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Themed Card Contest [FINISH]

The Sleeping Dude

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Welcome to ks2ill34's themed contest


[spoiler=Rules]1. Basic YCM Rules are applied

2. No Spamming

3. No Flamming

4. No Arguments




[spoiler=Details]1.This card-making contest is for all YCM members out there. But, this is a self-themed contest, ill post your themes here.


2. This contest is expected to be finished by January 3 2011. The contest is a 2 rounded contest which needs to be related to your theme.

Themes might be based on archetypes or group effects (e.g. millers and burners)

3. There will be a pot i will donate 50 points to the pot. Then there will be an entry fee worth 20 points, any donations to the pot is highly appreciated and will be rewarded with a rep for being people-centered.


4. There will be 6 - 10 contestants and each day 3 contestants shall be eliminated.


[spoiler=Contestants]1. snowyash07


3.Cyber Valleytm





Not accepting contestants



[spoiler=Judging]I will be judging the cards by OCG, Picture, relativeness to the theme, balance of ATK and DEF and Effect usefulness.

If there will be judge helping me, PM me this form and fill it out

Display Name:

No. of Posts:

Reason why judging this contest:

Experience in Judging(Site 1 example):


[spoiler=Prizes]1st Place: 90% of the pot and a rep

2nd Place: 10% of the pot and a rep

3rd Place: a rep

4th and below: A "Thanks for Joining" word for all of you.


[spoiler=Themes]1. snowyash07 (Crystal Beast)

2.jad2342 (Frog)

3.Cyber Valleytm (Scrap)


5.Lexadin(Worm Reptile-Type)

6.Sanphred (Burn)

7. Maple (Warriors Archetype)






Congrats shadowstruck!!

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alright spots are filled lets start now posting the themes and task


changed to title for better looking alright task 1 is up here you go


[spoiler=Task 1]Create a non-Tuner monster that belongs to your theme. Must be Level 4 or lower. ATK and DEF cannot exceed 2000.


almost forgot deadline of the task is dec 20 2010

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