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YCM Member Brawl - 2.0


Round 0, Match 0  

40 members have voted

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[b]YCM Member Brawl - 2.0

[/b]Yes, all, it is finally back. We've gone through the [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/219167-ycm-member-brawl/"]original YCM Member Brawl made by Smesh[/url], and also the YModB which I'm too lazy to post the thread for. And as I promised, close to the start of December, we are starting the second edition of the YCM Member Brawl. The rules are stil fairly the same, but with a [i]few[/i] twists. Minor ones, at that. This is now a [b]64[/b]-man tourney, but pretty much everything else stands. I'll release more information about rounds and whatnot when we actually get to that point, but nominations is easily the most tedious part of this event. But could be the most fun, too.

[s]A few things:

If you'd like to sign up to host YCM Member Brawl 3, drop me a PM.
If you are Overdrive or someone else who wants to be our GFXer for this event, drop me a PM.
If you have any questions, post 'em here.[/s]

[s]So, here is how nominations will work:

1.) You may nominate up to [b]three (3)[/b] people in your post, one post only.
2.) To be involved in the event, a member needs [b]two (2) [/b]nominations.
3.) You [b]may not[/b] nominate yourself.
4.) You [b]may not[/b] nominate the same person twice in your own nominations.
5.) The first [b]64[/b] people to get [b]2[/b] nominations are our contestants.
6.) When deciding contestants, I take nominations from the first post onwards, obviously.

Moderators cannot be included in your list of nominations. Neither can Tainted Black, SaturnPaladin, nor Ice, as they were the top three finalists of the last YMB.

I'll let this run for a few days and do a quick check-up to see where we are at, and play it by ear from there. Since we need a total of 128 nominations before we get started (minimum), this may take awhile, so sit back and enjoy Polls being generally match-free until a week or two from now.

[b]NOTE TO PHANTOM ROXAS[/b]: You "promised" in the last thread that this would be stickied, so I would appreciate it if this [i]was[/i] stickied. It's not too major, though, but it would help us get a lot of activity.

[b]NOTE TO EVERYBODY[/b]: I need a few "helpers" to post threads for at least Rounds 1 and 2 where we have 32 and 16 matches respectively, so if you are ready to post threads like crazy in a specified format I give you, drop me a PM.[/s]


