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Leo's Yu-Gi-Oh! CCG ~ hey look a title that makes sense now. /ok


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See though, making absolute staples is not the only solution to smaller archetypes. Generic cards are good, and necessary as long as not everyone has to run them. If we give them Type support, Attribute support, and have many Generic, flexible cards which can be used in many decks it will make deckbuilding more creative. They have cards that go well in their deck but not so well in other decks, meaning perfecting your deck is more of a perspective and has a trial-and-error basis.


But with only 40 slots to work with, now it's cut down because you have to make space for Scrap Destruction and leaves less room for creative deckbuilding. And with virtually everyone running the same card it becomes zero-sum. I think there are better solutions than just making cards like Scrap Destruction for undersupported themes. Of course, @1 gave synchros something to fear. @1 I would say makes the game better not worse. But we can't have a bunch of Limited, Absolute-Staple cards floating around which is why I have to be such a stickler about it.


Almost all of my cards I've submitted are generic and can go in many decks. Something which Werelord has often criticized me about :P just kidding.

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See though, making absolute staples is not the only solution to smaller archetypes. Of course it isn't, but it isn't just about making smaller archetypes more playable. Games are called "duels" for a reason - like a sword duel, you should know the various attacking and defensive manoeuvres that you may come across and be able to counter them. Think of the CCG before the reset - the reason people only played archetype decks was that all the "balanced" support you made was useless (bar a couple of cards, but that is still at maximum ten or so cards out of more than a thousand you made were for the most part, useless). Generic cards are good, and necessary as long as not everyone has to run them. Do you really think that in TCGs all the generic cards must be run? No, they are as you so often say "well in some decks but not so well in others". Look at the ever changing Trap line-up in the current TCG metagame - you have Trap Stun, Warning, Solemn, Decree, Seven Tools, Mirror Force, Oppression etc. If Decree is so good then why don't all decks run it? Or perhaps better, why is Solemn Judgment, arguably the best Spell or Trap card ever released not run in every deck? It's because they "go well in some decks but not so well in others". Decks that prefer high monster or Spell counts will run Decree, decks that prefer a low monster count will run as much filler as possible, control-based decks don't run Trap Stun because it shuts out their own Traps, many swarm-based OTKs won't run Oppression because it can be used against them. Your philosophy of making things not splashable goes against what every single TCG has ever done. It isn't an innovation - it's a step backwards that frustrates and cripples. If we give them Type support, Attribute support, and have many Generic, flexible cards which can be used in many decks it will make deckbuilding more creative. They have cards that go well in their deck but not so well in other decks, meaning perfecting your deck is more of a perspective and has a trial-and-error basis.


But with only 40 slots to work with, now it's cut down because you have to make space for Scrap Destruction and leaves less room for creative deckbuilding. Generally when making decks, people tend to think about the theme of the deck (most often an archetype). The basis of all decks lies in the monsters. People tend to think of Spell and Traps second, not first. With the current environment, people can't cut down because they need to fill space. They have too much to spare - with archetypes being small, they need good, reliable Spells and Traps, and a lot of them. The reason that Konami made most of the good generic Spells and Traps early on was because the game was still haphazard - they only had very small archetypes and weak vanillas. They couldn't just fill space with useless stuff. They needed generic cards to work with. What we don't want to do is make them as powerful as say, Raigeki or Harpies' Feather Duster. But we can make Book of Moons, Trap Stuns, Seven Tools - cards that are good but not broken. Cards that are very splashable yet some will choose not to run them. Cards that don't need list attention in an idyllic metagame (like most CCGs aspire to be). You have this fervent belief that people are pressured into running generic cards - they aren't. There is no culture of conformity in Spell and Trap choices - a rough sketch of what most would run, but most players run slightly or even significantly different line-ups (with the exception of decks like GKs, which copy down to every single detail, and even then they run mostly their own support cards). The reason Pokemon made Oak's Deal or whatever its called and Magic made that card named "Tutor" or something like that early on is because decks needed a strong framework when a game is in it's infancy. Depriving a small cardpool of solid, reliable cards will lead to a bad playing environment. That was one of the reasons why I felt I hated it here - I didn't like the fact that I had no solid Spell or Traps to work with. That Dragarity deck I just posted - I had to strain really hard to get a good Spell and Trap line-up, you know? I couldn't have done it without Yusei&Akiza's good support (which you called broken). More importantly, I couldn't have done it without the extremely limited and heavily controlled pool of generic Spells and Traps. Without Mind Storm, Scrap Destruction, Refueling and Reverse Destruction I would have places I could not fill adequately. And with virtually everyone running the same card it becomes zero-sum. o rly? So every single TCG with generic cards becomes "zero-sum"? I think there are better solutions than just making cards like Scrap Destruction for undersupported themes. Of course, @1 gave synchros something to fear. @1 I would say makes the game better not worse. But we can't have a bunch of Limited, Absolute-Staple cards floating around which is why I have to be such a stickler about it. What you don't understand is that there are no such thing as absolute staples! Book of Moon is the most versatile card ever released and not everyone runs it. You have this idea that if this CCG becomes like the metagame (which you seem to think is abhorrent and disgusting) it will crumble. It won't. If the TCG is such a hell-hole then why do people play? I imagine some would play for nostalgia, but that only accounts for a small minority.


About the "can go in almost any decks" comment - a note on that - they can't.


Edited decklist:


3|Dragarity - Balsorac

3|Dragarity - Dacolus

3|Dragarity - Devaldeus

3|Deep Miner

3|Micro "C"

2|Paper Crane

1|Savior Soldier


3|Dragarity Summon

2|Enchanting Circle

2|Interdimensional Blast


1|Junk Salvage

2|Reverse Destruction


2|Cremation Ambush

2|Really Rude Awakening

2|In-tolerated Death of their Kin

2|Attack Barrier

1|Surprise Vent

1|Requiem of Parting

1|Storm Warp

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"Of course it isn't, but it isn't just about making smaller archetypes more playable. Games are called "duels" for a reason - like a sword duel, you should know the various attacking and defensive manoeuvres that you may come across and be able to counter them. That's one way to look at it. But, wouldn't you like to see many different cards in duels? Unpredictable as they are they can still be countered (which may require a Side Deck in some cases, but every deck has its weakness)


Think of the CCG before the reset - the reason people only played archetype decks was that all the "balanced" support you made was useless (bar a couple of cards, but that is still at maximum ten or so cards out of more than a thousand you made were for the most part, useless" Actually I used many of my cards in my decks and I had a fair win rate. It's all about creating new combos, and specifically my cards were about combos and not so much stand-alones.


