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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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Didn't get to see it though I heard enough to want all of it to happen, for the betterment of the gaming community.

Also, is anyone interested in seeing the Dissidia DEF matches? I've got the first two done and upload, though I have them Unlisted, so you'll need the link to view them.

First matches are:

El Make vs Daisuke Link
Ken Beoulve (Easter Egg/Personal RP character) vs Enma

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[quote name='Yuzuru Otonashi' timestamp='1340565868' post='5961944']
I just assigned Voice Actors to the cast of the Sacred Stones because I've been playing it.

I always write mini-plots for the story in my head without even meaning to, and the voices make it complete.

You've been playing Sacred Stones as well? (Oo)

I still enjoy 'Fire Emblem' because of Lyndis; also you actually get to have a character in the game, making you a bit more in touch with the characters.

As for me I also make voices when the characters are "talking" but I've never given them actual voice characters from shows or anything. They're just done with something that sounds close to the appearance of the character.

[quote name='KingBUSCUS' timestamp='1340581008' post='5962059']
Is anyone interested in seeing the Dissidia DEF matches? I've got the first two done and upload, though I have them Unlisted, so you'll need the link to view them.

First matches are:

El Make vs Daisuke Link
Ken Beoulve (Easter Egg/Personal RP character) vs Enma

Sure . . . I suppose. I know Dissidia is a game, but I've never personally played it.

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Also, I give em voices, but only in my head and I make them sound how I think they would.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1340580654' post='5962056']
Did anyone see anything they actually liked at E3? My biggest draws were the new Spidey and Luigi's Mansion. Everything else was pretty much a sub-thought.

All the games there were meh, but The Last Of Us, Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed 3, and Far Cry 3 look interesting.
Regarding AC3, when I get paid this Wednesday, I'm gonna continue from the first game and work my way up to the release. Should be an adventure.
[img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/fNLJ8h_PFi0/0.jpg[/img] [i][b]We're going on an adventure, Charlie!!![/b][/i]

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Creator: Wait, did you make those, or is it the real game with characters representing them or...wat
Thar: Yeah, I didn't sense much satisfaction after this year's E3 :/
Nath: A lot man, graduated high school, going to orientation tomorrow, job's raking in decent dough, all's been swell.
How's Rosa and the rest of the gang?

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lol, I wish I was that good right now.

No that is Dissidia: Final Fantasy 012 Duodecim. Each person is represented by an in-game Final Fantasy Character

Life - Garland antagonist of FFI
Fusion - Tidus protagonist of FFX
Ken Beoulve - bartz protagonist of FFV
Enma - Lightning protagonist of FFXIII

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Fire Emblem: Awakening

Was called Fire Emblem: Kakusei (Lit. Awakening) in Japanese.

It has a huge amount of Spot Pass and DLC character from past games. Ike got seriously nerfed (Cue happy creator) and there are a lot of new classes.

ANYWHO, Fire Emblem mood, so:

Name: Growth listing. Resistance is Magical Defense. Constitution is body size/weight/etc, in a small number. Everyone has MAgic and Strength, but very few people use both.
Joins: Chapter (54 + prologue. Chapter 29 marks the end of the first half, then a time skip), Level; Item Info; Weapon Level
Skills: Anything that the unit premiers with. Does NOT include skills that belong to a class instead of the person themself. Skill Points are 15 for Tier 0, 25 for Tier 1, 35 for Tier 2, 45 for Tier 3, unless stated otherwise. Skills take multiples of 5, rarely being 5, sometimes 10, usually 15, occasionally 20, rarely 25.
Numbers apply to the tier (As in how many promotions) the unit is.
>Means chapter of promotion to tier 3 at the end of the chapter, if any chapter in particular
>>Means a side note.

Me: Constitution is slightly higher than average, Magic and Skill Growths are very high, Resistance and Speed are a cut above average, Defense is moderately low, Luck is low.
Joins: Chapter 6 (recruited as an Ally Unit by Fuse or DL), Level 6; Flux, Guiding Ring; Dark: D.
Skills: Corrosion
0. Pupil, only seen in flashback
1. Shaman
2. Summoner
3. Necromancer (Gains Light Magic at Level C in addition to normal)
>Promotes over Time Skip
>>Gains the Dark Spell Wormwood when DEF gain their promotion.
Might: 17
Hit: 90
Crit: 15
Wt: 12
Uses: 25
Range: 1
Effect: +5 Speed when equipped
Weapon Rank: Preference (Black)

