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War of Dominance: Rerise of the Beasts{PG-14}{Accepting}

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[spoiler=Plot]Long ago, humans and animals lived in harmony. Both of equal status, the two cultures treated eachother with respect. This was the Golden Age, lasting for 1000 years;however, Like all things it had to come to an end. The humans, prideful and self-centered as they were, saw themselves higher than the animals. Rising among this new generation was a Great King. Him and his new people merged the tribes of humans into the first Great Kingdom. Feeling themselves better than their beast counterparts, thay attacked them, trying to prove their dominance.
The Animals, seeing their long time friends attacking them, responed by merging their tribes into their own kingdom and prepared to waged war. Led by the Mighty Dragons, the beast attacked the humans, destroying all in their wake. This started the worlds greatest, The War of Dominance. Lasting for seven millenia, neither side gave in, wasting their soldiers and squandering their resources. Finally, after a long, and difficult war, the humans emerged victorious. With both sides decimated, the humans declared themselves rulers of the Earth.
To prevent a similer war, and thus prevent the animals rerise to dominance, the humans took from them that which was most important to them, Their knowledge. Leaving them with their Beastial Instincts, the converted them down to dumb beasts. As a final act to cripple them, the humans killed all of the dragon kin, and force all to submit to their will. Beaten and humbled, the animals submitted themselve to them, and eventually became less than slaves.
Seeing these acts of power and humility, The God and the Goddess, the true rulers of the Earth, placed the mightiest of the commanders from both sides into the heavens as stars and quoted this prophecy: "In the near future, these commanders we have commemerated shall be reborn, new in body and in mind. And from them they shall recreate the kingdoms of old and waged the truest war. The war which shall decide who will rule the Earth for all time.
Now, The year is 2013 and the Highest two are setting the board, readying the Earth for the war. The commanders are returning, though the know not who they are, and you are now intertwined in this new war. Will you side with the humans, Armed with Metal and Fire, or will you side with the animals, New in mind old of body now returned of their wisdom? The curtians ar unveiled, and the End is near. . . What will you do.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=App for Animals]
Past Hero(Optional): [for anyone applying for this criteria, please PM me so i may explain this to you. If you apply for this and don't PM me, i will deny you app.]
Biography: [give your animals past. Everything from first hunts to zoo transfers. I WANT DETAIL.]
Destription: [Use your head and be excentric. I want Creativitiy.]
Personality: [Everyones is Different in real life. Make it the same in the Rp]

[spoiler=App for Humans]
Past Hero(Optional): [for anyone applying for this criteria, please PM me so i may explain this to you. If you apply for this and don't PM me, i will deny you app.]
Biography: [As with Animals, give all detail of your persons past from moves to first kill in war. AGAIN I WANT DETAIL.]
Description: [Use your head. Give me physical details and cloting details. I want some Creativity.]
Personality: [Everyone's is Different in real life. Make it the same in the Rp.]

1. You must remain constant. If you are not on for a week, i will allow others to godmod you character. If you cannot be present for some unforseen reason, let us know on the OOC or PM me.
2. Other that for the previous reason, [b]NO GODMODDING.[/B]
3.[b]NO POWERPLAYING.[/b] Your character is not god.
4. Please keep cursing down. I will allow it but please no use of F***. If you do, i will issue a warning. If it continues i will banned you from the Rp.
5. Humans have guns, stelth, and weapons. Animals have power, stelth, claws and teeth. use these to your advantage.
6. You may have up to 4 characters. 2 for each side.
7. This is a Survival RP. If all of your Characters die, then your out of the Rp.
8. All YCM and Advanced clause rules apply.
9. Follow previous rules. Three strikes and your out.
10. Have fun ;p
11. To prove that you have read the rules, PM me the words I READ.

[spoiler=My Primary Application]
App for Animal
Name: Xigavar
Past Hero: Leo
Animal: Lion
Biography: Xigavar was born in a South African zoo where he was raised as a show lion. After a pandemic swept the zoo, killiing most of the animals, Xigavar was transferred to the New York Zoo for his own protection. During this transfer, Xigavar was only a year old. After living for several years in captivity, he has assumed and accepted his life. He has since lived in the New York Zoo for eight years now. He longs to return to the hot, sun bleach fields of South Africa.
Description: Xigavar for the most part looks like a normal lion. He is large with a stunning mane. His golden fur shines in the sunlight, and his eyes strike fear into all that see its beautiful sappire blue color. He is amazingly large for a lion. he averages at 6'6" at the shoulder. From his show year, Xigavar has an almost lame leg from where he was burned. His burned leg is the color of crimson and his claws are the color of sackcloth. His right eye is permanentally damaged from a knife accident, from this he has a scar the reaches from the top of his right temple, scratching through his eye and down onto his muzzle.
Personality: Xigavar is a very Energetic Being in the sunlight, as if he draws energy from the yellow star. He is obnoxious when the time calls but he is more over pridefull and aggressive. Using his power, he forces others to do his bidding when he needs to, though he does this only in times of great emergency. He also has a sensitive and soft side. He has a caring heart for children both animal and human and would never hurt them. He also is a charmer when he wants to be.

