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~Archetype Alert!~ Dark Theoretics

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[center] Theoretics - DARK monsters that have a healthy recyclability relatable to Gusta and RFP relatable to DD. Just your average DARK monsters....With all their tuners being Normal Monsters with low Levels. The Tuners are most often removed from play.

2 distinguishing features are their "last name" initials. Level 4 and lowers initials are E (for Easy), Level 5 and 6 are M (for medium), Level 7 and higher are H (for hard). Also the defense of Level 4 and lower are always 600, the defense of Level 5 and 6 are always 1200, and the defense of Level 7 and higher are always 1800.
[b]PFDT - EN001[/b]
|Gustavon E. - Dark Theoretic|
|DARK / Level 4|
|Spellcaster / Effect|
|When this card is Normal Summoned, you can return 1 Normal "Theoretic" Monster that is removed from play to your hand. You cannot Special Summon that card during this turn.|
|ATK 1700| |DEF 600|

[b]PFDT - EN002[/b]
|Theodore M. - Dark Theoretic|
|DARK / Level 6|
|Warrior / Effect|
|Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 DARK Normal Monster in your hand to switch the Battle Position of 1 monster on the field. That monsters DEF becomes 0 until the End Phase.|
|ATK 2300| |DEF 1200|

[b]PFDT - EN003[/b]
|Xavier H. - Dark Theoretic|
|DARK / Level 8|
|Spellcaster / Synchro / Effect|
|1 DARK Normal Tuner Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, you can send 1 card you control to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Normal Monster that is removed from play. When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can remove from play 1 Normal Monster in your Deck.|
|ATK 2600| |DEF 1800|

[b]PFDT - EN004[/b]
|Gregory E. - Dark Theoretic|
|DARK / Level 2|
|Spellcaster / Tuner|
|[i]A young magician who entered into the service of the Dark Theoretics when he learned of their abilities to send and call other members to and forth from another dimension.[/i]|
|ATK 800| |DEF 600|

[b]PFDT - EN005[/b]
|Samuel E. - Dark Theoretic|
|DARK / Level 3|
|Warrior / Effect|
|You can Special Summon this card from your hand by returning 2 "Theoretic" monsters that are removed from play to your Deck. When this card is destroyed a card effect, Special Summon 1 DARK Normal Monster from your Graveyard in Defense Position.|
|ATK 1200| |DEF 600|
[b]PFDT - EN006[/b]
|Dark Dimension Ripple|
|Quick-Play Spell Card|
|Special Summon 1 DARK Normal Tuner Monster that is removed from play. During the End Phase, that monster is returned to your Deck.|

[b]PFDT - EN007[/b]
|Malfunctioning Politics|
|Normal Spell Card|
|Remove from play 1 DARK Normal Tuner Monster in your hand and 1 "Theoretic" monster you control. Special Summon 1 DARK Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck whose Level is equal to the combined Levels of the 2 removed monsters. (The Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon).|

[b]PFDT - EN008[/b]
|Diavont M. - Dark Theoretic|
|DARK / Level 6|
|Warrior / Synchro / Effect|
|1 DARK Normal Tuner Monster + 1 DARK non-Tuner monster
Once per turn, you can add 1 removed from play card to your Graveyard. Then this card gains 1000 ATK, until the End Phase. If this card destroys a Defense Position monster, your opponent takes damage equal to the number of removed from play Normal Monsters x200.|
|ATK 1800| |DEF 1200|

[b]PFDT - EN009[/b]
|Confusion Tactics|
|Quick-Play Spell Card|
|Return 1 face-up DARK Normal Tuner Monster you control to your hand. Then, Special Summon 1 "Theoretic" monster from your hand. During the End Phase, the Special Summoned monster is destroyed.|
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I like the love of Vanilla DARK Tuners, makes the deck pretty archetype closed (which i love btw) I would love to fool around with an archetype like this...

One Comment, The level 8 Synchro Monster is a bit underpowered imo. 2600 for a Level 8, however i am guessing the factor that makes up for it is the ability to summon up cards like "Cosmo Queen" for DARK or cards like BEWD.

Another thing, the synchro monsters simply state "removed from play monsters." It may just be me, but do you need to specify "either" remove from play zone or just your own? From the way it looks, you have it so that it goes for both RFP Zones, combined with Necroface it could become considerable damage late in the duel.
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