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Hai everyone. ^^


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Hai guys.

I'm 14 and I love Video games, Anime, Manga and I'm scared of heights. Lol, I really haven't got anything interesting about me...

I hang around of lot of other forums, but most of them die. D: I'm pretty much the death of forums!

But I'm really glad I found another active forum.

Funny story.

My friends really big on yugioh, and he was looking for a site you can make yugioh cards on(this site). I saw the forum and I had a look. He has no idea what forums are, so he was just staring. I got home from there a few hours ago and decided to come check it out.


There are a lot of members here!


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Guest Mako109

Ignore Larxene.




Death to forums, huh? Well, this one died weeks ago. Your safe.



Hey. Hi. Welcome. Whatever.


Follow the rules. Read the rules, so you can follow them. Don't troll, blahblahblah.


And yes, Larxene is the jerkass.

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