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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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[quote name='Enzax Aito' timestamp='1299278959' post='5051197']
I have just one thing to point out:

Creator is the only character that isn't a blatant or subtle ripoff of another character.

Therefore, with my permission anything Creator related can remain in the novel.
How am I a ripoff of anyone? o_o
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@DL-Wolverine :/
@Creator-Thanks for that bro.

Yeah, there's no question I'm writing in basic format. But that's a good thing, for the moment.
I remember looking in FanFic and I think one of Umbra's pinned threads said to not bog down the story with description like a novel. If I spent a couple pages' worth of description total in a chapter, I bet most of you would get bored. For novel purposes, it's essential, but for a fanfic, it's a hindrance.
I will definitely be reworking everyone's movesets for the novel(s), or most of them anyways.
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Thought process:
DL-->Daisuke (KS)-->Water Demon
*"Shoot, how does a high schooler harness the powers of water?" (inb4suddenincreaseoftechnologywithinthenextyear)*
Water Demon-->Water Claw-->Claw-->Wolverine
*gives DL claws*
*"Works for me."*

Not a lot of people got the powers they wanted, Cortez wanted something completely custom that half couldn't be done and half confused me, Black wanted Cubic but that'd be too unrealistic, King wanted King's Rage to make his bullets grow humongous even though that was completely impossible, etc.

But hey, least I gave you Hydro-Shots. Now you like...use water.
And claws.
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That is the worst thought process....


But eh, I'm happy to be using water (kinda)

I'd have prefered my sword + mixed martial arts (as Daisuke) and double swords + MMA (as Yuki)

But eh.
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I KNOW how to swordfight.

Just like how I know how to play the drums

Even if I never learned how

it's like, instinct.

This kid in class was like "Yo, you a drummer?"

And the dialogue went like

Me: Nah
Kid: Ah...I asked cause I saw you like...drummin on your desk with your pens...
Me: Never learned to play drums, sadly. Wanted, to, tho.
Kid: Ah, that's cool. You're good, though, you should take lessons.
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