1.) [s]Revolver Amethyst - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/50261-revolver-amethyst/[/s]
2.) [b]Clair - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/206253-clair/[/b]
3.) [s]J-Max - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/20250-j-max/[/s]
4.) [s]~Cherry~ - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/188867-cherry/[/s]
5.) [s]Larxene - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/38715-larxene/[/s]
6.) [s]LiAM - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/61523-liam/[/s]
7.) [s]Nexev - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/22006-nexev/[/s]
8.) [s]Andx - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/57805-andx/[/s]
9.) [s]Daisuke L. Hirako - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/134494-daisuke-l-hirako/[/s]
10.) [s]El Make - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/78697-el-make/[/s]
11.) [s]BlackSkullCortez - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/161797-blackskullcortez/[/s]
12.) [s]Marisa Kirisame-ze - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/51838-marisa-kirisame-ze/[/s]
13.) [s]ProtoMachineEmperor - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/176875-protomachineemperor/[/s]
14.) [s]Dark - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/64295-dark/[/s]
15.) [s]Matt Bahamut - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/258150-matt-bahamut/[/s]
16.) [s]Fenrir - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/64339-fenrir/[/s]
17.) [s]Fusion X. Denver - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/130483-fusion-x-denver/[/s]
18.) [s]BrokenHeart15 - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/37816-brokenheart15/[/s]
19.) [s]LichKing Lelouch - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/156042-lichking-lelouch/[/s]
20.) [s]Smeargle - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/69898-smeargle/[/s]
21.) [s]Smesh - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/221030-smesh/[/s]
22.) [s]ragnarok1945 - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/86789-ragnarok1945/[/s]
23.) [s]Coyote Starrk - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/271435-coyote-starrk/[/s]
24.) [s]Armadilloz - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/76493-armadilloz/[/s]
25.) [s]Sakura Haruno - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/103963-sakura-haruno/[/s]
26.) [s]TheComposer - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/276354-thecomposer/[/s]
27.) [s]Evangelion-02 - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/73726-evangelion-02/[/s]
28.) [s]Spoon - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/234848-spoon/[/s]
29.) [s]Daft Innovation - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/287554-daft-innovation/[/s]
30.) [s]Lovely CC - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/142021-%e2%99%a5lovely-cc%e2%99%a5/[/s]
31.) [s]Donovyn Mikara Gerra - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/152170-donovyn-mikara-gerra/[/s]
32.) [s]Deustodo - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/157888-deustodo/[/s]
33.) [s]Monkey - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/42396-monkey/[/s]
34.) [s]Shadow Zero - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/103348-shadow-zero/[/s]
35.) [s]FTW (For The Wynn) - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/264408-ftw-for-the-wynn/[/s]
36.) [s]atman - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/64939-atman/[/s]
37.) [s]Overdrive - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/239164-overdrive/[/s]
38.) [s]Enrise - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/57581-enrise/[/s]
39.) [s]Zextra - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/99600-zextra/[/s]
40.) [s]King. - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/82805-king/[/s]
41.) [s]Bloodstained Kiva - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/124727-bloodstained-%d3%84iva/[/s]
42.) [s]Mako109 - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/258841-mako109/[/s]
43.) [s]Legend Zero - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/51270-legend-zero/[/s]
44.) [s]Revenant Black - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/48731-revenant-black/[/s]
45.) [s]burnpsy - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/114253-burnpsy/[/s]
46.) [s]Jolta - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/56641-%e2%96%ba-jolta-%e2%97%84/[/s]
47.) [s]The CandyMan - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/73464-the-candyman/[/s]
48.) [s]Final Fantasy Revolution - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/12724-final-fantasy-revolution/[/s]
49.) [s]+LeoMence - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/140019-leomence/[/s]
50.) [s]Kotaro - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/82999-kotaro/[/s]
51.) [s]~Bassa~ - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/150945-%c9%93%c8%a7%c8%99%c8%99%c8%83/[/s]
52.) [s]Marik Sebastian Ishtar III - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/19901-marik-sebastian-ishtar-iii/[/s]
53.) [s]Kagene Satsuki - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/274548-kagene-satsuki/[/s]
54.) [s]Trimage - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/164225-trimage/[/s]
55.) [s]techi - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/243934-techi/[/s]
56.) [s]Engetsu - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/252705-engetsu/[/s]
57.) [s]Sondance - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/297589-sondance/[/s]
58.) [s]Professor Layton - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/190904-professor-layton/[/s]
59.) [s]Vuvuzela of Triumph - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/81777-vuvuzela-of-triumph/[/s]
60.) [s]GenzoTheHarpist - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/46930-genzotheharpist/[/s]
61.) [s]BehindTheMask - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/135415-behindthemask/[/s]
62.) [s]Kisuke Urahara - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/172204-kisuke-urahara/[/s]
63.) [s]Petrosian - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/41185-petrosian/[/s]
64.) [s]Manjoume Thunder - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/101247-manjoume-thunder/[/s]


[color="#808000"]1ST PLACE: Clair[/color]
[color="#808080"]2ND PLACE: ragnarok1945[/color]
[color="#A0522D"]3RD PLACE: Legend Zero[/color]
ROCKY ROAD TROPHY: Shadow Zero[/b][/size]

[s]To those who want to help...
When posting threads, use my general format in Rounds 1-1 and 1-2, linked to below.


You can be creative, but remember a few things.

1.) Title should have the match name.
2.) Include the Round Number somewhere in the Title or Description.
4.) Include both member's usernames, links to their profiles, and profile pictures [b]or[/b] avatars. Either one is okay, it's really just to add some color and to catch eyes than to serve an actual identification purpose.
5.) Include when the match ends. Remember that different rounds have a different timespan for the match.

Make sure before you post matches to call which match you want to post. So someone can call Round 1-3 and 1-4 at the moment (right after I posted the first two threads), but not Round 1-5. Also make sure the thread you called has not been posted already and has not been called by someone else. I suggest if you call a Round you post it as soon as possible.[/s]
[spoiler=Round 1]

Each Round 1 Match will last for [b]24[/b] hours.