Creator: Relatively high constitution, Skill, Speed, and Resistance growths are very high, defense is moderate, and strength and luck are abysmal. Lockpick needed as Thief/Assassin.
Join: Chapter 4, Level 4; Slim Sword, Lockpick; Sword: D.
Skills: Pass, Daunt (Cannot be removed, 0 Skill points)
1. Thief
2. Assassin*
3. POST-STORY: Can promote to Bandit Lord from Rogue. Basically a Tier 3 thief with Axes added.
>Event in the post story
>>*If a B+ support Level with someone he can share a paired ending with, Rogue is unlocked as an option. If Rogue, the Moonstone's Fang is given to Creator upon the promotion of DEF.
[spoiler=<Moonstone's Fang>]
Might: 10
Hit: 100
Crit: 25
Wt: 9
Uses: 30
Range: 1
Effect: Trumps Lances, not Axes; Critical Hit chance goes up by 3 for every unit killed, until the battle is over.
Weapon Rank: Preference (Creator)

DL: Has fairly average growths, not standing out anywhere. Slightly smaller constitution than normal. Magic and Speed stand out most, with a 45% chance of gaining 1 point per turn.
Joins: Chapter 2 (Clear the Chapter), Level 5;
Skills: Disarm, Stillness (Cannot be removed, 0 skill points)
1. Thief, never shown on-screen except maybe flashback
2. Trickster (Thief that's all flippy and also uses staves) ; Still needs Lockpick
3. Whisper with Staves; No Lockpick needed
>> Would be the Pre-promote of the game. Gains the Fukusu Sword (DL Spelling) upon promotion.
[spoiler=<Fukusu Sword>]
Might: 6
Hit: 85
Crit: 40
Wt: 11
Uses: 30
Range: 1
Effect: +5 Resistance when equipped
Weapon Rank: Preference (DL)

El: Lots of Skill and Speed, moderate strength and luck, Defense and Resistance are lacking. 1 larger than average Constitution.
Joins: Start of chapter 2, Lv. 3; Steel Sword, Vulnerary - Sword Level: C
Skills: Wrath, Critical +15 (Goes up 5 with each tier)
1. Mercenary
2. Swordmaster (It did happen in the past)
3. Blade Lord
>Chapter 30
>>Upon promotion to Blade Lord, gains the Nogura Sword (again DL)
[spoiler=<Nogura Sword>]
Might: 13
Hit: 95
Crit: 20
Wt: 15
Uses: 25
Range: 1
Effect: +5 Defense when equipped
Weapon Rank: Preference (El)

Fuse: Exceeds in Skill and Luck, moderate Strength and Defense, meh speed and terrible resistance. Normal Constitution.
Joins: Prologue, Lv. 1; Mallet, Vulnerary; Axe: E.
Skills: Paragon, Resolve (Upon promotion to Hero; cannot be removed, 0 Skill Points), Savior (Upon promotion to Vanguard; cannot be removed, 0 skill points)
0. Journeyman
1. Fighter
2. Hero
3. Vanguard
>Chapter 30
>>Gains the axe Perun upon promotion to Vanguard. Also, a Special Ending is unlocked if Life is killed with the Mallet.
Might: 9
Hit: 90
Crit: 15
Wt: 8
Uses: 30
Range: 1
Effect: Effective against Mounted and Armored units
Weapon Rank: Preference (Fuse)
Might: 13
Hit: 100
Crit: 5
Wt: 13
Uses: 30
Range: 1
Effect: +5 Strength and +2 Constitution when equipped
Weapon Rank: Preference (Fuse)

Jake: Moderately low Skill and Speed growths, high Attack and Luck growths, otherwise average.
Joins: Chapter 28 (Enemy Unit, won't attack player), Lv. 6; Silver Sword, Lockpick; Sword: A.
Skills: Cancel, Shade
1. Myrmidon, appears in some chapters before joining.
2. Assassin, recruited in this class.

BT: Above average growth in Strength, Luck, and Defense. Below average in others.
Joins: Chapter 1 (Start), Lv. 1: Steel Sword, Iron Lance; Sword: D, Lance: E.
Skills: Fortune
1. Cavalier
2. Paladin
3. Silver Knight (Swords, Lances, Bows)

Remo: Above average growth in Skill, Speed, and Resistance. Below average in others.
Joins: Chapter 1 (Start), Lv. 1; Steel Lance, Iron Sword, Vulnerary; Lance: D, Sword: E.
Skills: Gamble
1. Cavalier
2. Paladin
3. Gold Knight (Swords, Axes, Lances)

<<Assassin can't go to third tier, but have higher stat caps because of it. Characters of these classes can reach Level 30 instead.>>

Joins: Unlockable in Post-story, Level 20; Hephaestus, Fenrir (Boss only), Aura (Boss Only), Magic Seal (Magic, other than own, not usable within 10 spaces of the holder; Boss Only) Hammerne (Post-story Only), Fortify (Post-story only).
0. Pupil (Flashback only)
1. ???
2. Sage (Flashback Only)
3. Archsage
Might: 23
Hit: 90
Crit: 25
Wt: 8
Uses: -- (infinite)
Range: 1-2
Effect: +5 Skill, +3 everything else when equipped (Boss only)
Weapon Rank: Anima: SS (Above S, Tier 3 only)

You'd be able to recruit all of the iconic villains in the Post-story as "ghosts" that can't interact as more than a unit as they were.


