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Pokémon: Rise of Solari(OoC/Started/Not Accepting)

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[center][i]Many tales have been told of Legendary Pokémon that either have been awakened by a time in a prophecy, when it's injuries have been healed from being attacked millenniums ago, or if a dimensional rift opened. These were the only ways that Legendary Pokémon were awakened, until the day a new Pokémon, unknown to us since the day of it's prophecy, have been awakened by both ways. The great Solari, ancient Pokémon of the Sun. It has been foretold that Solari only appears when a Solar Eclipse shines over the Temple of Solaris, an idolized temple of worship, the proprietors awaiting his every return ever since he first appeared 500,000 years ago.[/i][/center]
[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/232893-pokemon-rise-of-solariicstartednot-accepting/"]IC Thread[/url]
[spoiler=Plot][spoiler=2985 B.C.]A flood occurred at the moment of the Eclipse, miles back from an unnamed civilization, and a shining light appeared from the sun and landed on a sun symbol on the top of the Temple of Solaris. Solari, who looks like a combination of Charizard, Dragonite and Palkia's appearances but can speak English telepathically, walked out of the light and flew up to see the flood. Many people looked as Solari used most of his power to block the flood first and use solar energy to evaporate the water from the flood and stop the disaster. Many of the temple's people cheered for Solari as he crashed, unconscious.

Then a man named Naes Otama walked up to Solari. He touched him as many of the Pokémon cried. The tears were somehow transforming into a glowing lava-like energy that was transferred to Solari. Solari glowed orange as he began to stand up, as it is believed that the sadness, tears, and caring of the Pokémon has brought him back to life, for he was, in fact, their Savior.

Solari looked at Naes and asked, "Human, were you the one that had given more power to me?" "It wasn't just me, Solari, it was all of these magical creatures as their love for you had regained your strength," replied Naes as he saw the sun symbol on his left palm had began to glow. Solari had thanked Naes as the eclipse began to fade. As he returned to the symbol on top of the temple and said farewell, another pillar of light from the sun appeared. Solari enter the pillar and returned to his home world, just as the Solar Eclipse ended.

As Naes looked up at Solari, he saw the sun symbol on his hand began to diminish in its glow. "This is only the first part of the prophecy that I plan to make come true, even if it takes for my descendant to continue where I left off." he said to himself.[/spoiler][spoiler=Present]Today, Sean Hamato, Naes' descendant, is now ready to meet his destiny, however, it was never known with him before. But for some reason, the people of Sinnoh have been looking at him strangely, and began to start talking about him. What he doesn't know is that people have recognized his to be Naes' descendant by the look in his face. Many elders have also recognized him, and it turns out that these elders are descendants of worshipers of Solari and, if they are found will lead him closer and closer to his first part in his prophecy. But he can't do it alone. He would need the help of his best friends to survive what is to become of him.

