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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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Pan basically makes the sound come out of one speaker or the other more.

Also I was picture surfing again and found these:

[spoiler=Creator in the lab][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/d70d6137c6b692a8dad47aaeddf2c8f0/http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt101/Wolfmaster91/Decorated%20images/Cool_Scientist_105589_900x700theAnimeGallerycom.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Creator in combat (with Moonstone Cannon prototype)][img]http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x418/astrenose/IsaccFrost.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alternate reality (and older) Creator][img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/107/d/c/terran_legion_engineer_by_parkhurst-d3e7ltz.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Creator's Daughter (Lyn)][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs47/i/2009/170/c/1/Comission___Mechanic_engineer_by_El_Sato.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Creator's Daughter (Rachel)][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/090/7/c/7c11fe025f1fe75a9c2abc938b9763b2-d3cv3q5.png[/img][/spoiler]

Yeah, they both like to tinker. I'm beast like that.

[spoiler=Proto Unit][img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/319/d/0/protoman_soldier_by_kajinman-d4g8cgl.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Sadly I can't find a giant mecha to represent the ProtoMachineEmperor without going for the obvious Gurren Lagann or a Graperal[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"].[/font]

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Lyn looks like someone from Totally Spies

And I can't help seeing future/alternate reality Creator as this now...


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Ignoring your picture...

Alternate Reality Creator is the reality in which the Trio failed. Deus broke the bomb, but Life still rules.

Fusion and DL die, leaving EL to lead the Banned alone. The FTK breaks away and merges with the remnants of the world's militarizes to fight Life.

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DL I really want to slap you right now . . .

But Creator yeah I'll include it since mine has the capability for it (^^)b

Okay I found the Proto Machine Emperor picture.

[spoiler=Proto Machine Emperor]

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It's fun to mess around with.
I dunno if I'd feel like writing it, maybe if I'm bored one day.
But an apocalypse story would be fun.
[spoiler=Here, I'll spin off that idea and expand upon it some, at least it's fun to think about]
In that story, I'd probably initiate the fail by Life having an ace up his sleeve. He'd basically pull a Creator and activate a chip inside Crab's head that he implanted secretly while they were still married.
She'd effectively catch everyone off guard and kill Ninjew before he can reach Life.
And then Life and Crab beat DEF, Kari and Kana to death. They flee before Creator can wake up and stop them.
Everyone in space begins to attempt colonization, but it doesn't go well. Some people return to Earth to submit to Life's rule or they stay in space.
The world doesn't have as many people anymore and people still believe the bomb is active. Eventually, all that's left on Earth is the Inactive and the Banned, fighting with each other.

I actually think I'd have their war span another 20-30 years or so.
Creator leads the Banned, though he had to obtain leadership through dirty politics against Nexev, Dark and some other people, therefore causing dissension within the higher ranks. With Creator winning, Nexev leaves the Banned and acts as a vigilante. Creator's long lost his original ulterior motive of world domination, feeling disillusioned from having his hope constantly thwarted. Even if he somehow turned things around, he'd be in the exact same situation, just on opposite sides.
Black lost his faith when Caeda and his newborn baby were killed from their hospital being blown up. He's fully embraced despair and fights to find even a fragment of purpose amongst the senselessness of the world and its cruelty. His hardened heart developed a ruthlessness and cunning that made him into a mighty warrior mentioned in whispers of his enemies.
Jake fought wherever he could, but ultimately decided he would need multi-dimensional help. He and Lora went to enlist warriors from other dimensions to assist him, but before they can return, they receive a message from Life himself, saying he had known of the multiverse the whole time due to his grandfather having discovered a dimensional tear during the original bomb excavation. He says if Jake and Lora come back to their universe, he [i]will[/i] blow up Earth. So they're effectively banished from the DEF universe, helpless. Everyone else believes Jake and Lora took the sensible path in wandering the world as sages do.
Remo ends up marrying Clair, as he took it upon himself to be there for her when her best friend Cherry was killed protecting her and from then onward. He basically becomes DEF's Hughes, though he made a vow to never die until Life does so he can bring a child into a safe world like Clair wishes. He's the leader of Akatsuki and the faction is basically the Banned's wild card.
Sven (Ninjew's son) is Creator's biggest eyesore since he's constantly challenging his leadership. He's known as a walking mass of anger, furiously hacking away his foes on the battlefield. He fights to prove his worth and for a world where he can effectively make change through his own hands.
Hiru (JZ and Aqua's son) decides to become a medic rather than a fighter after seeing his father die on the battlefield from an untreated wound. He'd be a pacifist if he didn't have the sense that the world needs the Banned to fight Life.
Lyn and Rachel are very militaristic and their own individuals, since Creator couldn't be there for them since he had the Banned and other issues to prioritize. They don't quite like their father, but they're hard workers who are an important crux for the Banned. They expand upon their fathers' designs and eventually bring about PROTO mechas that every soldier can use.