Do you really think that in TCGs all the generic cards must be run? No, they are as you so often say "well in some decks but not so well in others". Look at the ever changing Trap line-up in the current TCG metagame - you have Trap Stun, Warning, Solemn, Decree, Seven Tools, Mirror Force, Oppression etc. If Decree is so good then why don't all decks run it? Or perhaps better, why is Solemn Judgment, arguably the best Spell or Trap card ever released not run in every deck? It's because they "go well in some decks but not so well in others". Decks that prefer high monster or Spell counts will run Decree, decks that prefer a low monster count will run as much filler as possible, control-based decks don't run Trap Stun because it shuts out their own Traps, many swarm-based OTKs won't run Oppression because it can be used against them. Your philosophy of making things not splashable goes against what every single TCG has ever done. It isn't an innovation - it's a step backwards that frustrates and cripples. Yes, this is what I'm talking about. A "trap line-up". Why is it you see a combination of the same few trap cards in every deck? It's because they are better than any others. For about 5000+ TCG cards it really has limited its card pool as far as Spells and Traps go.


Generally when making decks, people tend to think about the theme of the deck (most often an archetype). The basis of all decks lies in the monsters. People tend to think of Spell and Traps second, not first. Well, agreed, but Spells and Traps need variety.


But we can make Book of Moons, Trap Stuns, Seven Tools - cards that are good but not broken. Cards that are very splashable yet some will choose not to run them.We can, but I don't think at the balance level you're expecting.


You have this fervent belief that people are pressured into running generic cards - they aren't. There is no culture of conformity in Spell and Trap choices - a rough sketch of what most would run, but most players run slightly or even significantly different line-ups. Again, it's because of a seemingly large TCG cardpool but in fact only 5% of Generic Spells and Traps are considered worth running. The Top 15 of the 2010 Japan Nationals have all used, with some exceptions, Book of Moon, Bottomless, Mirror Force, MST, Heavy Storm, Solemn and Torrential. Not every deck runs them but almost all of them do.


Depriving a small cardpool of solid, reliable cards will lead to a bad playing environment. Well, we did have some solid cards way back in ENIL (mind storm, TDC, Enchanting Circle, Mind Reflection). But now we have 5 sets, which should be enough to get a deck going.


I couldn't have done it without Yusei&Akiza's good support (which you called broken) I didn't say it was broken. Only 2 cards among his were, which he said wouldn't be submitted anyway. Dragarity Summon I agreed with you on.


More importantly, I couldn't have done it without the extremely limited and heavily controlled pool of generic Spells and Traps. Without Mind Storm, Scrap Destruction, Refueling and Reverse Destruction I would have places I could not fill adequately. If you want, I can give you a list of Generic Spells and Traps.


o rly? So every single TCG with generic cards becomes "zero-sum"? With absolute generic cards, yes.


What you don't understand is that there are no such thing as absolute staples! Book of Moon is the most versatile card ever released and not everyone runs it. If not they will just replace it with Effect Veiler, D-Prison, Bottomless or something else. It's not enough to count in my book.


You have this idea that if this CCG becomes like the metagame (which you seem to think is abhorrent and disgusting) it will crumble. It won't. That is my opinion, but it doesn't influence the way I act in the CCG. And how are you so sure it won't happen? We were pretty darn close right before the reset.


If the TCG is such a hell-hole then why do people play? I imagine some would play for nostalgia, but that only accounts for a small minority. My guesses are because of the large card pool, or their friends play it. But many don't know that a CCG exists.


@Deck - Enchanting Circle is Limited as well.

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About the "can go in almost any decks" comment - a note on that - they can't.


Edited decklist:


3|Dragarity - Balsorac

3|Dragarity - Dacolus

3|Dragarity - Devaldeus

3|Deep Miner

3|Micro "C"

2|Paper Crane

1|Savior Soldier


3|Dragarity Summon

2|Enchanting Circle

2|Interdimensional Blast


1|Junk Salvage

2|Reverse Destruction


2|Cremation Ambush

2|Really Rude Awakening

2|In-tolerated Death of their Kin

2|Attack Barrier

1|Surprise Vent

1|Requiem of Parting

1|Storm Warp


wow.... i'm after reading both sea and your statements (which was incredibly long for me and it's hurt xD) well you both have fair trade of personal perspective and you both make good points, just somehow we may need mix it around and compromise. I could discuss but i just felt it way too long for me after about to get a headache and i didn't want to get too complicated either xD


I just think that whether there are archetype deck or theme deck, even though there staple cards but they don't always go to all decks (most case were spell in TCG than traps) for an example I played a Royal Junk Attack deck, people would think it broken with the supports that bring swarm a lot of synchro in a turn or so or the deadly Calculator + Junk warriors combo and the supports were not staple generic cards just generics but it not like those generic card will work any other deck as well as this deck, also people weigh the value of assistant between generic cards and staple cards toward the set of monsters used in the deck. even cards on their own have their own weakness but eventually it'll be unavoidable to the time when they come together and start eliminating each other weaknesses but that just based on theme or archetype of that deck. Somehow i felt we placing staples in whatever deck we used base on how we felt of secureness don't you think? most of my duels show that it turn out we barely use certain staples in the duel though like dark hole,(let face it, even i have one in my decks, but it just goes to show it never been used in my daily duels and it felt it taking up space that's all)




can someone look at this card and think it's Uped or not, I'm just wasn't sure (just for review purpose)


|Dragonarch Sovereign - Faiaz|0||Dragon/Synchro/Effect|Fire|12||3400/3100| "Dragonarch Wyvern" + "Dragarity - Faiaz The Incineration"

When This card battle a monster with ATK higher than this card, Increase this card's ATK equal to that monster's ATK during Damage Calculation. During your End Phase, return this card to your Extra Deck. If this card was returned to the Extra Deck by this card's effect, on your next Battle Phase, Special Summon this card in Attack Position. This card cannot be Special Summon from the Graveyard.|


if you need Dragonarch Wyvern check on it here it is


|Dragonarch Wyvern|0||Dragon/Synchro/Tuner|Light|7||1800|1600| 1 "Dragarity" Tuner + 1 non-tuner Dragon-Type monster.

