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The Mega-Multiverse: An Ultimate Crossover [Started/Accepting]


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I'm just going to point out just how hot 4000 degrees kelvin is.
Kelvin is just like Celsius, but 0 on kelvin is absolute zero, -273 Centigrade, or -459 Fahrenheit.
4000 Kelvin is 3707 Centigrade, or 6740 Fahrenheit.

In comparison, carbon turns from a solid directly to a gas at the same temperature.
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Name: SAMUEL-034
Age: 14
Aliases: N/a
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: N/a
Motive: Save Earth
Weapons: MA5B Assault Rifle, M6D Handgun
Abilities and Powers: MJOLNIR PAA MK. V
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Canon
Wiki Page/Bio: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Samuel-034
Appearance: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kxtoxxIv9T1qaklu7o1_500.jpg
Others: N/a
Weaknesses: Only a soldier
Franchise: Halo

Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown; 30's
Aliases: The Rookie, Lance Corporal
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: VERGIL
Motive: Find his squad
Weapons: M7S Suppressed Sub Machine Gun, M6S Silenced SOCOM Pistol
Abilities and Powers: N/a
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Canon
Wiki Page/Bio: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/The_Rookie
Appearance: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100906071627/halo/images/thumb/c/c6/The_Rookie_Infobox_%28Cropped%29.png/526px-The_Rookie_Infobox_%28Cropped%29.png
Others: Doesn't talk
Weaknesses: Just a soldier
Franchise: Hall

Age: Unknown (between 0 and 7)
Aliases: Vergil
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: The Rookie
Motive: Help the Rookie
Weapons: N/a
Abilities and Powers: Is an AI
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Canon
Wiki Page/Bio: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Vergil
Appearance: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090904164638/halo/images/thumb/c/c9/Huragok_Halo_3-_ODST.jpg/429px-Huragok_Halo_3-_ODST.jpg
Others: Is an AI implanted into a Covenant Huragok (Engineer)
Weaknesses: Is an AI
Franchise: Halo

[spoiler=Noble Six]
Name: XXX-B312
Age: Unknown (20's)
Aliases: Noble Six, Six
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: N/a
Motive: Get back to reach and stop the invasion
Weapons: MA37 Assault Rifle, M6G Magnum, M392 Designated Marksman Rifle
Abilities and Powers: MJOLNIR MK. V (Advanced)
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Canon
Wiki Page/Bio: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Noble_Six
Appearance: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100831211751/halo/images/thumb/2/2b/B312.png/694px-B312.png
Others: Doesn't talk much
Weaknesses: Just a soldier
Franchise: Halo
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Name: Itsu Fudo
Age: Ancient
Aliases: Itsu Solace, Itsu-chan
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: Daniel-kun, Red Riding
Motive: To solve the problem of these portals and restore the multiverse to its former glory.
Weapons: All sorts of stuff she can pull out of Subspace, such as her shapeshifting blade, Varia,
Abilities and Powers: She can manipulate space and time, but she really only uses this power as a last resort or to travel.
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Custom
Tranformations: She can disguise herself.
Wiki Page/Bio: http://ycm.wikia.com/wiki/Itsu_Solace
Appearance: See below.
Others: She is like the Doctor. But cuter.
Weaknesses: EMPs
Franchise: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Name: Daniel Asnip
Age: 19
Aliases: YRPOtaku169 (shortened to "Y-Tak"), TheFinalFan (shortened to "TFF")
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: Itsu Solace, Itsu-chan
Motive: To help Itsu, and to stay alive!
Weapons: Knowledge about all sorts of different universes.
Abilities and Powers: None. He's a typical human.
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Avatar
Tranformations: None.
Wiki Page/Bio: Daniel created Itsu, and has run into her before, but never on this level! Now he's ready to kick some bubble gum and chew ass! Wait...
Appearance: http://kunoichi-san.deviantart.com/art/Samurai-s-Merry-Company-187162992
The guy in the lower-right corner.
Others: He's me.
Weaknesses: Anything a human is weak to, he is weak to.
Franchise: Real Life?
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Name: Protheus Maximus
Age: Ancient
Aliases: Protheus Maximus, [s]Ho-[/s] [color=gray]"Athena, you are NOT putting that one here."[/color]
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: Xadma, EB-Wheel
Motive: To take advantage of these portals and destroy the multiverse [b]once and for all[/b].
Weapons: A forbidden sword that took an entire millennium to
Abilities and Powers: He can manipulate space and time, but there's no fun in that so he only does it if he did something wrong or to travel.
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Custom
Tranformations: He can disguise himself.
Wiki Page/Bio: http://ycm.wikia.com/wiki/Protheus_Maximus
Appearance: See above.
Others: Er.
Weaknesses: EMPs
Franchise: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Name: Xadma
Age: 12
Aliases: Merciful Idiot (usually just said "Merciful" or "MI")
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: Protheus Maxi- *Killed*
Motive: To keep watch.
Weapons: Knowledge about all sorts of different universes, and a laser gun.
Abilities and Powers: N/A.
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Avatar
Tranformations: None.
Wiki Page/Bio: Xadma created Protheus one day, and has established contact him once or twice, but then he got bored. So he decided to join in, only he decided not to give himself any special powers. . . other than being equipped with a laser gun. He has no intention of being as useless as that other guy. Plus he likes his secrecy so he put a letter in his name and rearranged it, with the result being Xadma. Protheus has no respect for him, though.
Appearance: http://i54.tinypic.com/2eowiuq.png
It's the closest image on the net to me.
Others: He's me.
Weaknesses: Anything a human is weak to, he is weak to.
Franchise: Real Life?
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Asuna Kagurazaki
Age: 15
Aliases: Asuna, Twilight Imperial Princess
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: Negi Springfield, Setsuna Sakazaki, Nodoka Myizaki,
Motive: to protect Negi
Weapons: harisen and massive sword
Abilities and Powers: magic cancel, super strength and speed
Tranformations: None
Wiki Page/Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asuna_Kagurazaka#Asuna_Kagurazaka
Others: none
Franchise: Negima
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Time for me to join as me!

