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Ayasato-chan vs. Mr. Spaz


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1. Challenger gets to choose requirements for cards.

2. I can deny challenges I don't like, since it would be weird to do if I don't like it.

3. Winner gets a + Rep


So then, step up to the plate my friends!


CHALLENGE (As defined by Mr. Spaz): "Create a card that Special Summons itself from the Graveyard."


[spoiler=Card A]



This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect. If this card attacks a monster, it gains 400 ATK until the End of the Damage Step. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can discard 1 Fairy-Type monster to Special Summon this card.



[spoiler=Card B]



Once per turn, during your Battle Phase, you can discard 1 Spell or Trap Card in your hand to release this card face-up. Destroy 1 face-up monster on your opponent's field. Inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the Level of the destroyed monster x 100. During your opponent's End Phase, if this card exists in your Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon it in face-up Defense Position.


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Here's The Card

[spoiler=Click here to see card]260852z.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect. If this card attacks a monster, it gains 400 ATK until the End of the Damage Step. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can discard 1 Fairy-Type monster to Special Summon this card.



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