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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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Wait, pixies?
Kids in my grammar school class read Artemis Fowl, but I never found out what was so good about it.

Hey, have you guys heard of the texting service Cha-Cha (242-242)? It's free and it answers almost any question you ask it.
I asked it when each of the Big 3 mangas would end.
Perhaps at the end of the current saga.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=One Piece]
The manga One Piece is expected to end sometime soon. There has been no official date declared, though most fans believe it will be at least another 4 years, allowing for 200 more writings.[/spoiler]
No one really knows when Bleach will end. There have been rumors since 2007 that the end was coming soon.[/spoiler]
I laughed at the Bleach answer for some reason.

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My favorite books in order:

1. Game of Thrones (for now)
2. Harry Potter
3. Inheritance Cycle (Eragon)
4. Artemis Fowl series
5. Forgotten Realms (all of them)
6. Stephen King Novels (In general)
7. Dragonlance Series

So yeah, I read a lot.

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[quote name='TheCreator94' timestamp='1322441548' post='5670926']


My favorite books in order:

1. Game of Thrones (for now)
2. Harry Potter
3. Inheritance Cycle (Eragon)
4. Artemis Fowl series
5. Forgotten Realms (all of them)
6. Stephen King Novels (In general)
7. Dragonlance Series

So yeah, I read a lot.

Not as much as one of my friends up north. He read the entire Star Wars book series in a month. What does that tell you?

As for me:

Inheritance Series (3 out of 4)
Hellgate: London trilogy (Demons)
The Inhumans trilogy (fantasy)
Harry Potter (...yeah.)

That's basically about it. I don't read that much.

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[quote name='TheCreator94' timestamp='1322441548' post='5670926']


I know...
There was a Borders like 5 minutes from my house. I loved going there to read Marvel comics or manga novels in relative peace.
Now I need to drive down the highway for 10-15 minutes to go to Barnes & Noble :/
And dude.
Something tells me you would love the Pendragon series by D.J Machale.
It is the sh*t.

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[quote name='TheCreator94' timestamp='1322442712' post='5671003']
Been there, done that. The Star Wars movies and games are better, but I give em credit, it did the story well.

I agree. I'm looking forward to the entire series comes out on DVD. *f*ck Blu-ray*

Games... I only played a few. Battlefront 1 & 2, Force Unleashed, and Lego Star Wars.

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I've seen Blu-Ray and I can say . . . I don't understand the hype. It looks like a normal DVD to me (B \)

On another note, Fusion the Thanksgiving Day One-Shot is finished. Read below:

[spoiler=Thanksgiving Day One-Shot is Late, but here]
“Do we have everything?” Jake asked as he shut the trunk door. Tapping her foot Lora ran through her mental list of everything they had to have packed for the trip and what they would need along the way. They had the food and the means to carry it. She also had ensured they wouldn’t forget to bring along all the board games she had promised Aunt Rebecca. Shaking her head Lora answered, “No I think we have everything Dad but tell me . . . Why are we driving? Can‘t e just fly or teleport there?”

“Sorry but Beth can’t fly and I don’t think teleporting her anywhere would be a very good idea,” Jake replied putting his hand around his girlfriend, who lowered her head in a bit of shame that she was causing problems. Bowing down she apologized, “I’m sorry for causing such a big problem like this. If I could only remember my past life as a vampire I could fly there too. So I’ll drive while you two-

“Liz it’s okay, I don’t mind,” Lora replied smiling and patting Elizabeth on the back with a wide grin. Beth smiled back and nodded her head before getting into the passengers side while Jake buckled into the drivers side, inserting the key in time with Lora scooting into the back. Turning the engine over the car roared to life, the air conditioning blew throughout the vehicle, and the radio switched on to being playing the random song list that Jake’s IPod had on it. With everyone buckled in Jake looked to the two women accompanied him and grinned, putting the gears in Drive, and spoke before slamming on the gas pedal, “Here we go!”

Tires screeching loudly as the car peeled from the drive way, almost running Remo over as it did, the black haired man spun in place before catching hold of a street sign and yelled at them as they turned off the road, “Watch where you’re going you crazy ass driver!!!”


