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Giftorium, An Uplifting Super Power Academy RP | Everyone has a story...what's yours?? | (Started/ No Longer Accepting)


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I posted, finally. You know, posting for the first time in an RP is really hard, especially with what's given to you when you wait a specific period of time. But as you go along, it can get easier or harder, depending on how the situation changes over time.

Do any of you feel that way? I'm like that in every RP I'm in.
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yea it can get like that like one time when i joiuned the big super power academy rp, i was the fith person to post in page 1, then i get home from school and it has 5 pages......i was just like....no way can't keep up.

im actually surprised how quickly this rp is moveing and how much of the plot i alread have in mind, but now i have to start counting the characters to make sure everyone has an opponent, so far i have 6 people with opponent's,


so have to think of more for everyone.

Also Titan King and Lauryn i want to run an idea by you K.
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Okay there are 7 teachers all up heres what i ahve so far:

Channcelor Bishard
Appearance: a big bald man wearing a large white coat had his feet implanted into the ground, they then were loosened and he walked down the front steps.
Ability: manipulation of the ground below

Proffessor Chronix
Appearance: short black spiky and messy hair wearing a long black coat and black leather pants walked into the room.
Ability: Dissapear parts of his body for a limited time.

Councelor Tranquil
Appearance: short black spiky and messy hair wearing a long black coat and black leather pants walked into the room.
Ability: unknown

Miss. Scarlet
Appearance: long red hair and wore a red blouse covered by a long red jacket, she also wore a short black skirt.
Ability: unknown.
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Sorry everyone i was out

1) What about dinner? = new post introduced shown the cafeteria it was a rushed post be4 so i may have forgot XD
2) What exactly are the rooms that we're being set up. Reccomendation that Swift and Nazo's characters are together. Best friends after all. So are you choosing or are we? = I'll choose, the rooms wont have any significance but in terms of the whole friends type of thing yea people like izzy, vayne, lance, ronald, sammi, riley, will be in the same dorm building
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