Once per turn, discard 1 card, This card's level become 3 until end phase.This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Dragonarch" monster. Once per turn, you can pay 1000 life points, that Synchro Monster cannot be destroyed by card effects until your next standby phase. If you lost the duel, you lost the match.|

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"Of course it isn't, but it isn't just about making smaller archetypes more playable. Games are called "duels" for a reason - like a sword duel, you should know the various attacking and defensive manoeuvres that you may come across and be able to counter them. That's one way to look at it. But, wouldn't you like to see many different cards in duels? Unpredictable as they are they can still be countered (which may require a Side Deck in some cases, but every deck has its weakness) But what would you counter them with, pray tell? Some unpredictable support? It doesn't end, it just continues perpetually. If you have a clear number of cards that are feared then it makes the game more psychologically interesting - you learn to outsmart your opponent, to think ahead, to bluff and predict. With lots of different cards you don't get that aspect. You just get people playing through their deck's pre-determined strategy and trying to deal with things as they appear. The game should be about thinking ahead, planning, considered your options, moulding your strategy in advance.


Think of the CCG before the reset - the reason people only played archetype decks was that all the "balanced" support you made was useless (bar a couple of cards, but that is still at maximum ten or so cards out of more than a thousand you made were for the most part, useless" Actually I used many of my cards in my decks and I had a fair win rate. It's all about creating new combos, and specifically my cards were about combos and not so much stand-alones. Combos? So you basically played a deck that stalled or burned or controlled or whatever until you could unleash a combo? That sounds very boring indeed. Where is the game to it? Where is the careful planning ahead, the intelligent thinking, the aspects of chance and risk that make games like these so rewarding?


Do you really think that in TCGs all the generic cards must be run? No, they are as you so often say "well in some decks but not so well in others". Look at the ever changing Trap line-up in the current TCG metagame - you have Trap Stun, Warning, Solemn, Decree, Seven Tools, Mirror Force, Oppression etc. If Decree is so good then why don't all decks run it? Or perhaps better, why is Solemn Judgment, arguably the best Spell or Trap card ever released not run in every deck? It's because they "go well in some decks but not so well in others". Decks that prefer high monster or Spell counts will run Decree, decks that prefer a low monster count will run as much filler as possible, control-based decks don't run Trap Stun because it shuts out their own Traps, many swarm-based OTKs won't run Oppression because it can be used against them. Your philosophy of making things not splashable goes against what every single TCG has ever done. It isn't an innovation - it's a step backwards that frustrates and cripples. Yes, this is what I'm talking about. A "trap line-up". Why is it you see a combination of the same few trap cards in every deck? It's because they are better than any others. For about 5000+ TCG cards it really has limited its card pool as far as Spells and Traps go. Trap line-up? I think you don't understand, I said "ever-changing" right before that. You are twisting my words a tad. Traps come and go - what happened to Bottomless recently, what happened to D-Prison? Traps come in and out of fashion, new ones appear, old ones gain new uses - that's what "ever-changing" Trap line-up means. It means a very wide selection of options that you can mix and match to suit you. Some work better than others in certain decks, but what's important is that they are all splashable. They aren't type or attribute-specific, you could put them in any deck and they would work. Some cards would work reasonably well, others fantastically well, others are trite and situational yet still have a use, a point. The usable Trap card ratio is a lot higher than you would think, and considering that this place has a small cardpool yet a similar ratio means that your attitude of only releasing generic Traps rarely will gradually cripple - it would actually do what you most fear - it would force us to all use the same Traps. You need to provide variety, a fashion-style system of Traps being good in one format and not as good in the next. If not then we are left with mundane routine.


Generally when making decks, people tend to think about the theme of the deck (most often an archetype). The basis of all decks lies in the monsters. People tend to think of Spell and Traps second, not first. Well, agreed, but Spells and Traps need variety. I don't see how that relates to what I said at all.


But we can make Book of Moons, Trap Stuns, Seven Tools - cards that are good but not broken. Cards that are very splashable yet some will choose not to run them.We can, but I don't think at the balance level you're expecting. Whether balance is relative or not is subject to debate regarding this CCG and the metagame (well, it is in terms of Spells and Traps I would think), but are you saying that Book of Moon, Trap Stun and Seven Tools would be overpowered in this environment? You are wrong.


You have this fervent belief that people are pressured into running generic cards - they aren't. There is no culture of conformity in Spell and Trap choices - a rough sketch of what most would run, but most players run slightly or even significantly different line-ups. Again, it's because of a seemingly large TCG cardpool but in fact only 5% of Generic Spells and Traps are considered worth running. The Top 15 of the 2010 Japan Nationals have all used, with some exceptions, Book of Moon, Bottomless, Mirror Force, MST, Heavy Storm, Solemn and Torrential. Not every deck runs them but almost all of them do. First of all, that stat was taken a while back as BTH is now often seen as a trite option and Heavy is banned (and has been for two formats now). Secondly, all of those cards except Book were at 1 then. That's 9 cards. That isn't much space in a deck, when you think about it. Our current worth-running ratio is around 10%, but if we don't release good, generic cards in the coming sets then that will drop far lower. Furthermore, we'd have a lower usability ratio than the TCG yet still have a lower cardpool, which would be ridiculous.