“Oh look at all the different leaf colors dad!!” Looking down at the passing sea of green, red and orange Jake chuckled a bit and looked over at his daughter, “Come on Lora changing leaves normally isn’t something you’d get excited about.”

“Yeah, but Grandma, Nana and everyone else is going to be there, right? So how can’t I get excited?!” Lora could see her Dad shift in place once she say that. Frowning she leaned in beside him and asked if everyone [i]was[/i] going to be there, making him slightly uncomfortable, “Well not really.”

“What? Who isn’t going to be there?”


The sound of a whistle interrupted him and made everyone’s heart jump in their chest. Scowling Jake looked over and his eyes grew wide at the first thing he saw. Breasts. Boobs. Melons. Two Massive Mamories starring back at him. Unfortunately it was his sister’s pair of barely covered dirty pillows and to him it was more something to throw up over as he turned to look back forward, trying to ignore her calling his name as best he could.

“Jake Jake, Jake . . . Jake . . . Jake . . . you’ll have to answer sooner or later . . . Jake . . . Jake, Jake, Jake . . . Jake . . . Jake . . .” she kept repeating until finally he couldn’t stand it anymore, “What?!”

“Well about time you answered me dumb ass,” she retorted dryly as she looked at him in her new Autumn clothing, probably bought by some “admirer” she had tricked, “Answer me something. You’re the owner of a chain of hotels . . . can travel to over dimensions . . . and you tried to [i]rent[/i] a SMART CAR?”

His eye twitching Jake looked away and avoided eye contact with his sister while Lora stuck her head out of their car and yelled at her Aunt in her Lamborghini, “Yeah he tried but the Rental Company wouldn’t let him rent another one until he paid off the debt he owes them for totaling the other one last Spring.”

“Hey it wasn’t my fault the car was totaled,” Jake retorted looking over his shoulder at the Lora then to his sister as her car remained beside his, only to have his daughter kick the back of his seat, “What do you think would happen when you started playing Bumper Cars with real cars Dad?”

“Uh . . . A fun way to pass the trip?” Lora sighed and turned around, remembering the event and begun grinning a bit. Snapping her fingers Jackie suggested, by yelling, that they raced from there current spot all the way to their destination. For a moment Jake shook his head, not wanting to possibly total this car, but was surprised when both Lora and Beth yelled back to her, “You’re on!”

“Well I guess that is that,” Jake mused to himself as he saw his sister suddenly accelerate away from them. Both girls were already in the frame of mind for something like this and, while Lora fiddled with the IPod for a proper song, Beth was urging him to speed up and pass her. Laughing as he pressed on the pedal and caused the tiny Smart Car to lurch forward Lora selected the song and let it begin playing as they slowly began catching up.

“Go, go . . . Faster!” Liz cheered as they caught up beside Jackie both cars swerved out of the way, Lora by pulling the steering wheel and Jackie moving on her own, as a motorcycle slammed in between them and rode on it’s front tire for a while. Everyone didn’t need to know who it was, it was kind of obvious, exceptionally when the rider slammed back on both wheels and speed away while flicking them off. Looking at each other Jackie speed off after the motorcycle while Jake fiddled with the gears, “Seems Jesse found us and wants to play along.”

“What that was Jesse?” Beth asked as she looked forward, not noticing that her boyfriend had changed the Smart Car into something in the span of a few moments, causing the car to begin driving faster, then nodded when she heard him respond, “Mhm, he enjoys motorcycles over cars . . . Also he gave us the ‘salute’ so there is no doubt in my mind.”


“You’ll find out,” Lora told Liz with a laugh as they speed after Jesse and Jackie.


“Oh yeah baby winner right here!” Jackie yelled as she got out of the Lamborghini and slammed the door shut behind her. Pulling his helmet off Jesse shot her a dirty expression before dismounting, “Like f*cking hell you did. I beat everyone here so I obviously won.”

“What?! Oh come on, hey, we’re the ones who got here first,” Lora argued as she climbed out of the car and pointed at the other two. Getting out of the car Jake and Beth looked at the three arguing about who won, not able to help chuckle at bit at the sight of it. Grabbing his hand Beth leaned over a bit and whispered into his ear, “So who really did win?”

“Does it matter?” he whispered back, “But if you ask me Jesse seemed to at least get in last place.”