Name: Kinika
Age: 11
Aliases: Obsidan, Obsidian.
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: N/A
Motive: To explore the multiverse and discover it's secrets. In Evil Forme, her motive is to destroy the multiverse.
Weapons: A samurai sword, bow and arrows.
Abilities and Powers: She isn't affected by weapons, only by powers. She can also control fire. In Evil Forme, she can fly on top of those.
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Avatar
Tranformations: Randomly, at any time, she'll transform. She'll look different on the outiide, and is evil and cruel. In this state, she will try to kill her friends, and destroy the multiverse. Her samurai sword turns blood red and burns on contact with others.
Wiki Page/Bio: Kinika was an ordinary girl, living in her home universe. Nothing bad happened, except wars, of course. Luckily, nobody in her family that she knows of has been part of any wars to date. Kinika was a good little girl, doing well in primary school, getting A's on her reports, all that good little girl stuff, Except she sometimes "blew up" and had MEGA temper tantrums, but that's something more personal, and therefor DOESN'T matter.
But there was another side to "Little Miss Almost-Perfect". When the strange portals appeared, Kinika discovered she had powers. She could control fire, and wasn't harmed by harmful objects. But she sometimes wished sh had just a LITTLE bit more, and she got much more than she expected. One day, without warning, her hair turned red, her eyes too, and she became an angry killing machine. Luckily, nobody was around, but this transformation told Kinika that she could fly, but only in that Forme.
After that, Kinika shut herself away, and inclosed herself in the internet, known as Obsidan, or Obsidian, to those who corrected her spelling mistake. Then she learnt about the multiverse, and was curious, and set out to explore, travelling through multiple portals to explore other universes. But in Evil Forme, she wanted to destroy the multiverse, destroying portals, and attempting to find heart of the multiverse and destroy it.
[spoiler=Normal Forme][URL=http://img269.imageshack.us/i/kinika.jpg/][IMG]http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/2793/kinika.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
That is the closest picture to me I can find without using a real picture of me.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Evil Forme][URL=http://img64.imageshack.us/i/kinikaevilforme.jpg/][IMG]http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3007/kinikaevilforme.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
I so despreatly wish I looked like this! It'd be SOOOOOOO cool![/spoiler][/spoiler]
Others: She's me. Almost.
Weaknesses: Any form of magic besides her own, water.
Franchise: Real Life + Some.
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Actually I mean 'Avatar' as in the characters you control in MORPG games. Someone has those, right?