Depriving a small cardpool of solid, reliable cards will lead to a bad playing environment. Well, we did have some solid cards way back in ENIL (mind storm, TDC, Enchanting Circle, Mind Reflection). But now we have 5 sets, which should be enough to get a deck going. All of the cards you mention are (ridiculously) at 1. TDC in particular surprises me - it's a slower Creature Swap that is more prone to negation yet it is at 1? Mind Storm is weaker than Lightning Vortex yet is at 1. Enchanting Circle is justified, I'll give you that. Mind Reflection is situational, but not so situational that it is useless. Seeing as the only time you could really have a guarantee of it being useful is in the first turn, so Limiting it kills it in more ways than one. It's a more situational Duality, it should be at 3.


I couldn't have done it without Yusei&Akiza's good support (which you called broken) I didn't say it was broken. Only 2 cards among his were, which he said wouldn't be submitted anyway. Dragarity Summon I agreed with you on. Fair enough.


More importantly, I couldn't have done it without the extremely limited and heavily controlled pool of generic Spells and Traps. Without Mind Storm, Scrap Destruction, Refueling and Reverse Destruction I would have places I could not fill adequately. If you want, I can give you a list of Generic Spells and Traps. I'd be glad to see what you call "generic".


o rly? So every single TCG with generic cards becomes "zero-sum"? With absolute generic cards, yes. By that logic every single TCG that has ever existed is "zero-sum". I rest my case.


What you don't understand is that there are no such thing as absolute staples! Book of Moon is the most versatile card ever released and not everyone runs it. If not they will just replace it with Effect Veiler, D-Prison, Bottomless or something else. It's not enough to count in my book. You kind of plotted your own demise there, sea. Veiler is still only used in certain decks due to its dead draw potential and ability to clog the hand, D-Prison is seeing less use now with the advent of new fashions and BTH is now rarely run anywhere outside budget or control decks.


You have this idea that if this CCG becomes like the metagame (which you seem to think is abhorrent and disgusting) it will crumble. It won't. That is my opinion, but it doesn't influence the way I act in the CCG. And how are you so sure it won't happen? We were pretty darn close right before the reset. We weren't, actually. Just before the reset so many decks were made that were non-archetypal and used innovative "combos" that you love. Evan's Spirit Oppression, WereLord's (I think) 3-way-OTK deck, my Big Shield Lockdown, my Anti-Meta, Evan's Monster Mash, WereLord's Deck Destruction. I could go on and on, but that period was great - Escrocs were no longer a bother due to some good banlist attention, many decks were being created and tested, the upcoming metagame looked like it would thrive with a plethora of interesting decks and support. I always resented that reset. I would also like you to describe how and why the current TCG metagame is disgusting and vile in excruciating detail, if you would.


If the TCG is such a hell-hole then why do people play? I imagine some would play for nostalgia, but that only accounts for a small minority. My guesses are because of the large card pool, or their friends play it. But many don't know that a CCG exists. Large cardpool? Lots of generic Spells and Traps to tinker with? Simple learning curve and building mechanic? Why, now is a great time to start playing Yugioh.


@Deck - Enchanting Circle is Limited as well.


EDIT: Also, can I quickly ask, is Mezzo Rogue limited?

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But what would you counter them with, pray tell? Some unpredictable support? It doesn't end, it just continues perpetually. If you have a clear number of cards that are feared then it makes the game more psychologically interesting - you learn to outsmart your opponent, to think ahead, to bluff and predict. With lots of different cards you don't get that aspect. You just get people playing through their deck's pre-determined strategy and trying to deal with things as they appear. The game should be about thinking ahead, planning, considered your options, moulding your strategy in advance. Exactly, we do have a small number of cards like that, Scrap Destruction, TDC, etc. Having a staple like that is in rare cases, beneficial. Now what i'm getting from you is you want a whole S/T lineup that is staple in every deck and would be limited on the spot, well, that's not good.



Combos? So you basically played a deck that stalled or burned or controlled or whatever until you could unleash a combo? That sounds very boring indeed. Where is the game to it? Where is the careful planning ahead, the intelligent thinking, the aspects of chance and risk that make games like these so rewarding? It wasn't a "Combo" deck per se, more of Spells and Traps that I chose from the list that would best suit the deck. I did include cards like Scrap Destruction but for example, I used cards like Requiem of Parting, All Hallow's Eve, etc. There was still an element of strategy to it - the combos were usually small and backed up with a lot of support and alternate win conditions.


Trap line-up? I think you don't understand, I said "ever-changing" right before that. You are twisting my words a tad. Traps come and go - what happened to Bottomless recently, what happened to D-Prison? Traps come in and out of fashion, new ones appear, old ones gain new uses - that's what "ever-changing" Trap line-up means. Yes but if you have a changing line-up, other cards become obsolete and you still have the same effect.


It means a very wide selection of options that you can mix and match to suit you. Some work better than others in certain decks, but what's important is that they are all splashable. They aren't type or attribute-specific, you could put them in any deck and they would work. This is good, but our methods of achieving this are different.


The usable Trap card ratio is a lot higher than you would think, and considering that this place has a small cardpool yet a similar ratio means that your attitude of only releasing generic Traps rarely will gradually cripple - it would actually do what you most fear - it would force us to all use the same Traps. I don't think so... with more usable traps to choose from there will be more variety. I'm saying there has to be a limit to just how widespread these cards are - if it's like the TCG then it limits creativity in deckmaking.



I don't see how that relates to what I said at all. [insert repetitive post here]


First of all, that stat was taken a while back as BTH is now often seen as a trite option and Heavy is banned (and has been for two formats now). Secondly, all of those cards except Book were at 1 then. That's 9 cards. 24% of your deck reserved for staples is unnecessary.


Our current worth-running ratio is around 10%, but if we don't release good, generic cards in the coming sets then that will drop far lower. Mmmm, I disagree with that statistic. There are much more "worth-running" cards but I guess not in the sense that you want. How could it drop lower? Presuming we continue on the path where the balance level remains relatively stable, the same cards now would serve the same cards in the future.


