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I'm calling bullshit

Like I said, unless everywhere was perfectly communist

You can't expect wars to end

Wars are a part of life and a part of humanity. So, until some alien invasion happens, wars will still exist

You might as well stop dreaming now before you your dreams fail you ultimately =/
Edit: ninja'd by a whole conversation..this is just sad

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That's completely negative

I'm realist, and I say

While the chance of it being easy, let alone duable, is almost nonexistent

But if everyone in the governments would stop being selfish and cautious of others, and the world would globally STOP THE BULLSH*T

it's not impossible at all, quite easy

So it's a hard thing to do, yet easy thing to do

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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1328839772' post='5807493']

That's completely negative

I'm realist, and I say

While the chance of it being easy, let alone duable, is almost nonexistent

But if everyone in the governments would stop being selfish and cautious of others, and the world would globally STOP THE BULLSH*T

it's not impossible at all, quite easy

So it's a hard thing to do, yet easy thing to do
It's just

You keep forgetting

We are human

No, not even the holiest of holy people can deny that too have desires somewhere. At some point, if I push hard enough, your true humanity will show

And if you have humanity, you can't have peace

But to have have peace requires sacrificing humanity

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328839723' post='5807491']
Feh, I have faith the world will wise up and put aside their differences one day.
It's impossible to control the entire human race, but international relations can be worked on and improved.

We're not talkin world peace here, we're talkin governmental world peace

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328840177' post='5807515']
What, you don't want everyone to get along?
1) That would be too boring. I'd like for things to be interesting
2)Even if I wanted it, it won't happen. Might as well end those childish dreams and move on to achieving goals that might lead to that direction rather than trying to count to the end of infinite

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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1328840449' post='5807524']
2)Even if I wanted it, it won't happen. Might as well end those childish dreams and move on to achieving goals that might lead to that direction rather than trying to count to the end of infinite
Pretty much this

Peace is an illusory concept. It has no basis and it won't until the end of time. Any "peace" that we have until then will be caused by dictators and the like.

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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1328840449' post='5807524']
1) That would be too boring. I'd like for things to be interesting
2)Even if I wanted it, it won't happen. Might as well end those childish dreams and move on to achieving goals that might lead to that direction rather than trying to count to the end of infinite

1. Scuse me for not wanting any more lives to be lost over nothing =/
2. When you aim high, you aim for the top, bro.

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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1328840639' post='5807532']







And this is where you and fuse ultimately concede defeat via illogical fallacy

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328840750' post='5807536']

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328840750' post='5807536']
I'd like that post but outta likes for the day

I'm obviously joking on that DEF thing

But if more people were like us, and less people were like YOU two

needless to say this world would be better

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True, think about it, a lot of people who had potential to make change probably accepted this fact as unchangeable and refused to bother with it.
When you actually stand up and try to make change, you'd be surprised at what one can accomplish.
Martin Luther King Jr. faced the issue of racial equality plaguing an entire nation.
What'd he do?
He changed an entire nation's way of thinking.
If people from each of the nations stood up and made a difference:
They could change the world's way of thinking.

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It has nothing to do with our attitude towards peace =/

You think you're the first people to want it? It's a goal since CAIN KILLED ABEL/THE FIRST FIGHT EVER

People will always have differences, they will always fight.

Fights escalate, and we have war!

The world will never know true peace for as long as it exists. That's nto to say you shouldn't try to improve the world.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328841408' post='5807567']
Well total peace with everywhere and everyone is pushing it, but all the countries promising to get along and not kill each other is a reasonable goal :/
EDIT: Preserving life is logically just, ain't it?
No, it's not reasonable.

First off, there are all the faiths of the world, some more radical than others.
Then there's the facts of human nature: Greed, lust, gluttony, pride, wrath, sloth, and envy

Those 7 sins show WHY peace is unrealistic!

Am I saying give into despair and never try? No.

Being realistic about things like this does not, in ANY way, mean to give up and lie down. IT means fix it, but don't lose your hope because you can't attain something unreachable!

The men in history who get ANYTHING done for the good of the world are humble, and pursue goals within their means! The key to failure is overextending!

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[quote name='Relius Clover' timestamp='1328841260' post='5807560']
It has nothing to do with our attitude towards peace =/

You think you're the first people to want it? It's a goal since CAIN KILLED ABEL/THE FIRST FIGHT EVER

People will always have differences, they will always fight.

Fights escalate, and we have war!

The world will never know true peace for as long as it exists. That's nto to say you shouldn't try to improve the world.
Always war doesn't mean never peace

I prefer never peace to always war

Because there probably won't ever be worldwide peace

But if there are always wars, we can't say we;ve improved as a human race

In retrospect, I saw a dog attack another one today for no real reason, and they were both dogs I was bringing back from the vet (I was working there today)

So makes you wonder how much more violent then other species we really are

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328841408' post='5807567']
Well total peace with everywhere and everyone is pushing it, but all the countries promising to get along and not kill each other is a reasonable goal :/
EDIT: Preserving life is logically just, ain't it?
In small amounts it's logically just

saying that all murders must stop is illogically just because it simply won't happen

I'm not negative

I'm being more of a realist than DL 0-0

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[quote name='Relius Clover' timestamp='1328841578' post='5807573']
No, it's not reasonable.

First off, there are all the faiths of the world, some more radical than others.
Then there's the facts of human nature: Greed, lust, gluttony, pride, wrath, sloth, and envy

Those 7 sins show WHY peace is unrealistic!

Am I saying give into despair and never try? No.

Being realistic about things like this does not, in ANY way, mean to give up and lie down. IT means fix it, but don't lose your hope because you can't attain [b]something unreachable[/b]!

The men in history who get ANYTHING done for the good of the world are humble, and pursue goals within their means! The key to failure is overextending!

Right, but who says it's unreachable? Just because it's never been done before?
There's a quote I heard from Dan Brown that I'll never forget.
"Nothing's impossible. It just takes longer."

I don't know if everyone can adopt a utopian way of thinking, something like that would take a long time to come about, but I think wars can be halted.
You said different faiths was an issue, but liberal thinking has taken over our generation with acceptance of differences like religion, sexuality, etc. I believe this way of thinking will revolutionize certain conservate thinkings at least in some parts of the world. The key solution to all of this is learning to accept differences and not trying to enforce one's way of life over another's.

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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1328841651' post='5807582']
In small amounts it's logically just

saying that all murders must stop is illogically just because it simply won't happen

I'm not negative

I'm being more of a realist than DL 0-0
no you're not

I already knew everything you're saying here

In fact, we're not suggesting there will never be murders, there will never be wars, there will always be peace

Is downright silly

But we CAN do some basic stuff to improve on this part

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