So, to play around this, you need to start of in where you stay, or somewhere else. Then you go through mysterious looking portals that lead to different franchises/universes.
And meet others.
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Name: (Duh... your REAL name) Ruki Netomi
Age: (How Old) 16
Aliases: (Your alternate name) Ruki
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: (Who aids you in your quest? This person may part from you, but has to be with you again eventually.) anyone she meets up with and Lexandra Orita
Motive: (Durgh) protect the ones she cares about and getting rid of the Akatsuki, if they are in this roleplay and stopping the destrucion of the multi verse
Weapons: (Need I say more?) her jutsus, kunei, paper bombs and shurikan
Abilities and Powers: (Durgh) controll of Houkou, if it counts
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': (Custom is self-made character, Canon is already-existing character. Avatar? See rule 3.) custom
Tranformations: (If any, that is!) five tailed beast
Wiki Page/Bio: (Your past and present) -this is assuming the Akatsuki are still in the RP- Ruki was born in the Hidden Rain village but moved to the Leaf with her mom, Kyumi Netomi at age 9. Her mother was a well known and accomplished kunochi and Anbu Black Ops member. Ruki doesn't exactly rememner who she became a Jinchuriki but thinks her mother had something to do with it. Though she mysteriously died on an A-rank misson shortly after Houkou was sealed inside Ruki. Suspecting the Akatsuki Ruki whent out after them. She traveled to the other villages of the Land of Fire and studied the shinobi in each one. Now she is back in the Hidden Leaf village several years after she left to hunt the Akatsuki. Now, however, with the different prtals around Ruki travels between them searching for Akatsuki members and wanting to stop the destruction of the multi verse
Appearance: (Pic or Description) http://wallpaperscru...-wallpaper.html (only with brown eyes that have a thin yellow ring around them)
Others: (What else to tell?) she is a Jinchuriki
Weaknesses: her friends being hurt or threatend...she can't stand it
Franchise: Naruto
good, evil or neautral: good

Name: (Duh... your REAL name) Lexandra Orita
Age: (How Old) 17
Aliases: (Your alternate name) Lex, The Blue Maiden
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: (Who aids you in your quest? This person may part from you, but has to be with you again eventually.) anyone she meets up with and Ruki
Motive: (Durgh) asisting Ruki and stop the multiverse from collapsing
Weapons: (Need I say more?) her team, if it counts
Abilities and Powers: (Durgh) connect to the hearts of water and ice type pokemon. like in Arceus and the Jewel of Life but she can only do it with water or ice types.
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': (Custom is self-made character, Canon is already-existing character. Avatar? See rule 3.) custom
Tranformations: (If any, that is!) none
Wiki Page/Bio: (Your past and present) Lexandra was a prominent trainer whose first pokemon came in the form of a Vulpix egg. After awhile she eventually evolved Vulpix into a Ninetails. Now Ninetails is her strongest pokemon and Lex has tought her partner some physic type moves even though she is more prominent with her normal fire moves. Ever since Lex was young she has always had an thing for water and ice type pokemon and this led to the trainer later finding out about her special ability. When the multi verse started to fall apart Lex found herself somehow in the Naruto world. There she met Ruki Netomi and the two bonded. Now she is traveling with Ruki around the different portals and trying to stop the multi verse from collapsing.
Appearance: (Pic or Description) **the girl on my trainer card** http://www.mapletowers.com/trainercards/ucard.php?name=Lex&colour=marine&background=greencave&kanto1=1&kanto2=1&kanto3=1&kanto4=1&kanto5=1&kanto6=1&kanto7=1&kanto8=1&johto1=1&johto2=1&johto3=1&johto4=1&johto5=1&johto6=1&johto7=1&johto8=1&hoenn1=1&hoenn2=1&hoenn3=1&hoenn4=1&hoenn5=1&hoenn6=1&hoenn7=1&hoenn8=1&sinnoh1=1&sinnoh2=1&sinnoh3=1&sinnoh4=1&sinnoh5=1&sinnoh6=1&sinnoh7=1&code=2345+-7680-008&trainer=108&stars=3&win=10&lose=1&draw=0&pokemon1=38&gender1=f&pokemon2=9&gender2=m&pokemon3=87&gender3=f&pokemon4=119&gender4=f&pokemon5=134&gender5=f&pokemon6=260&gender6=m&bsubmit=+++...%3A%3A%3ACreate%21%3A%3A%3A...+++
Others: (What else to tell?) master at water and ice types/females and her pokemon are all fully transformed
Weaknesses: her friends being hurt
Franchise: pokemon
good, evil or neautral: good
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We have four characters arguing on whether or not to reactivate GLaDOS, one character heading to that argument's location, one other character inside the Testing facility,
And some characters inside the pokeverse doing things like pokemon ranger capturing raquaza.
Or something like that.

Speaking of which, how is that multiverse argument going to play out? I kind of need GLaDOS reactivated so I can officially RP as her without saying how much it sucks to be dead. I also kind of want to keep Aperture Science intact.

Any way we can agree is great.
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