This is the beginning of how things will possibly end the world in the future, or make the world a better place. Who knows? Only time will tell. The beginning of Sean's prophecy is nearly upon us. The time to act is now![/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler=Notes][list][*]The setting of this RP is set mostly in the Sinnoh Region, and it will change in the final chapters. There will be secret areas, ancient relics to advance forward in small quests that are important to the plot. If you want to see something that seems rather ancient and want it to be in connection to the next RP, PM me about it and I'll see if it will work at all. I'll have something saved up for that, but whatever you have decided to have in the next RP, I'll see how I can add it into the main plot.
[*]Solari is a Legendary Pokémon that comes from the Dimension 1000 Suns, where his unlimited source of power resides. Once he comes to Earth, his power is severely limited. How much depends on his condition and how much power he keeps stored up. It uses up some power to come to Earth, and reduces his usage of it on Earth. His transportation to Earth is a portal coming from the sun, the center strangely having an average temperature large amount of space about in a mile radius, showing an idol of Solari where the portal appears and shines over the Temple of Solaris.
[*]The Temple of Solaris contained all types if Fire-Type Pokémon, including Dragon, Flying, etc. along with adult worshipers of Solari and reveals prophecies of each Solar Eclipse in which he shall return. Each prophecy is written in a different riddle to determine different times of when each Solar Eclipse will happen.
[*]There is a team of investigators called Team Proton that have plans to absorb the powers of all known Legendary Pokemon and use them to rule over the world. But there is a pair who plan to take over the world themselves by taking over Solari's power, along with another that is treated much like his opposite.
[*]The first two to apply are going to be best friends with my character. When more spots are open, they will become friends, but it will take time to do so.[/list]
If you don't want to read this, then ignore it for now. It will be explained bit by bit as this RP goes on.[/spoiler][spoiler=Rules][list=1][*]All YCM Rules Apply!
[*]Advanced Clause Rules Apply, which means:[list][*]No Godmodding!
[*]No Power Playing!
[*]No Meta-Gaming!
[*]And most importantly, [b]NO OoC ONLY POSTS!![/b][/list][*]If you need any help, just PM me and I'll explain what had happened in a quick summary.
[*]If you don't know a few things about Pokemon, then just click [url=http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page]here[/url] and type in either a Pokemon name, a certain ability from the series, etc. Just don't search for something that's only known in this RP, though. It won't come up.
[*]Have Fun![/list][/spoiler][spoiler=Application][b]Name(Last name must be Japanese.):[/b]
[b]Appearance(Description or Pic. If description, have it be 3-4 lines.):[/b]
[b]Personality(5-6 lines. Be very creative. Include small events that explain why your character has those parts of his/her personality.):[/b]
[b]Biography/Background(This is where your creativity should be pushed close to your limit. Explain why your character acts how he/she is today and serious events that lead to you to becoming my characters best friend. 2 spots only for that last explanation. 7-8 lines.):[/b]
[b]Pokémon(Limit is 3. But you'll get more as the RP goes on. If you want a Fakemon, PM me everything about it and maybe I'll just have it as a new Pokémon that you can get if you beat it in battle.):[/b]
[b]Inventory(Limit is 10. Quantity doesn't count towards number items. I mean by the different number of items.):[/b]
[b]Other(Anything you forgot can go here, but it's optional regardless.):[/b]

[i]Here's the app in code if you don't want to remove everything in (). This is what you should copy.[/i]

I'll post my app soon.
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Name(Last name must be Japanese.): Lexandra Orotori (Lex)
Age(15-18): 17
Gender: female
Appearance(Description or Pic. If description, have it be 3-4 lines.): Lex has medium length dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is normal hight and fair skinned. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1WbY4WsmDJw/SUwDm2-n8eI/AAAAAAAADBc/PTtPaRJcfAg/s400/Final%2BFantasy%2BUnlimited%2B01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://animegirlsonline.blogspot.com/&usg=__DSVgBUJcmtnowbSOsTRdljQwml4=&h=320&w=400&sz=35&hl=en&start=65&zoom=1&tbnid=QVv9hFgGg9xmBM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=136&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bgirls%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2ADFA_enUS342%26biw%3D1899%26bih%3D964%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1337&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1622&vpy=17&dur=9908&hovh=201&hovw=251&tx=112&ty=177&ei=fS8JTdzhA4GksQOk3Y2aDg&oei=Oi8JTcjACIL98AaT9qShAQ&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=67&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:65&biw=1899&bih=964
Personality(5-6 lines. Be very creative. Include small events that explain why your character has those parts of his/her personality.): Lex is very unpredictable as far as her temper goes. Though she is usually calm even under stress, protective, observative and loves to take risks. Still, she uses her head in situations. Lex values fully evolved pokemon. She believes that a pokemon can achieve it’s full potential only by fulling evolveing. As the Rp progresses she captures mostly water or ice type female pokemon. She is known for her powerfull water and ice types and ,of course, Ninetails.
Biography/Background(This is where your creativity should be pushed close to your limit. Explain why your character acts how he/she is today and serious events that lead to you to becoming my characters best friend. 2 spots only for that last explanation. 7-8 lines.): Lex was born in Sinnoh. When she was young she found an egg that turned out to be a Vulpix egg. After many months of training Lex and Vulpix decited it was time to evolve her. Lex got a fire stone from her mother and Vulpix evolved into Ninetails and learned to communicate by telepathy. Later she cought a Mudkip and Evee which also evolved. Sher’s traveled all over and is regarted as a very strong trainer. She’s been offered a job as a pokemon ranger several times but has declined all of them though she is never really sure why. Lex has known Sean ever since they were kids. They spent lots of time together growing in the same town/city and both had an affinity for pokemon. They're like rivels but are still best friends.
Pokémon(Limit is 3. But you'll get more as the RP goes on. If you want a Fakemon, PM me everything about it and maybe I'll just have it as a new Pokémon that you can get if you beat it in battle.): fey Ninetails, male Swamopert and fey Vaporeon
Inventory(Limit is 10. Quantity doesn't count towards number items. I mean by the different number of items.): 1 escape rope, 5 potions, 1 max potion and 3 full heals
Other(Anything you forgot can go here, but it's optional regardless.): nothing really
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DAMMIT! I had the best app I'd EVER made, and the internet decided to stop working! So cruel!
Anyway, made the app again. so here it is.