I will begin the RP when i have either 3 people on one side, (Not including me) or 1 person on each side (Again, not including me.)
IC Thread Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/231673-war-of-dominance-rerise-of-the-beastspg-14acepting-in-ooc/
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Name: Cocamo
Animal: White Leapord
Biography: Cocamo was born in Siberia and raised by a white lion that took him in as a child in the Himalayan Mountains. Durning his first hunt he was told to hide in the snow near by so his parents could she him how to hunt. A man came up over the cliffside holding a gun in his hand and a knife at his belt. his parents buried themselves in the snow and waited for the man to get closer. When the man was in striking distance they lounged at the man. The man had quick reflexes and jumoed back pulling the trigger with precisie aim and shoot Cocamo's dad through the head. His mom turned to run, but with another well placed shoot his mother was down too. The man pulled out his knife and with a great deal of expertice carved the skins off of both of them. All this in front of a small cub; the man started to return home and Cocamo ran after him not knowing what else too do. The man got back too town and hopped on a boat, but not before Cocamo became a stow away by jumping on the boat and hiding in a coil of ropes in a box. The last the cub saw before the boat set off was a dark square covering the only ilght he had.
The boat stoped with a sudden halt and the box Cocamo was in tip and crashed to the floor of the boat. He instictively ran and hid in a corner of the room he was in. A moment later the man came in holding a lantern to see what had happened. He passed by Cocamo and Cocamo bolted for the door. He entered into a flush of sunlight that was the shores of India. There was a house at the base of a mountain with snowy white caps proably three hundred feet away. Cocamo bounds toward the mountain hopeing everything he had been through was just a bad dream. He starts to climb the mountain, but looks back too see if that was the mans den so if this wasnt a dream he knew where to get his revenge. he jumps up the mountain faltering in step every now and them untill he reaches a landing. He sees a few white tiger cubs and walks over to them hoping for a place to shelter himself. The mother quickly appears to protect her babies. In the language ununderstandable to humans she says "Get away from my babies!" he backs up fear in his eyes and quickly resopnds "Sorry i just wanted shelter from the man that killed my mommy and daddy and took there skin." With sorrow in her eyes the motherly white tiger sweeps Cocamo to be with her and takes them all home so they can grow up to be true animals.

Destription: A 4-foot 5 white leaopord raised by a pack of white lions, hunts similar to a white tiger, peirceing green eyes, claws that look sharp enough too cut straight through a piece of metal, the spots of a leopard dimed and barely visable, tail strong enough to knock a full grown man on his feet with a single swoop, menicing fangs instead of teeth, ears short and small but can pick up even the slightest sound

Personality: Tramatized white leaopord, talkitive, hidden anger, almost no temper, freindly as can be but also the worst enemy u can have, likes to do things on his own
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  • 2 weeks later...
Name: Ranuke
Past Hero: Sagittarius
Nationality: Spartan
Biography: Ranuke was born in Sparta and trained in the ways of the original Spartans. He joined the army at the age of 10 by creating a fake id portraying him as a 28 year old migite. After two years time they relized that he was growing and checked his records only to find out that he was twelve with no parents. They found that his parents had aboandoned him when he was 6 with only a little bit of food and a few building supplies. He found some electroinics and quickly built a wooden solar computer and a wooden gun that fired metal rounds. He lived off of animals that he killed and cooked and drank from a near by river after he pureified the water. Once he found a way to get money by begging for it and he was able to use a printer to make his id and join the army. After the general learned of this he tried to look for Ranuke's parents with no success. On his thirteenth birthday they told Ranuke that he couldnt be part oif the army for another 5 years so they asked him where he wanted to go and his response was quick. "I want to go to a bunker in the side of a hill in the middle of the amazon jungle." The general was shocked by this and quickly recovered and said he would take his best tech personal anywhere. Then they stoped to pick up some supplies to last Ranuke 5 years and some guns and ammo for protection. They took him to there best bunker which was in the side of a hill in the amazon jungle just as Ranuke asked and he was left to fend for himslef in the jungle for 5 years. A day before they were to return Ranuke had a vision of a great war between animals and humans that was to take place in the near future. When the general arrived Ranuke told him he would need his best men to stay with him and defend the bunker. The general was loist at first until Ranuke told the general of his vision. After a long discussion the general decided to leave his men behind and would bring reinforcements in 6 months with more supplies. From that point on the world was going to be a living Hell.
Description: A tall slinder man, he is about 5 foot 6, He has dirty blonde hair and wears contacts that turn his bright blue eyes to a blood red, he always has a magnum and a white phosporus grenade at his hip, He wears bullet proof armor even to bed, the survival knife arcoss his cheast is a stunning 11-inches, he wears a gps watch on his right wrist at all times.
Personality: He is extreamly smart, he is never afraid to say what is on his mind, he is always messing with technology, he could built anything out of anything unfortunately they always messup eventually.
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