“Hey I heard that! That is absolute bull sh*t that I came in last place!” Jesse yelled walking over to him and lifted him up by the front of his shirt and readied to punch him in the face. Giggling to herself Jesse stopped to look over at her and ask what she was laughing about, but soon regretted ever wondering when she responded, “I think this might be the first time you’ve ever complained about coming last . . .”

Liz’s face grew red and Lora slapped her face as Jackie and Jake began laughing at Jesse, who threw the latter to the ground and stormed off. Picking himself up off the ground and dusting himself off Jake shook his head and told Beth that he wouldn’t go far or be angry for very long, “So we better get the food out of the car and bring it inside before we gets cold.”

“Okay Dad you grab the mashed potatoes,” Lora said opening the trunk and was interrupted by someone tackling her from behind and knocking her to the ground. Jake and Liz walked over to see a young girl, sixteen by her appearance, on top of Lora and poking her in the forehead while laughing; Lora seemed to be at least mildly annoyed by the insistent poking but didn’t do anything to knock the girl off of her. Tapping the young girl on the head to catch her attention Jake leaned over and startled her, “What are you doing Mandy?”

Once she had ceased being sprawled on the ground in shock Mandy stood up, dusting her outfit off and poked Jake in the stomach hard enough to actually be uncomfortable, “Jake I thought I told you to start calling me Amanda now. Mike calls me Amanda, but why do you keep calling me Mandy?”

“Because I know you better as Mandy than Amanda,” Jake confessed and heard Liz give a very anime-ish squeal of delight before grabbing hold of Amanda and hugging her tightly, pawning the top of her head, “Oh come on sweetie Mandy is such a cute name you shouldn’t be ashamed to be called that instead of Amanda. A lot of people are called Amanda but I’ve never heard of a girl like you being called Mandy.”

“Jake get her off me! Lora help I can’t breath!” Amanda begged as Liz continued to pawn over her, more to annoy her than any actual sudden odd obsession, and Lora shook her head while trying not to laugh; Jake wasn’t so withdrawn and was rolling on the ground in a fit of laughter. Pushing Liz off of her Mandy spun around and crashed Jake’s head into the ground before turning to the right and running off, “Dad! Jake is being mean to me!”

“Amanda quite picking on your cousin,” her father, in a black tuxedo, said after she had grabbed him and attempted to fake tears as best she could. Laughing Jake walked up to his Uncle and clasped the gray haired man before giving him a firm smile, “What is with the tux and gun on your side? Just came from a job or something?”

The man laughed and pulled his coat so the gun couldn’t be readily seen and nodded, “Or something. Now if may be excused I have something to do before we eat.”

“You mean look at porn?”

Everyone stopped and looked at Uncle Tony as he stopped mid-turn then looked back over his shoulder at Jackie, who had her arms crossed and a smile on her face, “Yup.”

Everyone laughed as he left for the bathroom, knowing that there was a high chance he actually was going to go look at some porn, and his daughter following him whilst yelling at him not to say something like that; she was also trying to peg him with rocks or whatever she could get her hands on. Walking up beside Jake, Liz and Lora had their arms filled with the food they had brought along, “So where are we going to put all of the food?”

“Ummm . . . Well I really don’t know. Hold on,” Jake looked around for a moment before seeing a withered old woman scolding a group of much larger men and then sending them off to do certain chores that needed to be done before the feast could begin. As one of them walked past Jake, bumping into him, he grabbed hold of his shoulder, “Hey Joey what happened to make Nana so pissed off?”

“Dad and Mom started drinking early and thought it would be a good idea to dance with the uncooked ham,” the teenager said with a saddened look knowing that they had been all caught up in Nana’s wrath because they didn’t stop them or even joined in; he had simply flicked on the radio. Chuckling he patted his nephew on the shoulder before catching the old lady’s attention, getting into a saluting stance before flicking her off, “Grandma! Jacob and company arrived! Where do you want us to put the food?”

“Oh Jake? About time you got here,” she said with a smile, flicking him off back before the two gave each other a warm hug. Pointing to a massive table, already occupied by a large fat man, decorated with food of almost every imaginable flavor and type she stated to put it there then turned back to him while the two girls passed by, “So is that the girl you keep talking about in all those texts? See has a nice ass on her and I can see some very nice grandbabies coming from you two.”

