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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1332545881' post='5885738']

7 seconds in

I'm 90% sure that isn't your voice

there's no f***ing way
[/quote]It's my voice

Edited the pitch (like...10, which is hardly any) slightly for Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack

but still my voice

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Wow that Fluttershy's pretty-
[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1332550510' post='5885806']
Edited the pitch (like...10, which is hardly any) slightly for Fluttershy

Still, she's pretty pro. So is Spike.
Twilight is the best voice obviously.

Who else watched the new TFS?
I'm sure people gave me weird looks for sniggering at my computer screen during homeroom.

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My Fluttershy voice is pretty gewd even without the slight pitch change...but I wuv how it sounds after da pitch change :3

And yeah, I like mah Spike~

And Twilight will forever be best voice :3

I plan to watch it soon

By that, I take it its funny? (expected no less :3)

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[quote name='Hideki Hinata' timestamp='1332594782' post='5886178']
Hey guys, I'm back.

So is DL, just like I called when he left. I knew it.

Also DL, your Discord voice sucks, and I've only seen that one episode.
[/quote]you say most of my voices suck

and hai

And I believe i made a status about that

I'm staying here (tho less active) during the duration of an RP I'm in. What'll happen after that? Who knows? xD

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1332595870' post='5886190']
What'll happen after that?

Nothing, you love us too much.

YES the new TFS is funny.
There's also a new None Piece out, just as funny.
I am in the [i]mood[/i] for sh*ts and giggles today. <-so make me laugh

I got home at 12:45 last night.
Because nine
single ladies come in at 10:45 when the kitchen closes at [i]eleven.[/i]

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I know, you'll be stuck here because you don't want to leave your friends.

Otherwise your brony status could be revoked.

Loved the new TFS episode.

Also, yes that is exactly what you should do to single ladies. Because if they aren't single, it's illegal.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1332597323' post='5886215']
Nothing, you love us too much.

YES the new TFS is funny.
There's also a new None Piece out, just as funny.
I am in the [i]mood[/i] for sh*ts and giggles today. <-so make me laugh

I got home at 12:45 last night.
Because nine
single ladies come in at 10:45 when the kitchen closes at [i]eleven.[/i]
No, man
If they left at 12:30
You shoulda impregnated half of them by 11:45

But at least you got ONE in

....RIGHT? D<

[quote name='Hideki Hinata' timestamp='1332597434' post='5886217']
I know, you'll be stuck here because you don't want to leave your friends.

Otherwise your brony status could be revoked.

Loved the new TFS episode.

Also, yes that is exactly what you should do to single ladies. Because if they aren't single, it's illegal.
I can talk to all of my friends here on other places

ESPECIALLY my brony friends

So I'm kewl

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1332622113' post='5886843']
Meh not really since I didn't watch all of it.

DL have to say it but when I was given the choice of watching the first episode of "Legend of Korra" or your little video . . . "Legend of Korra" wins hands down.
[/quote]Please, I know of the epicness that is LoK

I'd prefer it too :3

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Black I'll let you know I DID change your picture.

Guy with a cigarette and "punk" look doesn't seem your type.

Joshua Mars Black
Alias: Black
Age: 16 - 41
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 9’’
Weight: 159 lbs. - 233 lbs.
Race: White
Job: Banned Member, High School Student - Stunt Coordinator
Wife- Caeda
Daughter- Amelia
Pet- Andex, Andx
[*]Bow & Arrows
[*]Lanza del Relámpago
[*]Duel Disk [Sun Dragon Inti, Moon Dragon Quilla]
CHARACTER FIGHTING STATS 1-5 (1; Weakest, 3; Normal 5; Strongest)
Power- 4
Defense- 3
Speed- 3
Intelligence- 4
Skill- 4
Killing Intent- 2

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NO SMOKING FOR ME! Mom smokes, I hate it x.x

And... Pic is great except he's the fruity best friend from Durarara that I see as DL xD

Nah, really, it's great, just needs glasses =o

Also, I'd like to request a change to what my disk summons- I want Fabled Ragin and The Fabled Unicore. =D

And +2.5" to height =o

Otherwise, perfect =3

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Remo I honestly can't see Black smoking . . . at all . . .

As for your profile

Remo Fandon
Alias: None
Age: 16 - 41
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 10’’
Weight: 185 lbs. - 230 lbs.
Race: White
Job: Leader of the Banned, High School Student - Marine Captain
Brother- Madara Fandon
[*]Light Ray Gun
CHARACTER FIGHTING STATS 1-5 (1; Weakest, 3; Normal 5; Strongest)
Power- 3
Defense- 2
Speed- 4
Intelligence- 4
Skill- 3
Killing Intent- 3

Black, consider it you without having the glasses on.

And that is what you used in Trio of DEF, but for my story you can use those.

As for the others not going to change.

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Alright, Creator and Caeda it is

Enzax Aito
Alias: Lich Creator, Emperor Aito
Age: 15 - 40
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 9’’
Weight: 171 lbs. - 228 lbs.
Race: White
Job: Tech Division, Banned, High School Student - [s]Emperor[/s] Vagabond
Father- Hideaki
Mother- Alexandria
Step Brother- Donovyn
Daughter- Shirley and Lyn
Creation- PROTO
[*]Moonstone Cannon
[*]Giant PROTO
CHARACTER FIGHTING STATS 1-5 (1; Weakest, 3; Normal 5; Strongest)
Power- 2
Defense- 2
Speed- 3
Intelligence- 5
Skill- 4
Killing Intent- 5
Caeda Layton
Alias: None
Age: 15 - 40
Gender: Female
Height: 5’ 3’’
Weight: 160 lbs. - 213 lbs.
Race: White
Job: Banned Member, High School Student - Nursemaid
Brother- Dane
Husband- Joshua
Daughter- Amelia
[*]Duel Disk
CHARACTER FIGHTING STATS 1-5 (1; Weakest, 3; Normal 5; Strongest)
Power- 2
Defense- 3
Speed- 3
Intelligence- 4
Skill- 3
Killing Intent- 3

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