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The Kuribrothers

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These cards are remakes of the previous Kuribrothers, who were too difficult to use even if you could. Perhaps I made Kuribabylon and Kuribandit a bit to generic, though... They probably wouldn't be used with the Kuribrothers. I was also thinking of making their names also treated as "Kuriboh" while they're face-up on the field.

[spoiler="Kuribrother cards"]Five Star Twilight
Quick-Play Spell Card
Tribute 1 Level 5 monster. Special Summon 5 Level 1 "Kuri" monsters from your hand or Deck in face-up Attack Position.

Each time you discard a card, decrease the ATK of all monsters your opponent controls by 300. While you control “Kuriboh” and “Kuribu”, you may Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard.

Once per turn, you may discard a Trap Card to increase the ATK of a Level 1 monster you control by 1500 until the End Phase.

If a face-up "Kuri" monster you control other than this card is selected as an attack target, you can negate that attack. While you control “Kuriba” and “Kuribi”, you may Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard.

Once per turn, you may discard a Trap Card and decrease the ATK of a monster on the field by 1500.

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. While this card is in your hand, in your Deck, or currently removed from play, you can remove from play 5 Level 1 monsters you control to Special Summon this card. You may remove this monster from play to Special Summon as many of your Level 1 monsters removed from play as possible (This effect can only be activated once per turn). This card's ATK is equal to the total ATK of the monsters removed from play for its Summon.

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by sending 3 or more Level 1 monsters you control to the Graveyard. You can Tribute this card to draw and reveal a number of cards from your Deck equal to the number of monsters sent to the Graveyard for the Summon of this card.

And two I completely created on my own...

Normal Spell Card
Special Summon as many Level 1 “Kuri” monsters from your Graveyard as possible. These monsters are unaffected by your opponent’s Spell, Trap, and Effect Monster effects until the End Phase of your opponent’s next turn.

Normal Spell Card
Add 1 "Kuri" card from your Deck to your hand.[/spoiler]
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Not exactly. You HAVE to summon 5, and you require a level 5. So you must have 5 level 1's in your Deck that you can Summon, and that would be usable in said situation for whatever it is you're thinking about. I suppose you could go: 2 Tuners, 3 others. Tune out for Formula, then tune into Armory Arm, then tune into some level 5. I suppose I could limit it to Fiend monsters, though. Or simply say non-Tuners. Or say they can't be used for a Synchro Summon.
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[quote name='Chillaccino' timestamp='1291987403' post='4841402']
FST is broken. SS CyDra, activate this, have fun with 2x Formula Synchro/setup for Colossal Arms OTK/Morphtronic spam/Mass draw with Valleu

Don't forget Cyber Valley, Mind Master and Tuningware. I would say just limit FST to "Kuri" monsters
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