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The YCM short film maker awards!!!!!!!!!!


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Ok, before we start i would like to point out that this is not a card making contest. It is a simple award show.

Will you win the YCM award?

1. Can be any video format (can have special effects, shot from camera, and anime)
2. Must be a maximum of 20 minutes long
3. No innapropriat content
4. No complaining if your video does not make it into the 4 nominees
5. You can only submit 1 video per category
6. Award winners will win a signature trophy
7. Video must be in by 14/02/11
1. Best 80's japanese monster movie trailer
2. Best Tv add parody
3. Worst movie ever
4. Best spin take
5. Best spit take
6. Best music video
7. Best fightsee
8. Best horror movie death
9. Best reality show
10. Best man vs. animal gameshow[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler='high council']The high council is the organization of people who decides the winner of each category. I am also a part of high council, but i also pick the nominees.
[spoiler='high council']
1.[b]Xguy (me)[/b]
2. newfieshark
3. Dаrkrai
4. [u]you[/u]
5. ( )[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
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