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I dont need more depressing music >_<!

Owait, you know as long as i dont look at the lyrics this is pretty calming :mellow:

I asked Techi, Yankee, and Darkmaster to join the RP and/or club *Fingers crossed* Hopefully they'll join, Any new members are good but i know Techi and Yankee are fun guys ^_^ Im sure Darkmaster is too but i dont know him so....

Then again, with my luck none of them well join and ill just look like a @$$hat for asking >_>

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Knew that one allready, but even better ;D
This AMV is great and they even slip in a quote at one point that just makes it better
Some Season one spoiler though (But it dose contain a kallen croch shot just for DL ;D)

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Yes, he has reserved. We'll wait until Tuesday then. But I think we should start on Tuesday latest. Monday may have been my excitement getting to my head, but Tuesday is much more logical because it let's more people start from the get-go. Mang, if the IC topic is posted, I'll have to find it and post in it as soon as I see it. That way I can stop complaining.

Good night, Daisuke. You have done well, loyal soldier.
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I might do it.

Lets see...a good OOC has a link back to the OOC and...

a starting post.

Wasn't DL supposed to create the 1st post?

And how is going to go, anyway? Who is gonna control the actions behind the CF and Britannia?

I'll put it in the OOC.
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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1295841855' post='4956508']
I might do it.

Lets see...a good OOC has a link back to the OOC and...

a starting post.

Wasn't DL supposed to create the 1st post?

And how is going to go, anyway? Who is gonna control the actions behind the CF and Britannia?

I'll put it in the OOC.

Well, we'll need somebody to take the role of leader of the Chinese Federation. Somebody will need totale the role of Cornelia. I don't nominate myself mainly because I don't think I could act very well as her.

So is the IC topic being posted on Monday or Tuesday? I think it'd also be fine to post the IC topic on Monday night. Before Daisuke leaves, but not too much after I come back from school. What's the difference of posting it on Tuesday morning than Monday night, anyways?
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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1295842374' post='4956529']
Ok,but who is taking control of Britannia?

Is it Alpha?

I'll add Cornelia to the list.

Britannia's actions should also be controlled by the person roleplaying as Cornelia, considering how she's it's political and hierarchial leader.

Yes. If you do add Cornelia to the list of required people, please add in that they'll also have to take control of Britannia, as well. Do you understand what I mean?
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