Everything culminates in a battle where Life employs [i]every[/i] single Inactive to attack Banned's main HQ. They put up a valiant fight, but are defeated. Creator takes his daughters and they go underground. Creator finds a hollowed out cavern with lava and realizes they dug out to the bomb. He and his daughters inspect it and find out it's long-dead.
They resurface and Creator develops a device that electromagnetically shorts out everything. The remaining Banned attacks Inactive and they manage to reach Life when they activate the device. Crab's chip is nullified and she immediately grabs Life and she jumps with him out the window.[/spoiler]

...so I'm probably not gonna write it now.
But that was fun to think of.
How would you guys script apocalypse?

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That is pretty good and, for mine, it is a nice effective way of making me actually pause and think about returning.

However you have to remember that if I do ever learn that the bomb is not activated, which is a possibility, I WOULD return with every amount of force I could muster over the time I was banished . . . which is a holy f*cking sh*t lot!

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Umm, aside from the totally boring ending where Crab jumps out a window with Life, I liked that a lot.

Except you threw out the part where:

El Leads the Banned as a way to seek revenge for his lost friends.

Creator leads the FTK away to form a separate organization (Still called the FTK, but either combined with the world's militaries or going underground like you said).

because I honestly don't think El would die like that. I think he would will himself to live and get treatment, just so that he can get revenge (plus we all know El is a romantic and would use the image of his undying love to pull through).

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[quote name='Hideki Hinata' timestamp='1334707633' post='5917416']
Umm, aside from the totally boring ending where Crab jumps out a window with Life, I liked that a lot.
[b]Thought it was poetic[/b]
[b]But now that I think about it[/b]
[b]It'd probably be more poetic in sending him to the bomb's lava pit where he can rest with it for eternity.[/b]
[b]Or something[/b]
Except you threw out the part where:

El Leads the Banned as a way to seek revenge for his lost friends.

Creator leads the FTK away to form a separate organization (Still called the FTK, but either combined with the world's militaries or going underground like you said).
[b]They'd go underground in that case. I guess he'd still be gunning for his own reign and be busy with preparing for it under the guise of dismantling the Inactive bit by bit with the FTK. The allure behind them is infiltrating Inactive areas and slowly whittling their numbers down rather than taking them head on.[/b]
because I honestly don't think El would die like that. I think he would will himself to live and get treatment, just so that he can get revenge (plus we all know El is a romantic and would use the image of his undying love to pull through).
[b]He could, though I don't think he'd end up leading the Banned. If anything, he'd go on solo missions to do things his own way.[/b]
[b]Though he'd still be able to work well in a team.[/b]
[b]The Banned leader would either be Roxas or Dark in that case.[/b]

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Well, the AR thing intrigues me, sooo...
[spoiler=Alternate Reality Black + info]
Age: 32
Weapon of Choice:
Mucro Algesco: Fractacor - Katan with Liquid Nitrogen used to make its blade freezing cold, and the ability to freeze what it comes into contact with. In a humid area, the liquid can be focused into a large bow of ice for one use. Willwear the sword out, energy wise.
Alternate weapon:
Blade of Hope, Spanta - Enhanced broadsword (Single hander) made from Caeda's spear. Uses technology found in Donovan's Zangetsu, but in a bright yellow-lined white light.
Ultimate weapon:
Sanshu: Susano'o
Requires a massive power source to activate the twin blades Black carries. Upon their resonance, the two can bring the armor from a storage unit inside Black's vehicle. Upon the mask being placed on his head, he can see out of any and all of the red dots on the armor as his eyes, in exchange for seeing straightforward, and his strength is greatly augmented. The swords also come together to form the sword seen in the , a flat tipped, long bladed nodachi. Black is slightly slower in this armor. Fractacor loses all of its abilities, but Spanta gains the ability for a large blast energy in an area, either in a beam, a circular wave, or a target shot, depending on the situation. Requires "fighting spirit" among lots of power to charge it up.
Personality: What Fuse said, but more snide with moments where he acts like his old self.

Would either stick with Ecchi or be vigilante.

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In which case, I think Life would die in a combined effort.
I think it'd be something like a FMA ending, where pretty much everyone fights the last baddie together.
Life would mutate himself into a giant (by that I mean Hulk-size) tyrant with insane strength. He'd have strength rivaling the Hulk's, speed and agility like Spider-Man's, and tenacity like Wolverine.
And pretty much everyone I mentioned in the spoiler and other characters would all crack their shot at him until Crab delivers the final blow through an opening provided by El.

And then with everyone working together to rebuild the world, Creator ends up gathering support and becoming the world's leader anyways. El and Black learned through the final fight that hope can exist even in the darkest of places, with El going off to start his own family and Black traveling wherever he could to spread the idea of peace and working together (he felt he could never replace Caeda, hence why he didn't pull an El).

EDIT: Hold on, reading what ninja'd me...

EDIT 2: Yeah, that'd be smexy.
I'm beginning to see why Marvel always does What-If stories, they're too much fun to think about.

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