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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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[quote name='Zetsubou Black' timestamp='1301622457' post='5103668']
No, Starrk, shut the hell up.

I've had it.

DMG paints me as a villain for saying what I believe. Jake hops on board, and you tell me to shut up [b]because you don't want to see people argue.[/b]

Then let's add in all the other f***ed up factors in my life!

Black is the happiest motherfucking camper ever!


Seriously. Calm your s***. You don't think we've had problems? I WENT THROUGH A f***ing EARTHQUAKE, AND RECEIVED A CONCUSSION FOR IT, AND YOU DON'T THINK I'M NOT A GODDAMN HAPPY CAMPER?
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Screw DL, Screw the rules, Screw this site, and most importantly

SCREW Deustodo.

I will ban him, and if DL doesn't like that then I'll ban him to. If anyone else disagrees they get banned with DL.


1. DMG is an As*, it happens.
2. You know Jake is an As*hole, you should know he would.
3. Stark is just being a third-party guy who doesn't really belong.
4. The World is not out to get you.


In case you didn't notice, not in a good mood at this time.

Weren't you in America at the time?
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[spoiler=Rant]I'm sick and tired of getting told to shut up!

Guess what? Fighting happens! You don't like it?! TOUGH.

Fuse, he yelled at me for saying his beliefs were wrong, while saying mine were wrong. He presses a point, yet I get told shut up for retaliating.

I have something to say, I'm gonna say it!

I lost the most important person in my life, I am FORCED to do as my mother and sister want, even though I have HOMEWORK, I get treated liek a child, I spent my birthday ALONE after getting horrible news, and all my best friends' lives suck too! I've had it! Let me speak my damn mind, and I'll be through! But, no, you have to tell me "I don't like this, let's move on"!

I've had it! Don't be candy asses, fighting happens! It's life!

Sorry for the explosion.
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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1301622584' post='5103672']
Black, no one saw you as a villain, DMG didn't give me that impression at all.
It's one thing to defend yourself, which is fine, but don't bring it back up when everyone's moved on already.

The above is 100% correct B |

Now has anyone ever read Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan?
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I'm sorry for the rant... But a lot is bothering me, and I'm getting tired of being told to shut up...

I have to shut up all the time... So I lost it... I even have to sit by.. .as the person closest to me reverts back to a self-hating mess... That I'm afraid might take their life...
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Ever heard the phrase "s*** Happens"?

Well it does, and boo-hoo your life isn't ideal, TOUGH s***.

It was someone you met on a Fourm for a CHILDREN CARD GAME, you WILL get over someone you've never met.

Your believes are all fine and dandy, but honestly, and in case you haven't noticed; NO ONE GIVE A DAMN.

Oh you have to do things because your family tells you to. WELCOME TO REAL LIFE, IT ISN'T ALL LITTLE PUPPIES AND RAINBOWS!

Homework can be done BEFORE school or DURING school even.

Dude, I've had Birthdays alone since I was 7, DEAL WITH IT!

And lets face the truth, since you value the truth so much, WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU FEEL. YOU VENT BUT WE DON'T EVEN READ IT.

and if this makes you depressed and all that s***, then I suggest you try a day in my shoes. This is routine for me. Now quit being a baby and try to start fights, because IT'S THE f***ing INTERNET AND NOTHING THAT HAPPENS ON IT IS A BIG DEAL!
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That is when, in my opinion, you just give them a well deserved swott and a stern talking too Black. But that is just me . . . you might obviously feel different about it.

And Fusion it is about a quarter yokai [Japanese Demon] taking the reigns of Supreme Commanderand dealing through all of the ensuing chaos ^^
Think Rosario + Vampire without the romance and school setting
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[quote name='Zetsubou Black' timestamp='1301622889' post='5103679']
[spoiler=Rant]I'm sick and tired of getting told to shut up!

Guess what? Fighting happens! You don't like it?! TOUGH.

Fuse, he yelled at me for saying his beliefs were wrong, while saying mine were wrong. He presses a point, yet I get told shut up for retaliating.

I have something to say, I'm gonna say it!

I lost the most important person in my life, I am FORCED to do as my mother and sister want, even though I have HOMEWORK, I get treated liek a child, I spent my birthday ALONE after getting horrible news, and all my best friends' lives suck too! I've had it! Let me speak my damn mind, and I'll be through! But, no, you have to tell me "I don't like this, let's move on"!

