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Welcome to the Oryu Region [Not Started/Accepting]

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Type of character: Trainer

Name: Patrick Knack

Appearance: Titanium.png

Gender: M

Age: 10

Characters Pokémon: Plumock (His final party will be Stormer, Lapagan, Tibuferoh, Grillance, Fasobass and Murdroar if that is ok)

Pokémon's moves: Thundershock, Fake Tears

Pokémon Type: Electric

Personality: He is quite nice and generous. He always wants to be the best without being mean or ignorant. He is a mediocre Pokemon breeder, and Plumock has an innate ability to dodge. He cares about his Pokemon and is very kind towards them.

Bio: He met Plumock when they were both young. He cared for Plumock until this very day. Now, he has set out to take his first leap as a Pokemon trainer. He is taking the Gym Challenges. He likes competition, but he hasn't battled much before, so he still has a lot to learn...


Type of character: Trainer

Name: Grace Hopeforth

Appearance: Pokemon_Trainer_Sprite_Edit_by_ScarletPianoWires.gif

Gender: F

Age: 18

Characters Pokémon: Clawka (Her final party will be Macrosht, Omegreon, Kouteshin, Mindxter, Kyothes and Tachih if that is ok)

Pokémon's moves: Shadow Sneak, Scary Face

Pokémon Type: Ghost

Personality: She is sometimes very nice and sometimes a little self-centered. She is kind to her Pokemon, but never expects to lose a battle. She is not always the companion type.

Bio: She grew up in the Kanto Region and has challenged and one every League challenge known until Oryu. She decided to take a Pokemon from this region and start over. She is a great trainer.


Type of character: Gym Leader

Name: "Scanner"

Appearance: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/69504222/Custom_Pokemon_Trainer_Sprite_by_RottenKindaCute.png&imgrefurl=http://rottenkindacute.deviantart.com/art/Custom-Pokemon-Trainer-Sprite-69504222&usg=__SnNXCRB3wev3xMEK02tcsu8Lcp8=&h=64&w=64&sz=3&hl=en&start=42&zoom=1&tbnid=vJyfCQke0_T4fM:&tbnh=64&tbnw=64&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpokemon%2Btrainer%2Bsprite%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D574%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=151&vpy=194&dur=1392&hovh=64&hovw=64&tx=99&ty=28&ei=EOcETcXMGoO8sAOwv43MDQ&oei=B-cETZ6IHJKosAOO1e2vDQ&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:42

Gender: M

Age: 23

Characters Pokémon:

- Mindxter - Psychic [ice Punch / Fire Punch / Thunderpunch / Psywave]

- Gefnnen - Psychic [bullet Punch / Superpower / Psycho Cut / Mega Punch]

- Galaxywing - Water/Psychic [Dragon Pulse / Sky Attack / Energy Ball / Hydro Pump]

Personality: He can sense the opponents feelings and intentions. He is kind and light-hearted. He loves to battle, and even if he wins, he might still give out the badge.

Bio: He was born a Psychic and has mastered his powers. He has trained his Pokemon to their fullest potential. He grew up in Eyek Town, and that is now where the Gym is located.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Type of character Trainer

Name: Little Red Lady

Appearance: red hair blue eyes in a red dress

Gender: female


Characters:Anyu Region number #1 from this pokedex

Pokémon's moves Need moves

Pokémon Type: Grass

Personality: Talkive,Wierd,Spoiled

Bio: I am a Young girl ran away from home at age 10 for pokemon Journey Train hard thats all i do look for shelter from ran. My dress is always clean pressed and perfect. My blue eyes sparkle but my soul doesn't. I work hard to keep my self looking good and for food. I fight for food and for cleaning. I battle to survive

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  • 2 weeks later...

Type of character Trainer

Name: Red Hooded Lady


(Red One)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Characters Pokémon:Carbox

Pokémon's moves: Fire Blast,Flamethower, Extreme Speed, Fire Tackle( is a move)

Pokémon Type: Fire

Personality: Talkive,Sensitive, and very Cocky

Bio: A young girl my parents wouldn't let me go on a journey. I ran away from home and went to the professor. I got my pokemon and ran.I traveled all around but never caught any pokemon. All i did was train my pokemon.

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Guys, although this isn't explicitely covered in the rules, this RP is directly ripping off the ideas of another fan-made project without any signs of compliance from the original creator. Due to the heavy amount of material made by a non-YCMer on here, until the RP maker can provide evidence that they've gotten permission to use this stuff, I'm locking this. Apologies.

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