TDC in particular surprises me - it's a slower Creature Swap that is more prone to negation yet it is at 1? Mind Storm is weaker than Lightning Vortex yet is at 1. TDC was due to the Psychological effect it had @3 - one would always remain in fear of summoning a synchro or tribute monster. @1 it retains some element of fear but you can at least know once your opponent has used it they won't use it again. Mind Storm was someone else's decision.


Mind Reflection is situational, but not so situational that it is useless. Seeing as the only time you could really have a guarantee of it being useful is in the first turn, so Limiting it kills it in more ways than one. It's a more situational Duality, it should be at 3. It is at 3.


I'd be glad to see what you call "generic". Well, here's my Exhaustive List:


5-Combo Special

All Hallows Eve

Attack Barrier


Black Hole Sun


Cannonball Lob

Common Displacement

Deck Reload

Dimensional Exchange

Dimensional Slash Summon

Enchanting Circle

Energy Osmosis

Fallen Soldier

Field Lock

Flame Portal

Gentleman's Duel


Golden Tomb


Honor Tax

Junk Salvage

Life Ambition Haterade

Lightning Burst

Martyred Canonization

Mind Storm

Mirror of Trapped Souls

Mystic Energy Generator

Nature's Vitality

Peacock Plume

Phantom's Decision

Position Switch

Pot of Insurance

Power Core

Psychic Demolition



Relativity Field

Requiem of Parting

Reverse Destruction

Royal Air

Scrap Destruction

Search for a Cure

Splitting Cut


Surprise Vent

Swift Storm

Tactical Offering

The Discord Matron

Transmogrification of Dust

Twin Double Crossers

Wheel of Misfortune

World Split



*Whew* There, that's most of the generic S/T cards. This was also not including generic Monsters and semi-generic S/T like Divining Rod which would, depending on how your deck is built, be good for it.


By that logic every single TCG that has ever existed is "zero-sum". I rest my case. It means that in most cases it will do no good for smaller archetypes if they're running the exact same cards as other decks. Now I am not sure about this but MTG doesn't seem like a "Staple" TCG. I could be wrong. I probably will have to ask Werelord once he gets back.



You kind of plotted your own demise there, sea. Veiler is still only used in certain decks due to its dead draw potential and ability to clog the hand, D-Prison is seeing less use now with the advent of new fashions and BTH is now rarely run anywhere outside budget or control decks. I used a format from a year ago, so sue me. My point still stands.


We weren't, actually. Just before the reset so many decks were made that were non-archetypal and used innovative "combos" that you love. Evan's Spirit Oppression, WereLord's (I think) 3-way-OTK deck, my Big Shield Lockdown, my Anti-Meta, Evan's Monster Mash, WereLord's Deck Destruction This was also when TDC was out @3, Dark Tornado, and Card of Great Reward was running around.



I would also like you to describe how and why the current TCG metagame is disgusting and vile in excruciating detail, if you would. For another time and another place. This response nearly took me half an hour so I don't want to get more off topic.


Ban List is here: http://yugiohccg.wikia.com/wiki/Ban_List





@ Scheath - I can get to your cards in a sec, sorry this response took me a while :P

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But what would you counter them with, pray tell? Some unpredictable support? It doesn't end, it just continues perpetually. If you have a clear number of cards that are feared then it makes the game more psychologically interesting - you learn to outsmart your opponent, to think ahead, to bluff and predict. With lots of different cards you don't get that aspect. You just get people playing through their deck's pre-determined strategy and trying to deal with things as they appear. The game should be about thinking ahead, planning, considered your options, moulding your strategy in advance. Exactly, we do have a small number of cards like that, Scrap Destruction, TDC, etc. Having a staple like that is in rare cases, beneficial. Now what i'm getting from you is you want a whole S/T lineup that is staple in every deck and would be limited on the spot, well, that's not good.



Combos? So you basically played a deck that stalled or burned or controlled or whatever until you could unleash a combo? That sounds very boring indeed. Where is the game to it? Where is the careful planning ahead, the intelligent thinking, the aspects of chance and risk that make games like these so rewarding? It wasn't a "Combo" deck per se, more of Spells and Traps that I chose from the list that would best suit the deck. I did include cards like Scrap Destruction but for example, I used cards like Requiem of Parting, All Hallow's Eve, etc. There was still an element of strategy to it - the combos were usually small and backed up with a lot of support and alternate win conditions.


Trap line-up? I think you don't understand, I said "ever-changing" right before that. You are twisting my words a tad. Traps come and go - what happened to Bottomless recently, what happened to D-Prison? Traps come in and out of fashion, new ones appear, old ones gain new uses - that's what "ever-changing" Trap line-up means. Yes but if you have a changing line-up, other cards become obsolete and you still have the same effect.


It means a very wide selection of options that you can mix and match to suit you. Some work better than others in certain decks, but what's important is that they are all splashable. They aren't type or attribute-specific, you could put them in any deck and they would work. This is good, but our methods of achieving this are different.


The usable Trap card ratio is a lot higher than you would think, and considering that this place has a small cardpool yet a similar ratio means that your attitude of only releasing generic Traps rarely will gradually cripple - it would actually do what you most fear - it would force us to all use the same Traps. I don't think so... with more usable traps to choose from there will be more variety. I'm saying there has to be a limit to just how widespread these cards are - if it's like the TCG then it limits creativity in deckmaking.



I don't see how that relates to what I said at all. [insert repetitive post here]


First of all, that stat was taken a while back as BTH is now often seen as a trite option and Heavy is banned (and has been for two formats now). Secondly, all of those cards except Book were at 1 then. That's 9 cards. 24% of your deck reserved for staples is unnecessary.


Our current worth-running ratio is around 10%, but if we don't release good, generic cards in the coming sets then that will drop far lower. Mmmm, I disagree with that statistic. There are much more "worth-running" cards but I guess not in the sense that you want. How could it drop lower? Presuming we continue on the path where the balance level remains relatively stable, the same cards now would serve the same cards in the future.


