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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Episode 138 - The Path to the Future - The Rainbow Bridge Bifrost!

Airdate: December 8, 2010


With the Ark Cradle looming in the sky and slowly falling towards Neo Domino City, Sherry returns and reveals to Yusei and co. a shocking and evil future. This vision of the future she has seen, via the Ark Cradle, is that Yusei will die if he enters.


While Yusei sympathizes with his companion's feelings on the matter, he is determined to board the Ark Cradle alone in order to save the city.


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Episode 139 - The Enchanting Field! École de Zone

Airdate: December 15, 2010


Yusei and his friends arrive at the Ark Cradle, but are separated into three groups by ZONE's tactics. Praying for each other's safety, every member of the team aims to reach the center of the structure. However Sherry appears, standing in Crow and Aki's way. Sherry bets whether or not they'll be allowed to reach the center of the Ark Cradle on a Duel. Due to the Field Spell "École de Zone", Crow and Aki are separated from one another while they have to deal with unknown attacks.


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Episode 140 - The Sealed Future! The Soul-Binding Gate Platon!

Airdate: December 22, 2010


Crow is robbed of his Blackfeather Dragon as his Life Points become 0, causing he and Aki's Signer marks to be stolen from them, as he vanishes like mist. On the other hand, a reborn Aporia appears before Yusei and Ruka, who are looking for Rua and divides into 5 people, attacking Yusei.


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Episode 141 - Take it Back! A Future Beyond the Future

Airdate: January 5, 2011


Yusei and Ruka have their Stardust Dragon and Ancient Fairy Dragon stolen from them by the reborn Aporia, driving the two into a corner. To protect Ruka from the attack of Imperial Machine God Machinicle, Yusei takes the blow and is blasted off the Ark Cradle. At the same time, Rua, who was separated from the rest of the group, meets ZONE.


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Episode 142 - Rua Possessed! A Bitter Battle - Scar-Red Nova Dragon

Airdate: January 12, 2011


In a Riding Duel with the Mysterious D-Wheeler, Yusei figures out the way to get back the Stardust Dragon and Ancient Fairy Dragon that Aporia stole from them. The Mysterious D-Wheeler offers to fight together with him, but he declines. On the other hand, Jack, aiming for the center of the Ark Cradle, is confronted by Rua, brainwashed by ZONE, who begins a duel with him.




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