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Fire Emblem is VERY character driven, given each character can have 3 conversationgs with anywhere from 3 Characters (only 1 character in each game has this) up to like 9 characters, and can even result in paired endings.

And it's not exactly "medieval". It stays closer to medieval than Final Fantasy, by far, but its also a bit more advanced. It just... has a different feel, and modern day characters can be easily adapted to fit it.

Also, it took me a few hours, with Dinner, Shower, Creator, etc. in the middle. Probably... 2.5 hours total, distractions aside.



[spoiler=Imperator]Weapon Type: Sword
Weapon Rank: SS
Mt: 18
Hit: 100
Crit: 15
Wt: 10
Range: 1
Uses: 30
Effect: Skill +5
[spoiler=Tonitrui Hasta]Weapon Type: Lance
Weapon Rank: SS
Mt: 19
Hit: 85
Crit: 25
Wt: 12
Range: 1
Uses: 30
Effect: HP +10
[spoiler=Pellat]Weapon Type: Axe
Weapon Rank: SS
Mt: 22
Hit: 90
Crit: 15
Wt: 15
Range: 1
Uses: 30
Effect: Strength +5
[spoiler=Contagia]Weapon Type: Bow
Weapon Rank: SS
Mt: 20
Hit: 100
Crit: 15
Wt: 9
Range: 1-2 (up to 3, if Marksman)
Uses: 30
Effect: Resistance +5
[spoiler=Bothynus]Weapon Type: Anima
Weapon Rank: SS
Mt: 20
Hit: 100
Crit: 15
Wt: 13
Range: 1-2
Uses: 30
Effect: Defense +5
[spoiler=Niludae]Weapon Type: Llight
Weapon Rank: SS
Mt: 18
Hit: 100
Crit: 25
Wt: 10
Range: 1-2
Uses: 30
Effect: Speed +5, immune to Magic Seal. Contemplating alt ending if Life dies to this, maybe only by my hand with it.
[spoiler=Thanatis]Weapon Type: Dark Magic
Weapon Rank: SS
Mt: 23
Hit: 100
Crit: 15
Wt: 16
Range: 1-2
Uses: 30
Effect: Magic +5
[spoiler=Immolo]Weapon Type: Stave
Weapon Rank: SS
Range: Mag/2
Uses: 1
Effect: Only usable by units that were naturally a cleric, monk, or priest or Black. Revives a fallen ally. Character revived has different support convos, if any, and fades away after the final battle, thus does not count as alive during the epilogue. They are still usable in post-game.

It's funny cause I can't use 2 of the weapons connected to me.

And all but 1 are direct Latin.

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Actual Fire Emblem is a more then just a simple fantasy Medieval world with swords and lances. A lot of the world is already made along with the characters and story. I really liked Fire Emblem, the first one that came out in the United States, because you can actually have your NPC "speak" with Lyn and get pretty close; you get close too Roy/whatever his name is but I personally enjoyed Lyn's story.

And I've been thinking of a Western-Themed What If for DEF.

Creator is the evil person kicking little old ladies off their lands when he buys them for his secret plot to become Governor of the state (XD)

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Alright, I'll do "Fire Emblem" and Wild West DEF what-ifs soon. Now that I took out a chunk of my reading list, I'll do some more writing.

So guys, how's everyone's summer been so far? I feel like I haven't [i]actually [/i]talked to any of you guys for a while, life's been crazy for me with grad parties, work and orientation.

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I'm in Panama City right now for the 4[sup]th[/sup] of July. On an Air Force base, chilling in my cousins house while he has to work >>

So so far my "summer vacation" is going alright. Though, honestly, once you are no longer in school it is just "summer" . . . like every other adult in the world is forced to call it.


Because there are no vacations. (DX)

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[quote name='KingBUSCUS' timestamp='1341276202' post='5965811']
Finished 3 Final Fantasy games I never managed to finish.

I can't finish those games for sh*t.
I need the progress, though. I'm trying to play through all the Assassin's Creed games leading up to the release of ACIII.
But I'm debating, though. Should I just get the game itself or the Limited Edition bundle? It's twice as much, but it comes with some pretty sweet stuff.

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