TDC in particular surprises me - it's a slower Creature Swap that is more prone to negation yet it is at 1? Mind Storm is weaker than Lightning Vortex yet is at 1. TDC was due to the Psychological effect it had @3 - one would always remain in fear of summoning a synchro or tribute monster. @1 it retains some element of fear but you can at least know once your opponent has used it they won't use it again. Mind Storm was someone else's decision.


Mind Reflection is situational, but not so situational that it is useless. Seeing as the only time you could really have a guarantee of it being useful is in the first turn, so Limiting it kills it in more ways than one. It's a more situational Duality, it should be at 3. It is at 3.


I'd be glad to see what you call "generic". Well, here's my Exhaustive List:


5-Combo Special

All Hallows Eve

Attack Barrier


Black Hole Sun


Cannonball Lob

Common Displacement

Deck Reload

Dimensional Exchange

Dimensional Slash Summon

Enchanting Circle

Energy Osmosis

Fallen Soldier

Field Lock

Flame Portal

Gentleman's Duel


Golden Tomb


Honor Tax

Junk Salvage

Life Ambition Haterade

Lightning Burst

Martyred Canonization

Mind Storm

Mirror of Trapped Souls

Mystic Energy Generator

Nature's Vitality

Peacock Plume

Phantom's Decision

Position Switch

Pot of Insurance

Power Core

Psychic Demolition



Relativity Field

Requiem of Parting

Reverse Destruction

Royal Air

Scrap Destruction

Search for a Cure

Splitting Cut


Surprise Vent

Swift Storm

Tactical Offering

The Discord Matron

Transmogrification of Dust

Twin Double Crossers

Wheel of Misfortune

World Split



*Whew* There, that's most of the generic S/T cards. This was also not including generic Monsters and semi-generic S/T like Divining Rod which would, depending on how your deck is built, be good for it.


By that logic every single TCG that has ever existed is "zero-sum". I rest my case. It means that in most cases it will do no good for smaller archetypes if they're running the exact same cards as other decks. Now I am not sure about this but MTG doesn't seem like a "Staple" TCG. I could be wrong. I probably will have to ask Werelord once he gets back.



You kind of plotted your own demise there, sea. Veiler is still only used in certain decks due to its dead draw potential and ability to clog the hand, D-Prison is seeing less use now with the advent of new fashions and BTH is now rarely run anywhere outside budget or control decks. I used a format from a year ago, so sue me. My point still stands.


We weren't, actually. Just before the reset so many decks were made that were non-archetypal and used innovative "combos" that you love. Evan's Spirit Oppression, WereLord's (I think) 3-way-OTK deck, my Big Shield Lockdown, my Anti-Meta, Evan's Monster Mash, WereLord's Deck Destruction This was also when TDC was out @3, Dark Tornado, and Card of Great Reward was running around.



I would also like you to describe how and why the current TCG metagame is disgusting and vile in excruciating detail, if you would. For another time and another place. This response nearly took me half an hour so I don't want to get more off topic.


Ban List is here: http://yugiohccg.wikia.com/wiki/Ban_List





@ Scheath - I can get to your cards in a sec, sorry this response took me a while :P


no biggie... O.o


um could you guys write a little less? it hurting my eyes now T_T

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Alfred i've thought of a compromise just today.


What if we have a Traditional and Advanced format in the CCG? Not in the exact same likeness of the TCG (i.e. no Raigeki in Traditional), but something like that where cards we disagree with can be settled by being submitted in that format.


Of course, I will need everyone else's input as well. Should buy us some time while I fix the DA ;D



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Alfred i've thought of a compromise just today.


What if we have a Traditional and Advanced format in the CCG? Not in the exact same likeness of the TCG (i.e. no Raigeki in Traditional), but something like that where cards we disagree with can be settled by being submitted in that format.


Of course, I will need everyone else's input as well. Should buy us some time while I fix the DA ;D





well it really up to you, but of course if both of them are to be added, i know i will be sticking to advance format ever since the day i switch completely from traditional to advance when i was 14 (now 21 lol).


in traditional format very often make decks pretty generic like in first serie or as we called it "old-fashion" type since people will pin the generic staples cards through the monster, spell and trap. but hopefully you can make a different case for that.

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well it really up to you, but of course if both of them are to be added, i know i will be sticking to advance format ever since the day i switch completely from traditional to advance when i was 14 (now 21 lol).


in traditional format very often make decks pretty generic like in first serie or as we called it "old-fashion" type since people will pin the generic staples cards through the monster, spell and trap. but hopefully you can make a different case for that.


Yeah, it doesn't have to be like the TCG Traditional I just figure like you said, decks in it contain a LOT more of the same cards so I only thought it would be appropriate to name it that.

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Sorry! =(


Yes, I think it's UP. First off I think for the Synchro Tuner take out "Lose the Duel, Lose the Match". Victory Dragon is Banned for referencing full Matches, so I think this should follow trend (plus, it only makes it more risky)


Second the boss Synchro i think would be better if it gained ATK equal to the monster it was battling, not just when it has a Higher ATK than it.



@dtwrules - it's fine if you need to ask questions =) It might be easier to if you chat with us on the forum chatbox: http://lccg.forumotion.com/ It's where a lot of activity is taking place.


I know that especially now it's pretty fast-paced for someone who doesn't run the club xD Hopefully the chatbox could get you up to speed with anything you need.

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Sorry! =(


Yes, I think it's UP. First off I think for the Synchro Tuner take out "Lose the Duel, Lose the Match". Victory Dragon is Banned for referencing full Matches, so I think this should follow trend (plus, it only makes it more risky)


Second the boss Synchro i think would be better if it gained ATK equal to the monster it was battling, not just when it has a Higher ATK than it.



@dtwrules - it's fine if you need to ask questions =) It might be easier to if you chat with us on the forum chatbox: http://lccg.forumotion.com/ It's where a lot of activity is taking place.


I know that especially now it's pretty fast-paced for someone who doesn't run the club xD Hopefully the chatbox could get you up to speed with anything you need.


well i put it since it give the synchro monster a bonus ability which is advantage to give temporary immunity per payment.


