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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1333057326' post='5893989']
Do you mean quality or personal preference?
I thought Negima was your 2nd favorite manga .-.

If I'm speaking quality, mangawise

1. 20th Century Boys
2. Mason Ikkoku
3. Ranma 1/2
4. Love Hina
5. One Piece

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1333058470' post='5894013']
I honestly don't see how Love Hina trumps One Piece in terms of anything .-.
[/quote]It's just as good, quality-wise, for its genre

And it has much superior art


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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1333059669' post='5894045']
One Piece's got the better storyline.
I like the characters more personally, but both casts are good, even with different sizes.
And I dunno, I'm actually not a big fan of Ken Akamatsu's art, but you and Jake aren't the only two I've seen who've praised it, so I'm probably the minority here.
[/quote]You are ;D

And I'm not a big fan of OP's art, and you can understand why

So obviously it's not known for it's quality art.

OP has better story, but Love Hina is still a god in its genre :3

oh and this is hilarious


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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1333062841' post='5894121']
You know what I want?

A cross over manga NOT made by CLAMP
[/quote]Akamatsu kinda crosses his manga over

I want the characters to directly communicated with each other tho

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1333064122' post='5894156']
DL you do know that Ranma can throw over 518 in less than a minute, right?
[/quote]516 punches?

Regardless, Goku can blow up a planet >_>

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1333063614' post='5894140']
Goku vs Negi would be fun.
Naruto vs Luffy would be fun.
Ichigo vs Yusuke would be fun.
Kenshin vs Mugen or Jin would be fun.
There's a lot of potential behind crossovers...
So much

SOOO much

...you DO know in the first episode of Toriko, Toriko crosses over with OP characters, right?

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1333065422' post='5894190']
Yes not denying that but Ranma is nothing more than a NORMAL human, though being able to punch about 518 punches in less than a minute makes him super human.

Can you imagine what he could do if crossed with another series that allows him to "expand" his already amazing speed?
[/quote]Well if it was Ranma vs. Teen Goku I can see it oAo

EDIT: ..oh

well I should go check out Toriko too :'D

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Never watched/read Negima, kinda been tempted though.

I've forgone being a brony in favor of JACK SPICER!

...this is in no way caused by the upcoming WoW expansion based on Monks, ancient rites and Chinese architecture.

In no way what so ever.




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[quote name='Hideki Hinata' timestamp='1333068322' post='5894291']
I've forgone being a brony in favor of JACK SPICER!

it's funny because jack spicer fits big bro more too! :3

[s]oh and dane used it first but no one cares about him, and it doesn't fit him in anyway and i yelled at him for using it D<[/s]

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