“Hey, hey, Hey old biddy! We aren’t even engaged yet and you’re already thinking of us having kids?!” Jake grew bright red as his own Grandmother talked about it so melancholy, but this wasn’t out of the norm for her or anyone else in the family; she constantly told his brother not to have children with any girl he even hanged out with. Blinking for a second he looked down at Grandma, “Hey where is Mike and Mom?”

“Oh that lazy b*stard? He isn’t going to be here. His fax earlier today was something about his team being deployed somewhere in East Africa to foot a bill his company owes. As for your Mother she called and said her and Jade somehow got stuck in Turkey, somehow their tickets got mixed up.”

“I thought Con Corp™ was a non-profit organization?” he teased back, knowing the kind of underhanded black market operations that his brother dealt in with the company title as a front. A very good front. But his mother and his unofficial other-mother mysteriously getting a wrong ticket to a remote destination had all the hints of tampering, [i]“I’d bet Jesse did that just to avoid having to sit next to Jade. That is something he’d do just to avoid a simple situation like that.”[/i] Shrugging Grandma turned her head and began yelling, walking towards Joseph who had fallen close to where the bon fire was going to be lit later that day and telling him to stop rolling in the leaves.

“This is your family?” Liz stood beside her boyfriend, her arms wrapped around his, and looked at the entire group and each small pocket of activity they seemed to have divided themselves into. Besides those they had already met and those not present there was a few others who still hadn’t been introduced. Smiling at her as she put her head on his shoulders he wrapped his arm around her, “Most of them and if you think this is crazy, wait until we all sit down to eat.”


“All I’m saying is that it’s not American!” Uncle Joe yelled at the top of his lungs, his face beat red, and leaning over with his elbow on the table with his beer in hand. Leaning back he gave a loud burp as his wife tried to quite him down, suggesting to avoid bringing it up again so his blood pressure wouldn’t rise. Grabbing another piece of turkey from the plate Jake shook his head and sat back down beside Lora and Liz, looking over the table, “If you have a problem with it then do something Uncle Joe. I mean-

“So! Justin how goes the Science Fair project you’re doing with Uncle Andrew?” Becky asked trying to avoid bringing up the other conversation, worried about her father’s health. Looking up from his plate Justin quickly fixed his glasses before quietly replying, “It is going well . . . We should not be working much longer.”

“What is he doing anyways?”

“Didn’t we tell you?” Jackie shook her head and let Becky explain that Justin was getting help from Uncle Andrew, even though he wasn’t really related, to make a highly advanced AI Computer Program that would tell you the type of guy a girl should date based on information you typed in; she left out the specifics that the details were the bust and waist size of the girl. Laughing Jackie commented that it was a little advanced for a Junior High School Science Fair, not knowing he had entered on the college level, and turned to Jesse who had begun laughing rather loudly, “What are you laughing at?”

“Oh just the thought of it. Hey Lora maybe you should’ve brought that guy you’re dating so we could see if Justin’s machine really works.” Lora grew red when he mentioned this and got even more uncomfortable when the entire gathering turned to her. Many hadn’t spoken to Jake or Lora since they moved to Yugo City; even rarer did they speak to Jackie or Jesse, but those two didn’t have as nearly interesting news as this to tell. Fidgeting in her seat she kept her eyes low so as to not look at anyone, “Well ummm . . . Uh . . .”

“You should’ve invited him over for Thanksgiving!”

“Yeah now I really want to meet this guy!”

“What’s his name?”

Standing up Jesse leaned over, one hand on the table, and began speaking despite Lora’s attempt to make him remain silent, “He is living in the same city as her. I heard he actually got the Key to the City and other Awards for his acts of bravery.”

“Isn’t his name Nobou Beginning?” he questioned with a grin before having to avoid a kick to the face, leaning back while she reeled her leg back, “I’m not dating that idiot!! I’m not even seeing anyone!!”


“Too bad . . .”

“Yeah it would be nice to see you with someone.”