Unlike other Rounds, I will not be organizing this list where the first round is the most obvious and the last round is the most heated. I see no point yet, but once we are down to 16 people, I will organize it in such a fashion that the most popular threads will be towards the end of the Round.

[s]Kotaro[/s] vs. [b]Armadilloz[/b] (1-1) (Final: 17-9)
[b]Deustodo[/b] vs. [s]Engetsu[/s] (1-2) (Final: 14-10)
[b]Marik Sebastian Ishtar III[/b] vs. [s]Evangelion-02[/s] (1-3) (Final: 8-7)
[b]Clair[/b] vs. [s]Smeargle[/s] (1-4) (Final: 23-5)
[s]Daft Innovation[/s] vs. [b]J-Max[/b] (1-5) (Final: 17-2)
[b]Marisa Kirizame-se[/b] vs. [s]Zextra[/s] (1-6) (Final: 12-3)
[b]TheComposer[/b] vs. [s]Matt Bahamut[/s] (1-7) (Final: 12-8[b][/b])
[b]King.[/b] vs. [s]Lovely CC[/s] (1-8[b][/b]) (Final: 11-10)
[b]Spoon[/b] vs. [s]Kagene Satsuki[/s] (1-9) (Final: 10-4)
[s]Overdrive[/s] vs. [b]ragnarok1945[/b] (1-10) (Final: 17-8[b][/b])
[b]Mako109[/b] vs. [s]Sondance[/s] (1-11) (Final: 15-12)
[b]Fusion X. Denver[/b] vs. [s]FTW (For The Wynn)[/s] (1-12) (Final: 17-13)
[s]BrokenHeart15[/s] vs. [b]Larxene[/b] (1-13) (Final: 19-8[b][/b])
[s]LiAM[/s] vs. [b]Legend Zero[/b] (1-14) (Final: 13-11)
[b]Enrise[/b] vs. [s]Manjoume Thunder[/s] (1-15) (Final: 11-7)
[s]Monkey[/s] vs. [b]Professor Layton[/b] (1-16) (Final: 12-11)
[s]Revenant Black[/s] vs. [b]Daisuke L. Hirako[/b] (1-17) (Final: 12-8[b][/b])
[s]The CandyMan[/s] vs. [b]Final Fantasy Revolution[/b] (1-18) (Final: 8-6)
[s]Bloodstained Kiva[/s] vs. [b]Smesh[/b] (1-19) (Final: 21-5)
[s]techi[/s] vs. [b]ProtoMachineEmperor[/b] (1-20) (Final: 13-11)
[s]Petrosian[/s] vs. [b]El Make[/b] (1-21) (Final: 13-6)
[s]Vuvuzela of Triumph[/s] vs. [b]Nexev[/b] (1-22) (Final: 19-4)
[b]Jolta[/b] vs. [s]BlackSkullCortez[/s] (1-23) (Final: 11-10)
[s]Fenrir[/s] vs. [b]Shadow Zero[/b] (1-24) (Final: 15-14)
[b]Sakura Haruno[/b] vs. [s]GenzoTheHarpist[/s] (1-25) (Final: 15-1)
[b]Coyote Starrk[/b] vs. [s]Donovyn Mikara Gerra[/s] (1-26) (Final: 16-6)
[b]Dark[/b] vs. [s]Trimage[/s] (1-27) (Final: 21-2)
[s]burnpsy[/s] vs. [b]Andx[/b] (1-28) (Final: 16-4)
[b]+LeoMence[/b] vs. [s]BehindTheMask[/s] (1-29) (Final: 7-4)
[s]LichKing Lelouch[/s] vs. [b]~Cherry~[/b] (1-30) (Final: 15-9)
[b]atman[/b] vs. [s]~Bassa~[/s] (1-31) (Final: 14-2)
[b]Revolver Amethyst[/b] vs. [s]Kisuke Urahara[/s] (1-32) (Final: 15-6)


Biggest Landslide: [b]Dark[/b] vs. Trimage (+19)
Most Voted In Match: Fusion X. Denver vs. FTW (For The Wynn) (30 total votes.)[/spoiler][spoiler=Round 2]

Each Round 2 Match will last for [b]24[/b] hours.

