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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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It's cool Fusion, I'll be fine. His wife is taking it hard though. I have a plan set up for Thursday.

He used to spend a lot of time on WoW, so I thought my Guild (which was also his Guild) would get together and do something for him.

I personally plan to make a Draenei Shaman so I can honor him. Not much I can do since he lives out of state.
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[quote name='Enzax Aito' timestamp='1303166382' post='5149655']
I just found out that a friend of mine passed away. It was so sudden, so I'm not in the mood for much.

Sorry to hear, truly am. What Fusion said, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.

@Fusion - Sonic, we were being random, and cool, and it was crazy fun.


Oh, that's cool. I wish you luck with that ^^
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The Guild is casual, he just commented recently before the accident that he had been having a hard time on the boss.

So since we like to RP in our Guild (Which by the way if any of you ever start to play WoW, drop me a line and I'll hook you up on both the main server and RPserver Guilds) we are going to RP that the boss killed him and kill the boss epically.

Let me put it this way: If we ever met, the world would be screwed.
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[quote name='Enzax Aito' timestamp='1303250261' post='5152438']
The Guild is casual, he just commented recently before the accident that he had been having a hard time on the boss.

So since we like to RP in our Guild (Which by the way if any of you ever start to play WoW, drop me a line and I'll hook you up on both the main server and RPserver Guilds) we are going to RP that the boss killed him and kill the boss epically.

Let me put it this way: If we ever met, the world would be screwed.

That tells me a LOT about his personality.
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As in:

1. Kill all criminals
2. Kill anyone hunting me
3. manipulate police hunting me into hunting my hunters who I don't know
4. Kill hunters I don't know
5. Kill police I manipulated
6. Rule the world with an iron pen from the safety of my suburban house

Yes, I would make a good wielder of the Death Note.
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Stark I was at my dad's place . . . NO internet B|

Creator . . . hey whatever works, still think it'd be a nice way to memorize him- a story that is ^^
But I will pass on the WoW offer, don't like that; have only ever played Runescape before and Oblivion.

And I think I'd like a Deathnote *the actual book slips out of my pocket and I shove it back in quickly*

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Runescape = Sh*t I don't even want to be mentioned in a sentence with coming from my mouth.

Oblivion: Not a big fan of it.

and FYI, WoW RP servers are awesome. You know your SoP RP. Imagine getting 80 people, 80 PEOPLE, willing to RP it AND Blizzard was kind enough to provide PvP War setteings for Nation vs Nation conflict.

On top of Cities that look like cities, bases that look like bases, and jungles that look like jungles.

Catch: 95% of RPing is 1st person.
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Never touched Runescape, and Oblivion just never caught my interest.

Your loss, WoW RPs are some of the best around.

Funny how thanks to WoW my RPing has improved in the 1st person aspect. Besides I think RP820 would love to have ventrilo (a WoW Raider's #1 application aside from WoW itself). It allows for speech without needing to use a camera as well. Just voice chat, all for free.
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