For DS-Faiaz i can make it as it gain ATk of the monster it battling, beside i realize that its second effect will erase wyvern's bonus effect when it come back in next battle phase. although I'm trying to make it a bit like Mirage knight x Red dragon archfiend's first effect combo but wasn't sure it would be too powerful, (not to destroy but maybe to reduce other monsters' ATK equal to the monster this card destroyed.") another word he only exist to battle and not to defend exactly. but then again before it destroy a monster his ATK is 3400 + that monster's ATK which it will give a guaranteed result of 3400 damage to your opponent as well. so that effect is powerful as it is?

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Ledakan: Explosion Insect


|Ledakan Bee|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|3||0|800|Once per turn select 1 monster your


opponent control, that monster lose 200 ATk times that monster's level. When this card


is destroyed, inflict 300 damage to your opponent times the number of Ledakan




|Ledakan Swamp|0||Spell Card|Spell||Field|||Once per turn, all "Ledakan" monster on


the field gain 1 Ledakan Counter. When a non-FIre or Pyro-Type monster is Summoned,


that monster lose 100 ATk equal to its level.


|Ledakan Butterfly|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|4||0/1300|Once per turn, remove a number of


Ledakan Counters to Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard whose level equal to


the number of Ledakan Counters removed this way. When this card is destroyed, inflict


200 damage to your opponent times the number of Ledakan Counters.|


|Ledakan Moth|0|Insect/Effect|Fire|6|0/2100|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or


set.This card can be special Summoned by tributing a "Ledakan Larva" monster that have


6 or more Ledakan Counters on it. you cannot put a Ledakan Counter on this card This


card gain 200 ATK for each Ladakan Counter on the field. When this card destroy a


monster, inflict 200 damage to your opponent times the level of the destroyed monster.


When this card is destroyed, remove all Ledakan Counter on the field to inflict 200


damage to your opponent for each counter removed this way.|


|Ledakan Beetle|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|5|0|1900|This card can be normal Summoned


without a tribute if you control 2 or more "Ledakan" monster with 5 or more Ledakan


Counters. Once per turn, you can remove 3 Ledakan Counters from a "Ledakan" Monster


you control to destroy 1 Spell or Trap on the field. When this card is destroyed,


inflict 300 damage to your opponent times the Ledakan Counters on this card.|


|Ledakan Worm|0||Inscet/Effect|Fire|6|0/2100|If this card destroys an opponent's


monster by battle, you can add 1 "Ledakan" monster from your Deck to your hand. If you


don't control at least 1 other "Ledakan" monster, destroy this card during the End


Phase. When this card is destoryed, inflict 300 damage to your opponent times the


number of Ledakan Counters.|


|Ledakan Parasite|0||Inscet/Effect|Fire|4|0/1200| When this card is destroyed by your


opponent card (either by battle or card effect), Special Summon this card to your


opponent's side of the field in Defense Position and your opponent take 200 damage at


the End Phase. When this card is destoryed, inflict 400 damage to your opponent times


the number of Ledakan Counters.|


|Ledakan Sacrifice|0||Spell Card|Spell||Continous||| When a monster your opponent


controls is removed from the field, your opponent gains life points equal to that


monster's DEF.|


|Ledakan Larva|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|2||0/500|This monster cannot be Normal Summoned


or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by offering "Ledakan Egg" as a Tribute.


By sending this face-up card from the field to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1


"Ledakan King" from your hand.|


|Ledakan Egg|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|1||0/0|This card can not be used for a tribute


summon. This card is cannot be destroyed by spell, trap and effect of an effect


monster. Once per turn, this card gain 1 Ledakan Counter.|


|Ledakan Queen|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|7||0/2400|This card cannot attack unless you


tribute 1 monster you control.When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned,


add 1 Ledakan Counter to this card for each face-up Insect-Type monster on the field.


Special Summon 1 "Ledakan Egg" from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard in Attack Position


at the End Phase that this card destroys a monster your opponent controls. When this


card is sent to the graveyard deal 500 damage to your opponent times the number of


Ledakan Counters on this card.


|Ledakan king|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|7||0/2400|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or


Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 2 "Ledakan" monsters you


control to the Graveyard. Remove 5 Ledakan Counters to destroy 1 monster Card your


opponent controls. When this card is sent to the graveyard deal 500 damage to your


opponent x the number of Ledakan Counter on this card.


|Ledakan Spider|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|3||0/1500|If you have 4 or more Insect-Type


monsters in your Graveyard, you can Tribute this card to destroy all face-up Defense


Position monsters your opponent controls. When this card is sent to the graveyard deal


300 damage to your opponent x the number of Ledakan Counter on this card.|


|Ledakan Web|0||Trap Card|Trap||Continous|||if a non-FIRE or Pyro-Type monster


declares an attack, that monster lose ATK by 300 then inflict 100 damage to your


opponent times the level of that monster.|


|Ledakan Hatch|0||Spell Card|Spell||||| Tribute 1 "Ledakan Egg" monster you control,


Special Summon 1 "Ledakan" monster whose level equal to the number of Ledakan Counters


of the Tributed monster from your Hand or Deck. If this card is in your Graveyard, you


can remove 3 Ledakan Counters to return this card to your Deck and shuffle it.|


|Ledakan Hive Breakout|0||Trap Card|Trap|||||When a "Ledakan" monster you comtrol is


destroy by battle, you can Special 1 or more monsters with combined level equal to the


number of Ledakan Counter the destroy monsters had from your Deck.|


|Hive of the Ledakan|0||Continous Spell|Spell|||||each "Ledakan" monster you control


gains 200 ATK for each Ledakan Counter its has.|


|Ledakan Ant|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|3||0/1200|Each turn, remove 4 Ledakan Counters from


a "Ledakan" Monster you controls to special summon a "Ledakan Ant Token" (Insect-


