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Some new splices

Demon From The Void

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I'm not actually here for critique I'm sad to say.

Instead I'm here to say that Ampharos+Dragonair is adorable. I don't know if that's because Ampharos itself is so naturally cute, or if it's because the blue and white just fit so well or what. It's one of those splices that are simple, yet works oh so well. Has to be one of the cutest splices I've ever seen.

It's just so cute =D
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I just had a look at DG's thread and I must say, despite shading errors, no recolouring and positioning problems, these are better than his. Although the Hippowdon + Magcargo was not recoloured, the lava looks absolutely perfect and fits in really well. The Ampharos + Dragonair is noticeably fan-made, but it fits very well together. Great choice of splicing there. Gengar + Togepi looks a bit rough around the edges and is fairly average at best. Still not bad. The Sableye + Meowth is again, a great choice of splicing and it looks very ambitious. I'm particularly impressed by the backsprite, it looks decently shaded and feels somewhat real. The actual splice does have a couple of problems though, the ears don't fit in and aren't shaded, but other than that I commend you for doing a good job overall.

Overall, it needs some work, but it's a very good start.
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Meowth + Sabeleye.
Interesting combonation. Perhaps you could have made the gemstone eyes a bit more noticiable, right now, they look like Meowth has white eyes.
That splices left (our left) arm looks.....I dunno, a little weird. The positioning, I mean, but that might just be me, but it looks sorta creepy.
In the front sprite, the tail has a problem. Maybe you meant it, but anyway. The tail, overall, looked fine, but at the beginning of the tail it looks a bit thin, making the tail go in and out, and that's not a good look.
In the back sprite, it's basically perfect, but those gems on it's back....Well, IMO, they look a little off, like they don't belong there, but that's me again.

Ampharos + Dragonair.
To me, nothing seems wrong. It does, in a way, look Ampharos heavy, but, then again, Dragonair can only give so much.
I don't see anything that really needs commenting on, so that one gets a tick of awesomeness.
OH, and it's mega cute! Hehe...

Gengar + Togepi.
I, personally, like the Togepi color scheme sprite. I don't know why, it just looks better.

Hippowdon + Macargo.
The shading, to me, looks slightly off for the lava.
[s]Another problem. Where'd the front left (OUR left) leg go? I can't see it anymore, and I think it should be there. With the normal Hippowdon, you can see the leg, above the sand. The lave, in positioning, would cover up that leg, so it should still be there.[/s]
Over all, great splices, can't WAIT to see more! :D

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