“I bet she’s lying!” Everyone nodded their head and starting interrogating her to try and make her tell ‘the truth’ until each was knocked back onto the ground from an impact. Yelling in surprise Liz looked around her to see everyone who had been asking Lora questions with a slipper jutting out of their forehead and covered in blood. Screaming she grabbed hold of Jake as he laughed at everyone. Sipping a cup of coffee Grandma Jane wiggled a bit back into her seat to get comfy again, “Come on everyone can’t we get back to eating and avoid making Lorana embarrassed?”

“Thanks Nana,” Lora sat back in her seat as everyone got up and followed the orders given to avoid bringing up the conversation again.


“Hey Dad stop what you are doing right now!!!” Jake yelled while shielding his eyes, his father standing up with his hands on his belt. Looking up he simply replied, ‘Son if I don’t undo my pants I’ll burst.”

“Oh God I didn’t want to hear that!” Jake hissed turning his head as everyone laughed and told the old man to keep it up if only to aggravate his son. Looking back at his father, who had been seated for dinner long before anyone else, as he stood back in line with the dirty plate in hand Jake called out to him, “Isn’t that your fifth plate!? You’re going to kill over if you keep this up!!!”

“But I’m still hungry son, I can’t help it,” he sniffled, looking back at him with droopy eyes and almost nodding off there. Jackie, standing behind him, knew there wasn’t very much left by now and if he got to make another plate there’d be nothing at all. Sighing she spoke to try and get him out of the way, “And we can’t help you if you get a heart attack hold man.”

Taking his forearm Katie lead him to the couch and helped him sit down, smiling and nodding when he thanked her, then left when he fell asleep, getting back in line behind Jackie. Sitting down Jackie lifted the turkey up with her fork and took a bite, “So who got the turkey this year? I mean talk about some huge breasts . . . This thing is bigger than I am. Talk about Turkey-Zilla . . .”

“Actually it is a mutant Tur-Duc-En . . . It got bathed in some radioactive waste and grew to that size,” Josh confessed finishing his drink, “I had the fortune of coming across it a few weeks ago before it learned it’s eggs contained acid yolk or caused a lot of destruction. I was going to leave it along, I mean it was only a matter of time before it died naturally, but I ended up killing . . . though it was on accident.”

“Was that what you were calling me for at 3 in the morning?” Jake asked tossing his empty plate away. Josh nodded his head, getting up and walking to throw his plate and glass away too, and Jake nodded back, “Ah I thought you were calling me again in a drunkard stupor to complain about the Dodo Argument again.”

“I haven’t complained about that in three months.”

“Still not long enough for us,” his sister said laughing and patted him on the back, making Uncle Tony look up from his “business” on the phone and interject, “That’s what she said.”

“Wait did you say radioactive waste?!” Liz asked spitting a bit of the food into her napkin, but was told that by now it was safe to eat. Shrugging Jackie spoke about being poisoned via radioactivity nonchalantly, “. . . but you wont die. If anything you’re more likely to die choking on it since it’s so dry. I mean d*mn doesn’t anyone know you have to tie the legs together to keep the inside moist?”

“That’s what she said,” Uncle Tony said again with a chuckle, flipping through page after page of porn on his phone as everyone shot him a ‘that’s getting old’ glare. Standing up from her spot Grandma clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention and once she had it walked over to another table, “Since everyone is finished eating dinner I think it’s time we started on desert. But don’t come at once everyone.”

“That’s what she sa-” Uncle Tony began to say before his daughter delivered a quick boot to his hind side.


“Hey that’s my piece!”

“Get your own!”

“I said that was my piece you idiot!” Joey said as he tried to get his desert plate back from his cousin, who despite being a girl shorter than him, was doing a very well job of keeping him at bay with her whip. Growling he looked to his Aunt, asking her to make Katie stop and give back his plate. Katie pulled the whip back around her and laughed, leaping onto her Nightmare, “Come on why don’t you just get it back by force? Oh wait! You couldn’t beat me if I had both hands tied behind my back!!”

“Hey Katie why do you have a Nightmare?” Jake asked from his spot with a grin, “I thought girls liked Unicorns and fluffy sh*t like that . . .”

