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~¤The Chibi Knights: Reborn¤~


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It's not a bad thing, even I felt pretty sad while writing it.
I never really felt emotion while writing until that point .-.
Just goes to show that at one point during writing, one truly connects with their characters, providing an unbreakable bond of understanding and empowerment between them.
And THAT'S how good authors make their stories good :lol:
But also, I wonder what would happen if Japan suddenly took measures to ensure their children would remain unexposed to the messed up stuff they usually are.
Would Japan evolve into a...normal society?

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[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298940481' post='5042439']
...I swear, the day Creator sheds a tear is the day [b]world peace will be declared.[/b]

That would be the reason I shed a tear. It would mean my prospects for World Domination would be difficult.

Japan would then become America.
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I guess so. That would be freakin weird, tho.


Fusion, it came to my attention you add a lot of fight scenes to DEF

But I must say....you claim fight scenes are your weakness....but I think...

I don't think DEF should have that many fights.

Believe me, there are many ways to write action and conflicts than just fighting.

I think, say, the encounter between Hito and El, DL, and Rui would be better if it wasn't a battle, yet still just as exciting.

I think I'm sounding...not crazy ,-,


@Creator - LOOOOL XDD
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Ah, but psychological battles aren't the only things you can do~

As my Creative Writing teacher said: Sometimes the threat of violence brings more tension than the violence itself.

That is true for Life's bomb over the world.

That can be true in other situations.

A chase (no pun intended) can also be action-packed, and not have to be a fight.

I just don't see why there are so many fights when these people are humans (I think)

And besides, branching off from fighting will allow you to go beyond the limitations of normal humans that are just good fighters. (IDK what I meant by that but it sounded wise)
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[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298946499' post='5042764']
2nd ^

His first is that awful 5th grade on- *shot*

It is good O.o

My first story sucked so much xD

I know, just thinking of it makes me cringe.

I actually need to get around to writing the story I've thought up.

No I will not reveal the plot, or parts of it just yet. I have to decide if I'm going to actually write it first.
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Yeah, Fusion inspired it.

Otherwise I would now be Dr.Creator, which is meh.

You don't have to read it. But I will want a review of the first chapter.

Gonna get some help from someone who likes to write. (they won't write it but I'll run it by them to see how they like it).

Is it bad that all my characters must pass a very detailed RP Character App to be considered decent enough to be in the story?
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It depends Creator. I think for major characters, it's a very good thing that will help you work with their character.
But if it's for EVERY character, including minor ones that don't do much, then you're bogging yourself down with info you might not even use.
It's not really a bad thing, it's just not really necessary. Maybe design a minor character app separate from the current one and it'll be easier to work with.
Do whatever you feel though.
And actually, DEF would be my 3rd story. And the 5th grade one would be my 2nd..
[spoiler=The story of my story]
There was another series I wrote...in 4th grade.
My first ever series that I got into. I called it The 4th Grade Adventurers, starring all 10 kids in my class.
Does the start of it sound familiar?
It was very cliche, we all got powers from an accident involving a meteor, I had super strength, my buds could use elements, magic, etc. It ended with me dying after we all fought evil clones of ourselves (mine was named [b]Tim[/b]o...)that had somehow came into existence out of nowhere.
I also made a sequel 5 years after where my friends went to this island guarded by the evil dinosaur Booney (T-Rex, 3 guesses where I got the idea from..) and brought me back to life. But then my cousin, who also had powers for no explicable reason, died on the venture.
3rd story (never finished) we found a time machine and traveled through time where we all developed a 2nd super power and prevented my cousin from dying.
My 4th story would be us in high school, facing the return of our evil clones who had somehow come back after all dying in the 1st story.
Then, last year, I remembered the Adventurers and began writing a modern take. It wasn't bad..but after getting far, my laptop had to be reconfigured, and I lost it :/
Which I was fine with, since it wasn't great to begin with.
But after I finish DEF, I think I'll make the Adventurers my next project and do it right.
Don't know if I'll publish it on here, but now that I think I want to be a writer, I'll try getting it published too ;)[/spoiler]
And before you ask, no, I don't have a copy anymore for you to ridicule.
Wish I did though .-.

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Just make them all and bind them together in a short story book Fusion.

And the origins of Struggle of Powers is amazing when you consider the level of detail I put into it now 8 |
No kidding the first "comic", since I didn't write back then, was only a page long and went like so:

Introduce City -> Introduce Heroes -> Heroes get attacked by Villain/home is destoryed -> Heroes state name of Villain as he laughs at them -> Heroes beat the Villain up, who runs away -> Heroes give each other a high five -> END OF COMIC

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I set criteria.

Major characters must have a lot of info (min 3 paragraphs on such areas as Personality, Appearance, Bio, etc). Anything that doesn't meet that requirement is either scrapped or made minor.

Its always been a fault of mine, I can develop characters no problem, but finding a plot to fit or putting them in a story isn't easy for me. It's why I rarely host RPs.

But I do see your point, perhaps I'll go spontaneous on minor characters.

Now for a question: After DEF, when you are doing one-shots, would you mind if I assisted?
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I would not mind, in fact, there's one in particular I think you'd be able to help me with a lot.
Ingenious idea.
I'll release one-shots...like commissions!
Except these would be free and I wouldn't get paid :/
DL already discussed one he wanted to see, and I'm sure a few of you wouldn't mind some...
Though each would only be the length of an average chapter, and rarely span 2 parts..
And Jake, you see? Awesome stories tend to spawn from simple concepts. Adventurers will be an example of that :3
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Well to be honest Struggle of Powers is reusing nearly ALL of the characters from the original, just in a different setting ^^;

For instance Andrew was actually a GOOD guy in the original, but when I read through his profile again and remembered what he was like in the comics I thougt, "You know . . . he'd be a MUCH better villain than hero or even anti-hero."
The opposite can be said for Professor Bill, who was the villain I mentioned above, and was changed into the leader of the resistance in Struggle of Powers; though he still kept his odd habit of always laughing 8 /

I just think I found the more awesome story these characters could give after I had ran through so many in the original concept.
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I've done that as I've written DEF.
At first, I didn't think Thomas would be that important, considering King PMed an app for him on a request, but I ended up tying him into Club Pikachu and from there his character developed into something cool.
And then the same happened with you, you went from a RP.820 one-shot to a notable character, once I experimented with Jake, I found the potential behind him :)
So I guess another part to it is writing with new characters and seeing what direction they take you ;)

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Yeah I figured my in book character would become important when you had me sneak onboard with King ^^

Also you DO know that during my fight with Aka that, supporting something that weight upwards of over a ton, you made me superhumanly strong . . . right?
Not to mention healing such serious wounds without any, obvious, help in the short span I reappeared means I have super regenerative abilities apparently.

But then again we have people fighting through falling buildings, in the midair, without entire limbs and what not XDDD
I'm just suprised we've yet to see an actual energy blast 83
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Don't mean to interrupt, but don't you have English?

There is a difference between stories and RPing, one you must decide. The other, others make the decision for you.

[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1298950379' post='5042880']
I'm just suprised we've yet to see an actual energy blast 83

*cough*Moonstone Cannon*cough*
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[quote name='Enzax Aito' timestamp='1298950430' post='5042882']
There is a difference between stories and RPing, one you must decide. The other, others make the decision for you.
Wait, as in one or the other?

I can do both ._.
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