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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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Black you're in it. And you have to fight someone you probably don't want to or never would.

And DL, what if you guys are in it . . . but one of you dies?

This is my work and, not bashing Fusion, I am more than willing to kill off anyone to make it more interesting.

Be it YCMaker himself, you DL, myself or even some random person everyone cares about . . .

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1330145473' post='5839191']
Black you're in it. And you have to fight someone you probably don't want to or never would.

And DL, what if you guys are in it . . . but one of you dies?

This is my work and, not bashing Fusion, I am more than willing to kill off anyone to make it more interesting.

Be it YCMaker himself, you DL, myself or even some random person everyone cares about . . .
If it's me, you suck

If it's my dear El you suck more D<

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1330144222' post='5839118']
LOL. No.

Though I'll say this, don't count some people being there and some people returning.

There's too many people to return, I'm fine with that >.>
[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1330145473' post='5839191']
Black you're in it. And you have to fight someone you probably don't want to or never would.
And DL, what if you guys are in it . . . but one of you dies?

This is my work and, not bashing Fusion, I am more than willing to kill off anyone to make it more interesting.

Be it YCMaker himself, you DL, myself or even some random person everyone cares about . . [b].[/b]
[b]Yeah dude, go for it. Just make sure it's done well and makes everyone's hearts wrench a bit.[/b]
[b]I always had an alternate ending one-shot in mind for my last one-shot before I left YCM: Death of DEF.[/b]
[b]I was gonna have some enemy (like Wahrheit or someone) go after DEF specifically, and so much stuff happens, it would have kept you guessing on who was gonna die.[/b]
[b]For DL, I planned a scene with him and his kids in a car frantically driving through a collapsing tunnel trying to escape, with DL spinning the car 180 degrees at the last second where the tunnel collapsed on the car, the half with his kids getting out, but DL getting buried under rubble. He almost died.[/b]
[b]For El, I was gonna have him trapped in one of Wiseman's old bases (or something) with a bunch of PROTOs (like a 100) cornering him and just him. He decided to go out by fighting them all and he kicks major a*s, but is pretty much ripped to shreds until Al or someone else found a switch to short-circuit all electronics, barely saving his life.[/b]
[b]For Chris, I was gonna have him rescue his family out of an abandoned warehouse rigged to explode, but he's caught as he tries to leave and almost dies.[/b]
[b]Finally, I was gonna have Wahrheit carry out his final plan (whatever it was) on a space station in Earth's orbit. Chris, DL, El, Black and Al (he sneaked on their ride) all go to face him and take him down.[/b]
[b]But then the space station's rigged to explode in 5 minutes.[/b]
[b]They all get to the two space pods left, but each only has room for 2 people, with no possible way to fit a 3rd person inside.[/b]
[b]Al gets in one, and Black offers to die, but DEF all shove him inside with Al and ship them to Earth before they could do anything.[/b]
[b]Each stubbornly refusing to get in, the three stand side by side together, accepting their deaths and their eternal friendship.[/b]
[b]But then Chris feels his legs sweep under him and a swift blow to the gut as he sails into the pod.[/b]
[b]Another body is flung at him along with the sound of a weapon thrown in.[/b]
[b]The two boys can only watch as a smiling El closes the hatch and bids them farewell.[/b]
[b]The space station explodes as Chris and DL fall back to earth.[/b]
[b]With a heavy heart, they give Al the Nugora Sword that El tossed in the pod with them.[/b]
[b]Then I would have done some tale with Al being emo, getting his act together, and showing that even life without El sucked a lot, he would never be forgotten and DEF's bonds would be everlasting.[/b]


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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1330148486' post='5839363']
There's too many people to return, I'm fine with that >.>
Since it won't quote the epicness that you just posted:





This would blow my "Rosa in Heaven" one-shot away EASILY

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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1330180675' post='5839636']


Also, Jack is a pretty good writer so I wouldn't put it beyond him to possibly surpass Fuse

Fuse is my protegé

He's probably surpassed ME

And I'm confident it will be a novel

What, you think it isn't good enough? D<

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Fusion will write the novel, I just know it.

Damn, I don't think I'd ever be able to do something like that.

Honestly, I'm going to ask you to leave my character out. Fusion gave my character such a huge role in the story that I feel that it's complete. The only thing I can think to add is maybe an after story that explains who in the world I end up having children with.

Because that blew my mind.

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No it's not confidential. I'm brainstorming right now, but I don't think any actual writing will be done until after I spend some time in college. I want to take classes to better my writing and take some psychology courses to better understand human thinking to deepen character depth.
@Creator-I guess it wasn't as obvious as I thought it'd be.
[spoiler=Open this to solve the mystery or don't open to maintain the mystery]
Creator had smex with Emma right before the war started.
Left her with 2 twins.
But she and Hollow picked things up by the time Creator slowed down a tad in his global conquest and accepted he couldn't have her back. And he decided to stay away from his daughters to protect their identities, much like his father did before him. Although they had Hollow to act as their father, so he knew it was for the best.[/spoiler]
I'm sure Jake's story will be pro though.
Whenever he writes it.

Jake, I'll make one suggestion.
Don't go crazy with characters. Keep it to those you need.

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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1330217150' post='5840819']

You WOULD take psychology just to write better

And don't they offer that in your highschool?

As for the mystery
[/quote]cuz he got one with Aka :3

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