I've had it! Don't be candy asses, fighting happens! It's life!

Sorry for the explosion.

Dear me. Life is Hard?! No way!

Listen to me and listen well. I have a been a good friend to you ever since I have joined this place. I have been so very nice to you, we have conversed about our problems, and now I've had enough of your pessimism. Life won't be served to you on a silver platter. Even if it was, there would still be problems, like glitches in DNA. Every time something has been wrong with you you get depressed and dont look at the flip side. Oh no. You immediately take the low road. You don't have even a small amount of optimism in your whole body. Life is hard. And you know what? Don't tell us about your problems. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM GODDAMNIT. You question right and wrong in fear of what might happen to you, when really you had the strength to fix these errors the whole time. Then, when we tell you to cheer up, you get angry and start fighting some more. Then, whenever everything is healed, we get into another legitimate debate, then you begin to get frustrated, and you begin to lower your defenses like a boxer before he gets knocked out. Then finally you tell us that you've had a bad day or something, when really, you could've told us that before the debate, and we could've cheered you up then.

I merely told you to stop bickering with people and you suddenly added your problems to ours. I even said we should move on to another topic, but you decided to take it further, and it made me write this rant.

Next time you want to pull this, think again.

I'm done.
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*falls down*

Oh wait I haven't told what it is in here yet XD

Coyote it is about a human high schooler somehow managing to get into a School for Yokai, convinently called Yokai Academy. He meets a young vampire girl who can only become her yokai form by removing a blessed rosario, hence the name of the manga, and they fall in love.


It is good and what I gave was just a small overview. I would suggest looking at it and Nura too of course.

[color="#FFFFFF"]BTW nice rant there. Spot on ol' boy (^^)b <- Thumbs Up Dude[/color]
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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1301625292' post='5103785']
*falls down*

Oh wait I haven't told what it is in here yet XD

Coyote it is about a human high schooler somehow managing to get into a School for Yokai, convinently called Yokai Academy. He meets a young vampire girl who can only become her yokai form by removing a blessed rosario, hence the name of the manga, and they fall in love.


It is good and what I gave was just a small overview. I would suggest looking at it and Nura too of course.

[color="#FFFFFF"]BTW nice rant there. Spot on ol' boy (^^)b <- Thumbs Up Dude[/color]

Thank you. ;D

Guess I'm goin' to goodmanga.net! Yay for advertising!

The rant felt good.
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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1301625539' post='5103802']
I prefer MangaFox.com since it has more and gets updated a LOT


Go to good manga and see how much is updated every day.

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I won't even bring up the topic again but

[spoiler=to Black]
I'll talk with you about this on DMG >_>

I'll just tell you I think you were in the wrong here.[/spoiler]

Also, for a novice mangaka's work, R+V is fantastic.

Also, Jake, Tsukune didn't "Somehow" get into Yokai Academy, he was sent there cause his parents put him there cause it was the one place that would accept a straight-C student. Or something like that.

And don't say "They fall in love", dude, that's obvious, as many romances are, but still :/
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[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1301693284' post='5105459']
I won't even bring up the topic again but

[spoiler=to Black]
I'll talk with you about this on DMG >_>

I'll just tell you I think you were in the wrong here.[/spoiler]


Hayate seriously stop it. I ranted about why this needed to stop and you didn't pay attention to it. Read my first posts that I have made yesterday. Please read them and let it die. >.>
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[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1301693284' post='5105459']
Also, for a novice mangaka's work, R+V is fantastic.

Also, Jake, Tsukune didn't "Somehow" get into Yokai Academy, he was sent there cause his parents put him there cause it was the one place that would accept a straight-C student. Or something like that.

And don't say "They fall in love", dude, that's obvious, as many romances are, but still :/

Yeah for a beginners it was good, better than most to be honest *nods head*

DL I know how he got in and everything . . . but when the teacher Neko-sensei said that "this is a world where humans cannot enter" that is where I brought up the fact he somehow got in. Because he SOMEHOW got into an Academy which no NORMAL human can actually GET too.

As for the entire "fall in love" thin, of course every romance makes it obvious . . . but you still have to put it there to compelte the overall explination.
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