“Katie give back your cousin his food,” Josh ordered her as he was gathering his own plate of desert, having to step over Jesse after he had gotten a whip to his most private parts. Stopping in front of the last thing, Pumpkin Roll, he looked down and grinned seeing the last piece was all his to enjoy. Almost drooling already, thinking of how good it’d be to eat it in front of everyone just to see their faces, he went to pick it up and was stopped by three more forks. Looking up at the owners he could see Jake, Jesse and Jackie all looking at him as well as each other. Trying to get his fork out from the others and get the Pumpkin Roll he struggled, “Hey I was here first!”

“Yeah right I was, but I had to answer Aunt Toni about how much prescription marijuana I needed,” Jesse barked back lifting everyone’s forks and then moving them back down when he failed to get his out of the entanglement. Jackie laughed and looked at him, “Since when did you start needing to take medical marijuana? You just don’t want to get arrested again. Besides you ate all of the Deviled Eggs so you don’t need this.”

“Funny coming from you sis,” Jake said reaching out with his free hand and bringing it back to avoid getting stabbed, “Aren’t you worried about your weight? You say anything will make you fat so [i]you[/i] don’t need this!!!”

“What the f*ck did you just say you little fruit?!”

“I think he said you’re fat,” Josh said with a grin as Jackie angrily withdraw from the heated contest over the much coveted confection. [i]“One down and two to go,”[/i] he thought looking back at his cousin and the life long family friend while a large shadow covered them. Tugging on his shirt Liz, who was the reason Jake was trying to get the last piece, slowly began backing away, “Uh, Jake baby?”

“Yeah Liz? Sorry I’m trying to get this for you.”

“No it’s okay. I’m not that hungry but . . . l-look up.” Not only Jake, but Josh and Jesse looked up to see Jackie flying in the air with dark clouds behind her, covering the entire city. Sweat dropping they watched her raise her left hand above her head, “Perverted Style: Summon, Tentacle Beast of the Ninth Dimension!!!!”

Swinging her arm down a purple dome formed underneath her, causing everyone else to dodge out of the way; Jake grabbing Liz before going into a shundo to escape the summoning circle. From the distance everyone could see a glowing purple light before a large explosion allowed something to begin climbing out of the summoning circle. The large creature, a mass of writhing worm-like entities, swung it’s head over to Jackie and awaited her command. With a smirk she pointed at her brother, cousin and a few other people, “Use them as you see fit . . .”

With a gurgle it turned around and trusted it’s arm out, sending a wave of tentacles at everyone, though they managed to avoid being caught. Yelling Jake skidded to a stop and looked up at the summoned creature, “What in the name of H.G. Lovecraft is [i]that[/i] thing!?”

“And you call yourself a practitioner of Tosaku-Ken, how pathetic,” Jesse said slicing one of the tentacles as it slowly wrapped around his leg, kicking it aside. Jake put Liz down and turned to him, “Well yeah . . . but I never saw the sense of summoning a tentacle monster. If I ever need the help of that then I really have lost my touch.”

“Jake do a Barrel Roll!!!!!”

“A what?!” Jesse asked before being knocked off his feet. Looking up into the smoke he could see Aunt Di standing up, a half empty bottle of scotch in her hand, and saw her face was red. Staggering out of the crater she caused she spun around before throwing a punch at Jesse, “’eard we was ‘avin’ a fight . . . I want t’ fight too . . .”

“Oh come on!!!” Jesse yelled blocking the drunkard’s punch before being kicked away, rolling around and leaping to avoid getting ensnared by the tentacles. Landing next to Jake he grabbed him and threw him into the assailant, knocking them to the ground. Jake rolled away as she went to slam her elbow into his side, hitting her face when she missed, and got up. Raising his fists he knew that his Aunt Di was an expert at the Drunken Fist, having only mastered it because she had a habit of drinking at every social event, and that she was going to be a tough fight. If he had to fight her at all. Standing up he pointed to the right, “Oh my God what’s that?!”

“Hu?” Looking over at nothing she looked back in time to see her nephew’s fist. Looking down at his passed out Aunt he turned to Jesse, “What the f*ck was that for?!”

“Better you than me,” he answered honestly. A quick jerk from below hauled him into the air, upside down, as the tentacles of the Cthulu Beast-Thing made it nearly impossible for him to move. Frowning he could feel them moving around and turned to look at Josh, “Hey get these things off me before they begin exploring places that shouldn’t be explored!”