[spoiler= Reika Higurashi]
[b]Name: [/b] Reika Higurashi
[b]Age: [/b] 15
[b]Gender: [/b] Female
[b]Appearance: [/b] Reika is approx. 5'5 tall, and of pale complexion. She has black hair, styled so the longest bits are nearer to her face, and the shorter bits in the middle, in a spiky way. Her eyes are a deep blue, with small flecks of green. She usually wears a black kimono, decorated with a beautiful snowflake pattern. She wears pale brown boots with white fur trimming, or white sneakers. In cold weather, she wears a dark purple coat, also lined with white fur. Her hair is, most of the time, tied in a high ponytail, difficult to achieve with her short hair bits. This ponytail is always tied with a bright yellow ribbon.
[b]Personality: [/b] Reika is a kind, caring soul, always trying to help her friends, in this case Lex and Sean. Reika is usually overly cheerful and optimistic, not to mention determined, as she never gives up until the final move is performed. But, although she has a cheerful, happy nature, she is really shy, only acting in her hyper-active way around friends, family, and in Pokemon battles. Even then she has moments where she just drifts off in silence, seemingly afraid to speak.
It’s hard to find Reika sad though, even though her silence betrays that fact. She, as I said, is overly cheerful, like a Togepi, and Togepi's aren't sad very often, right? Same can be said for Reika.
[b]Biography/Background: [/b] Reika was born in Kanto, surrounded by a massive family, of seven girls and 3 boys, not including herself. But, some things come to an end, unexpectedly most often. When poor Reika was 5, her family went on a holiday to the Sinnoh, where Reika’s aunt lives. They had a great time, until all hell broke loose.
The rest of Reika’s family went out, as Reika wasn’t feeling well. Hours later, they hadn’t returned. Her aunt went out when she heard shouts outside. She came back, covered in snow, looking sad. So you know, being covered in snow isn’t strange. You see it all the time in Snowpoint City, right? Anyway, Reika’s aunt looked really upset, and eventually broke the bad news.
The rest of Reika’s family……Had been killed in an avalanche.
Poor Reika, she was devastated. With no other family willing to take her in, she stayed with her aunt in Snowpoint City. Even years later, Reika was sad all the time, wishing her family where alive, or that she could die and see them again in Heaven, etc.
When she was 11, she caught a Riolu to keep her company, and enjoyed the concept of having Pokémon as company she caught another, a Piplup. When she evolved her Riolu to Lucario, her aunt gave her a Pokeball, with a Dragonair inside.
Reika then found that she was a reasonable battler, and set out to battle others, battling newbies and veterans, good and bad.
Not long after, she met Sean. She was 13, battling in a tournament that Sean had also entered. Reika was the unexpected rocket, Sean, the more experienced veteran, at least compared to Reika. The two trainers wound their way up the listings, beating their opponents, until the final round began, Sean vs. Reika. Not surprisingly, the stronger Sean won the battle, but only by a small margin. Reika decided she could learn some more from Sean, and when she met Lex, she reckoned training with others was much better than battling alone. So she became one of Sean’s best friends after staying for a short while.
[b]Pokémon [/b]
Lucario: Female: Called Warrior Queen
Dragonair: Male: Called Danzi
Piplup: Male: Called Kai
[b]Inventory: [/b]
Pokeballs: x4
Super Potions: x8
Revives: x2
[b]Other: [/b] N/A[/spoiler]
Just realised how long that bio is....... Ooops.
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