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Bleach: Masks of the Espada (Added Chapter 62)

Spirit of DMG

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Eh, it's an inside FTK joke.

I honestly do think this comes close to being a parody sometimes, which I would STRONGLY recommend against.

BTW, okay chapters~ (I say this, not wanting to give a long detailed explanation of good and bad about each chapter)

@Nex - LOL
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Yeah, I notice that in a lot of books, during conversations with short lines, or that are extended, only the first and last quotations have names, so I did that.
Also, I finally figured out what you meant by "a tree with an eye patch"
That would be because they are searching for the Masks of the Original Espada, and they were using that tree to show off the ones they have. Thus far, they have Grimmjow's, Szayel's, and the eye patch belonged to Nnoitora.
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Nah don't go with the original.
Or do, but don't make Remo him (from now on I'm calling you that until you get a name change).
Dude, El would never apologize to you. He'd probably get in your face and chew your ear off .-.
But then again, I haven't really seen Elphemia as El, so it's not like she's out of character or anything.
Chapter was alright, I'm getting a little more into the story now and I want to see how their first battle will turn out.
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The only thing I think you should keep in mind is whenever you switch to a different setting focusing on different characters, state who's there.
Don't just throw in Dios said, Evanescent said, or whatever without introducing them first. And with Itachi, you should either describe a shadowy figure behind them or one coming in when doing that rather than JUST saying the name.
But good chapter, I'm betting El will join the Espada >.>
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