes" in common anime.

Also I was at a comic book store today, I am spending the night at my father's place, and I actually saw the "Nausicca" manga volumes 1-4 (8 ') I didn't buy them but I know where they are

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I don't really read comic books either, though I'll admit to picking up one every so often and checking it out. Somehow I manage to locate all of this information through watching the cartoons and then looking it up on the internet or passing it by in a store.

Speaking of passing something in a store. I saw the Naussica manga volumes one through five at a store, though I didn't pick them up

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Nothing really [i]interesting[/i] interesting happened to be honest. There was a Brawl Tournament which had the new Wii Zero as the first prize; since we got there late I wasn't able to participate.

I got an Akatsuki Cloak, Tobi's Mask and the Dragon Ball Set . . .

They had the Vongola Rings which my brother wanted but since I've never watched/read it I didn't buy it; you can bet he was upset when I told him that.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1343013041' post='5986076']
Niiice haul. I wouldn't mind having some Dragon Balls.

That...would be awesome.
No...that would be BAWLsome.
Okay, I'll stop.

As for the Brawl tourney, I'd be up for it. I'm off tomorrow and have nothing to do except get my hair cut.

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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1343018311' post='5986141']
I literally have no idea what this meant

Can you translate for me?
Truant makes Slaking NOT god

Cofragigus has Mummy ability

Mummy makes Mummy the ability of Pokemon who attack it

Give Slaking Mummy ability

no truat ability

It is god

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