“Hey better you than me,” Josh told him cutting a tentacle that came too close. He was so occupied that he hadn’t noticed anything behind him and was saved only by his own sister intervening. Landing behind him she held up a bunch of papers before throwing them like shuriken, cutting tentacles from a distance, “Didn’t we teach you to watch your back as well?”

“Yeah but in this situation,” Josh stopped and half laughed, half yelled, when he saw that Becky had fallen asleep. “Now?! Your habit is going to kick in now of all times?!” he thought leaning over to pick her up. A tentacle shot out and tied his arms together and dragged him into the air along with his sleeping sister.

“Give it up little brother! I’ve won!” Jackie taunted on top her summon. Looking around Jake could see everyone was wrapped up in the tentacles. Turning his gaze back to Jackie he smiled, biting his thumb so it began bleeding, “You aren’t the only person who can do perverted summoning.”

“You wouldn’t!”

“At a time like this you leave me no choice. I’m forced to summon the only thing that can stop a fight between a brother and sister,” Jake formed the seals before raising his hand, “Perverted Style: Summoning, Cest Twi-”


“Yes ma’am!” Everyone, even the Tentacle Monster, sat down at the order as Grandma walked into the middle of the fighting and gave everyone a disappointed look. Tapping her fingers on her cane she stopped at Jackie who avoided her gave, “Release this poor thing so it can go have Thanksgiving with it’s own family and then get down here.”

“Yes Grandma,” Jackie replied, releasing the beast, and then slowly walked up to Grandma. Flinching when she raised her hand the only thing she got was a pat on the shoulder, “It’s Thanksgiving. We can be fighting each other on another day, but not now. Okay?”

“Okay.” Jackie turned around and walked over to everyone, who were equally shocked she hadn’t been murdered. Each gave the other a smile and turned to walk away, stopping when each one of them felt a cold chill run down their back. They didn’t want to look behind them and confirm their suspicion, but the killing intent was obvious. Glancing at each other they nodded and then muttered, “On the count of three . . .”

“Wait we run on three or three and then run?”

“Jake we run on three you idiot.”

“Three!!!” Running as fast as they can all three of them already were behind the tree line as Grandma raised both hands, multiple Slippers in both hands. Crouching down she leaped high into the air and threw them, “Multiple Tracking Slipper Shuriken!”

“We’re f*cked!!!”

“Just keep running!!!”

“Experience already tells me we can run to the ends of the Earth and still get hit,” Jake said swinging around a branch to gain a bit of speed, laughing in a hysteria when he saw the slippers chasing him slice through it with ease, “Now the only question is who dies first!!!”

“Ummm are they going to be alright?” Liz asked from her spot at the table with Lora. Lora’s arms were crossed and she had a smile on her face, “Yeah they’ll be sore tomorrow, but they’ll be alive. Grandma is going easy on them since these Slippers wont explode.”

“You know it young’un,” Grandma said waddling over to them and sitting down, the last piece of Pumpkin Roll on a small plate. All three started laughing, hearing shouts in the distance, and divided the desert up amongst them.


Wow I actually have to have one of these? Hu . . . Okay well I know most of you are probably confused about who is related to who and what not. So this is going to hopefully clear up any questions for you.

Parent -> Child
Child + Husband/Wife
-/-> = Adopted
?/? = Birth Name/Nickname or Shortened Name

Grandma/Nana + Grandpa/Papa [deceased] -> Diana/Di, Deborah/Debbie
Diana + Joe -> Rebecca/Becky, Joseph II/Joseph, Joshua/Josh
Deborah + Frank -> Jackie, Jake, Mike
Becky + Shane [deceased] -> Katie
Joseph II + Victoria -> Joseph III/Joey, Justin
Jake -/-> Lorana/Lora

Not Related -> Jesse, Andrew, Katie R.

I'll add pictures later.

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[quote name='TheCreator94' timestamp='1322523638' post='5673103']


But yeah

Team matches ftw

Did some lulzy team windomizations with the current contestants, cuz I was bored

Fuse got into a team with BT (1 spot away from the team being BT - Fuse - Remo)

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