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To make it more confortable to read I'll customize this thread a bit...reflexin the diffent branchs of the Set

DARK-Effect monsters[/color][/b]

Darkdust´s Ladybug
DARK/Level 1/Insect-Effect
If this card was Special Summoned it cannot be tributed for a Tribute Summon. When this card you control is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon up to 2 "Darkdust´s Ladybug" from your hand or Deck.

Darkdust´s Fly
DARK/Level 2/Insect-Effect
When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can send up to 2 Level 1 Insect-Type monsters from your Deck to your Graveyard.

Darkdust´s Dragon-fly
DARK/Level 3/Insect-Tuner
When this card is Normal Summoned you can Special Summon up to 2 Level 1 Insect-Type monsters from your Graveyard, in Defense Position. Those monsters effects are negated.

Darkdust´s Kamakiri
DARK/Level 4/Insect-Tuner
This card can be Special Summoned from your hand when you control 2 or more Level 1 Insect-Type monsters. If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, all the other Synchro Material Monsters must be Insect-Type.[/color]

WIND-Effect monsters[/color][/b]

Stinkydust's Flying Ant
WIND/Level 1/Insect-Tuner
When a Level 1 non-Tuner Insect-Type monster is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If you do, remove this card from play when it is removed from the field.

Stinkydust's Bee
WIND/Level 2/Insect-Tuner
When this card is sent to the Graveyard, add up to 2 Level 1 Insect-Type monsters with the same name from your Deck to your hand.

Stinkydust's Butterfly
WIND/Level 3/Insect-Effect
When this card is sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro Summon, you can Special Summon up to 2 Level 1 Insect-Type monsters from your Graveyard.

Stinkydust's Beetle
WIND/Level 4/Insect-Effect
You can send 1 Level 1 Insect-Type monster you control to destroy 1 cards on the field. If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, all the other Synchro Material Monsters must be Insect-Type.[/color][/spoiler]

LIGHT-Effect monsters[/color][/b]

Brightdust's Caterpillar
LIGHT/Level 1/Insect-Effect
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned, add a "Brightdust's Caterpillar" from your Deck to your hand.

Brightdust's Grasshopper
LIGHT/Level 3/Insect-Effect
AS long as you control any Level 1 Insect-Type monster,this card can attack directly. When this card inflict Battle Damage, you can add 1 Level 3 or lower Insect-Type monste from your Graveyard to your hand.

DARK-Synchro monsters[/color][/b]

Poisondust's Moth
DARK/Level 2/Insect-Synchro-Effect
1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner Monster
When this card is Synchro Summoned, your opponent discards 1 card. You can Tribute this card to Special Summon up to 2 Level 1 Insect-Type monsters from your Graveyard.

Poisondust's Snail
DARK/Level 3/Insect-Synchro-Effect
1 Tuner + 1 Level 1 Insect-Type Non-Tuner monster
During your opponent's Battle Phase, you can negate a number of attacks up to the number of face-up level 1 Insect-Type monsters you control. If Insect-Type monsters you control would be destroyed by a card's effect destroy this card instead.

Poisondust's Spider
DARK/Level 4/Insect-Synchro-Effect
1 Tuner + 1 or more Level 1 Insect-Type Non-Tuner monster
Increase this card's ATK by 200 for each Level 1 Insect-Type monster you control. When this card destroys a monster by battle Special Summon 1 Level 1 Insect-Type monster from your Graveyard.

Poisondust's Scorpion
DARK/Level 5/Insect-Synchro-Effect
1 Tuner + 1 or more Level 1 Insect-Type Non-Tuner monster
When this card battles a face-up monster it destroys it at the end of the Damage Step. When this card battles a face-down monster, destroy it before damage calculation.[/color][/spoiler]


Some Synchros and Other Support may come later
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[b]Darkdust´s Ladybug[/b]
Is "Dark-Dusting Ladybug" will be another card or it's a typo?

[b]Darkdust´s Fly[/b]
Dumps Level eater and probably some stuff you'll make later. Nice

[b]Darkdust´s Dragon-fly[/b]
Obvious combo with Fly. Looks nice

[b]Darkdust´s Kamakiri[/b]
With the last part, it looks balanced. Pretty nice

[b]Stinkydust's Flying Ant[/b]
Makes instant Formula Synchron. Looks fun

[b]Stinkydust's Bee[/b]
Here I 'm curious. I'll se how it turns out later

[b]Stinkydust's Butterfly[/b]
Eh, I dunno. Looks decent

[b]Stinkydust's Beetle[/b]
Seeing as they spam Level 1 Insect, this might turn out broken IMO.

Comment for comment? http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/230598-bonus-pack-volume-1-19100/
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Ladybug - I think it shoudl Summon from the hand, too. Otherwise it's a much weaker version of Giant Germ.

Flying Ant - I think its effect should be optional. As-is, it looks like it's mandatory.

Bee - I don't know... Seems way overpowered. I think you should have to Tribute it, or make it only 1 that it searches for.

Beetle - The last effect really isn't needed... Not every card has to be immediately associated with Synchros @.@

Moth - Weird... I would personally give it some ATK and DEF, just so it can actually do something.

Spider - I say boost the increase to 200. 100 really isn't all that great.

Interesting concept of using low-level swarm like real insects. However, it looks to be a pretty weak "Archetype" overall, as they can't really accomplish much with their low ATK values.
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1291152877' post='4820984']
Ladybug - I think it shoudl Summon from the hand, too. Otherwise it's a much weaker version of Giant Germ.

Flying Ant - I think its effect should be optional. As-is, it looks like it's mandatory.

Bee - I don't know... Seems way overpowered. I think you should have to Tribute it, or make it only 1 that it searches for.

Beetle - The last effect really isn't needed... Not every card has to be immediately associated with Synchros @.@

Moth - Weird... I would personally give it some ATK and DEF, just so it can actually do something.

Spider - I say boost the increase to 200. 100 really isn't all that great.

Interesting concept of using low-level swarm like real insects. However, it looks to be a pretty weak "Archetype" overall, as they can't really accomplish much with their low ATK values.

Alright fixed some of this stuff...also I made the thread look nicer...since they are becoming many cards now...XD
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