This round marks the beginning of guided match placement. While the matches themselves are randomized, the placement of the matches (meaning which match is 2-1 and 2-16) is decided by me. This order is determined by my perception of how biased a match is. If I can look at the match and give you a clear winner, it gets a low priority. If I can look at the match and somewhat give you a winner, it gets middle priortiy. And if I look at a match and make a "wtf" face, it gets high priority. This is why Round 2-16 is what many people consider to be the most heated match this entire round. But you don't know where the priority cutoff is, so all you can really say is that, in my eyes, 2-1 is low and 2-16 is high.

[s]Marik Sebastian Ishtar III[/s] vs. [b]Clair[/b] (2-1) (Final: 21-5)
[b]Marisa Kirisame-ze[/b] vs. [s]King.[/s] (2-2) (Final: 10-9)
[b]Fusion X. Denver[/b] vs. [s]TheComposer[/s] (2-3) (Final: 19-5)
[b]ragnarok1945[/b] vs. [s]El Make[/s] (2-4) (Final: 19-15)
[s]Dark[/s] vs. [b]Coyote Starrk[/b] (2-5) (Final: 13-8[b][/b])
[b]Jolta[/b] vs. [s]Final Fantasy Revolution[/s] (2-6) (Final: 8-6)
[b]Shadow Zero[/b] vs. [s]+LeoMence[/s] (2-7) (Final: 16-15)
[b]Smesh[/b] vs. [s]Mako109[/s] (2-8[b][/b]) (Final: 16-8[b][/b])
[b]Sakura Haruno[/b] vs. [s]Deustodo[/s] (2-9) (Final: 15-6)
[b]Nexev[/b] vs. [s]Spoon[/s] (2-10) (Final: 13-7)
[s]atman[/s] vs. [b]Andx[/b] (2-11) (Final: 11-10)
[s]Professor Layton[/s] vs. [b]~Cherry~[/b] (2-12) (Final: 14-8[b][/b])
[b]ProtoMachineEmperor[/b] vs. [s]Daisuke L. Hirako[/s] (2-13) (Final: 13-11)
[b]J-Max[/b] vs. [s]Enrise[/s] (2-14) (Final: 14-4)
[b]Legend Zero[/b] vs. [s]Larxene[/s] (2-15) (Final: 9-7)
[b]Revolver Amethyst[/b] vs. [s]Armadilloz[/s] (2-16) (Final: 12-10)


Biggest Landslide: Marik Sebastian Ishtar III vs. [b]Clair[/b] (+16)
Most Voted In Match: ragnarok1945 vs. El Make (34 total votes.)[/spoiler][spoiler=Round 3]

Each Round 3 Match will last [b]48[/b] hours.

Round 3. This is where things start to get a bit interesting. Only sixteen contestants left, the top 25% cream of the crop from the beginning of YMB2. Again, the threads are listed from most obvious to least obvious, but that is not saying much, since most of these aren't very obvious winners. Expect very close matches, no landslides, and threads with more than forty votes. ^___^

[s]ProtoMachineEmperor[/s] vs. [b]~Cherry~[/b] (3-1) (Final: 14-11)
[s]Shadow Zero[/s] vs. [b]Marisa Kirisame-ze[/b] (3-2) (Final: 14-13)
[b]Nexev[/b] vs. [s]Coyote Starrk[/s] (3-3) (Final: 16-15)
[s]Jolta[/s] vs. [b]Andx[/b] (3-4) (Final: 16-10)
[s]Sakura Haruno[/s] vs. [b]Smesh[/b] (3-5) (Final: 15-14)
[b]Legend Zero[/b] vs. [s]J-Max[/s] (3-6) (Final: 17-13)
[s]Revolver Amethyst[/s] vs. [b]ragnarok1945[/b] (3-7) (Final: 14-13)
[b]Clair[/b] vs. [s]Fusion X. Denver[/s] (3-8[b][/b]) (Final: 17-16)


Biggest Landslide: Jolta vs. [b]Andx[/b] (+6)
Most Voted In Match: Clair vs. Fusion X. Denver (33 total votes.)[/spoiler][spoiler=Round 4]

Each Round 4 match will last [b]48[/b] hours.