Type/FIRE/3 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 1200) on your side of the field. If this card is


destroyed, all "Ledakan Ant Token(s)" are destroyed also. If a "ledakan Ant" monster


is destroyed, inflict 200 damage to your opponent times the number of Ledakan Counters


on that monster.|




by: dtwrules and Yusei & Akiza

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Ledakan: Explosion Insect


|Ledakan Bee|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|3||0|800|Once per turn select 1 monster your


opponent control, that monster lose 200 ATk times that monster's level. When this card


is destroyed, inflict 300 damage to your opponent times the number of Ledakan




|Ledakan Swamp|0||Spell Card|Spell||Field|||Once per turn, all "Ledakan" monster on


the field gain 1 Ledakan Counter. When a non-FIre or Pyro-Type monster is Summoned,


that monster lose 100 ATk equal to its level.


|Ledakan Butterfly|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|4||0/1300|Once per turn, remove a number of


Ledakan Counters to Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard whose level equal to


the number of Ledakan Counters removed this way. When this card is destroyed, inflict


200 damage to your opponent times the number of Ledakan Counters.|


|Ledakan Moth|0|Insect/Effect|Fire|6|0/2100|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or


set.This card can be special Summoned by tributing a "Ledakan Larva" monster that have


6 or more Ledakan Counters on it. you cannot put a Ledakan Counter on this card This


card gain 200 ATK for each Ladakan Counter on the field. When this card destroy a


monster, inflict 200 damage to your opponent times the level of the destroyed monster.


When this card is destroyed, remove all Ledakan Counter on the field to inflict 200


damage to your opponent for each counter removed this way.|


|Ledakan Beetle|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|5|0|1900|This card can be normal Summoned


without a tribute if you control 2 or more "Ledakan" monster with 5 or more Ledakan


Counters. Once per turn, you can remove 3 Ledakan Counters from a "Ledakan" Monster


you control to destroy 1 Spell or Trap on the field. When this card is destroyed,


inflict 300 damage to your opponent times the Ledakan Counters on this card.|


|Ledakan Worm|0||Inscet/Effect|Fire|6|0/2100|If this card destroys an opponent's


monster by battle, you can add 1 "Ledakan" monster from your Deck to your hand. If you


don't control at least 1 other "Ledakan" monster, destroy this card during the End


Phase. When this card is destoryed, inflict 300 damage to your opponent times the


number of Ledakan Counters.|


|Ledakan Parasite|0||Inscet/Effect|Fire|4|0/1200| When this card is destroyed by your


opponent card (either by battle or card effect), Special Summon this card to your


opponent's side of the field in Defense Position and your opponent take 200 damage at


the End Phase. When this card is destoryed, inflict 400 damage to your opponent times


the number of Ledakan Counters.|


|Ledakan Sacrifice|0||Spell Card|Spell||Continous||| When a monster your opponent


controls is removed from the field, your opponent gains life points equal to that


monster's DEF.|


|Ledakan Larva|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|2||0/500|This monster cannot be Normal Summoned


or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by offering "Ledakan Egg" as a Tribute.


By sending this face-up card from the field to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1


"Ledakan King" from your hand.|


|Ledakan Egg|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|1||0/0|This card can not be used for a tribute


summon. This card is cannot be destroyed by spell, trap and effect of an effect


monster. Once per turn, this card gain 1 Ledakan Counter.|


|Ledakan Queen|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|7||0/2400|This card cannot attack unless you


tribute 1 monster you control.When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned,


add 1 Ledakan Counter to this card for each face-up Insect-Type monster on the field.


Special Summon 1 "Ledakan Egg" from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard in Attack Position


at the End Phase that this card destroys a monster your opponent controls. When this


card is sent to the graveyard deal 500 damage to your opponent times the number of


Ledakan Counters on this card.


|Ledakan king|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|7||0/2400|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or


Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 2 "Ledakan" monsters you


control to the Graveyard. Remove 5 Ledakan Counters to destroy 1 monster Card your


opponent controls. When this card is sent to the graveyard deal 500 damage to your


opponent x the number of Ledakan Counter on this card.


|Ledakan Spider|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|3||0/1500|If you have 4 or more Insect-Type


monsters in your Graveyard, you can Tribute this card to destroy all face-up Defense


Position monsters your opponent controls. When this card is sent to the graveyard deal


300 damage to your opponent x the number of Ledakan Counter on this card.|


|Ledakan Web|0||Trap Card|Trap||Continous|||if a non-FIRE or Pyro-Type monster


declares an attack, that monster lose ATK by 300 then inflict 100 damage to your


opponent times the level of that monster.|


|Ledakan Hatch|0||Spell Card|Spell||||| Tribute 1 "Ledakan Egg" monster you control,


Special Summon 1 "Ledakan" monster whose level equal to the number of Ledakan Counters


of the Tributed monster from your Hand or Deck. If this card is in your Graveyard, you


can remove 3 Ledakan Counters to return this card to your Deck and shuffle it.|


|Ledakan Hive Breakout|0||Trap Card|Trap|||||When a "Ledakan" monster you comtrol is


destroy by battle, you can Special 1 or more monsters with combined level equal to the


number of Ledakan Counter the destroy monsters had from your Deck.|


|Hive of the Ledakan|0||Continous Spell|Spell|||||each "Ledakan" monster you control


gains 200 ATK for each Ledakan Counter its has.|


|Ledakan Ant|0||Insect/Effect|Fire|3||0/1200|Each turn, remove 4 Ledakan Counters from


a "Ledakan" Monster you controls to special summon a "Ledakan Ant Token" (Insect-


Type/FIRE/3 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 1200) on your side of the field. If this card is


destroyed, all "Ledakan Ant Token(s)" are destroyed also. If a "ledakan Ant" monster


is destroyed, inflict 200 damage to your opponent times the number of Ledakan Counters


on that monster.|




by: dtwrules and Yusei & Akiza



although it can tired me out but i'll give anything in the world to have this kind of job :D

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Looking good dtw/Scheath. It's an interesting archetype right off the bat - 0-attackers which gain counters for damage or ATK. 2 things though: Maybe to make it somewhat more playable, make the ATK gain from Hive Lekadan/ other cards more. Also, sorry but I don't understand the purpose of Lekadan Sacrifice as we don't have Reficule/Simochi yet in the CCG. But nice :D

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