Eight guys left? Damn, we are really whittling this down. Notice how, in Round 4, the biggest landslide was only by six votes. My predictions? This round, at least three out of four of the matches will end in a tiebreaker vote, and we'll break 36 total votes in a thread. I dunno, those are just my four cents. Hopefully you voters can make my dreams come true. Like in the last round, please forgive me for the 4-4 round. It's not my fault the randomizer wants to pit two awesomesauce members against each other. Anyways, let's get down to the QUARTER FINALS. :[b][/b]D

[b]ragnarok1945[/b] vs. [s]Smesh[/s] (4-1) (Final: 22-18[b][/b])
[s]Marisa Kirasame-ze[/s] vs. [b]Legend Zero[/b] (4-2) (Final: 18-16)
[b]Nexev[/b] vs. [s]Andx[/s] (4-3) (Final: 10-9)
[s]~Cherry~[/s] vs. [b]Clair[/b] (4-4) (Final: 17-11)


Biggest Landslide: ~Cherry~ vs. [b]Clair[/b] (+6)
Most Voted In Match: ragnarok1945 vs. Smesh (40 total votes.)[/spoiler][spoiler=Round 5]

Each Round 5 match will last [b]72 hours[/b].

And so begins the semi-finals. I really don't have many comments, so I'll just post the matchups. In addition to the two semi-final matches, the match between the two losers of this round (fighting for third place) will also take place in Round 5, and will thus adhere to Round 5 regulations.

[s]Nexev[/s] vs. [b]ragnarok1945[/b] (5-1) (Final: 25-21)
[s]Legend Zero[/s] vs. [b]Clair[/b] (5-2) (Final: 23-16)

[s]Nexev[/s] vs. [b]Legend Zero[/b] (5-3) (Final: 15-13)


Biggest Landslide: Legend Zero vs. [b]Clair[/b] (+7)
Most Voted In Match: Nexev vs. ragnarok1945 (46 total votes.)[/spoiler][spoiler=Round 6]
The finals.

[b]Clair[/b] vs. [s]ragnarok1945[/s] (Final: 40-11)
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Stickied as requested. I'll sticky any future Brawls if need be. Yes, that is a promise.

I nominate:

• Revolver Amethyst
• Ātman
• Clair

Just to be safe, include that moderators cannot be nominated. Also, I suggest that Ice, Saturn, and Black should not be allowed to be nominated, as they were the finalists for the last YMB.
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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1291174463' post='4821722']
Stickied as requested. I'll sticky any future Brawls if need be. Yes, that is a promise.

I nominate:

• Revolver Amethyst
[color="#00BFFF"][b]• Ātman[/b][/color]
• Clair

Just to be safe, include that moderators cannot be nominated. Also, I suggest that Ice, Saturn, and Black should not be allowed to be nominated, as they were the finalists for the last YMB.


Thanks, Roxas! ;3

So, I'll nominate:

-The CandyMan
-Final Fantasy Revolution
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Don't worry if people are nominated more than twice; it's going to be hard to keep track of that. You only need two to make it in, but having seventy nominations means you are a likely candidate to take home gold.

Updated the nomination rules: you may not nominate any mod nor can you nominate Tainted Black, SaTuRnPaLaDiN, or Ice.

I'll try to get a nomination update and a helper list update by Friday, and looking at it now, we are at about 20 entrants. So, keep on nominating, and tell your friends to nominate, too (and hopefully nominate [i]you[/i]).
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1291169429' post='4821592']
also the YModB which unfortunately did not have its own thread.


So the people who are definitely in so far are:
Revolver Amethyst

I know you said you'd update the nominee list in a few days, but maybe it'd also be good to have a spoiler for members with 1 nomination? That way people who are unsure of who to nominate could see a friend of theirs needs one more, and it could help you keep track of which members have 1 nomination and which one's have two.
Just a thought.
Also, not that it matters at all, but Tainted Black is now Fading Black.
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