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Pokemon: A New Journey (Started / Accepting / Co-Owned by LichKing Lelouch)

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[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][b]Name:[/b] Keith Alexander Grantz
[b]Gender: [/b]Dude
[b]Age: [/b]13
[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/10qa23a.jpg[/img]
[b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Togepi
[b]Bio:[/b] Keith was born into a simple, upper middle-class family and was raised around Pokemon, so he is very kind toward them. When Keith turned ten, he was unable to start his Pokemon Journey, as he was bed-ridden with a terrible [color="#0000FF"]illness[/color]. So, his mother brought home an egg, which hatched into a Togepi. This Togepi was very cheerful and helped restore Keith's spirits, and he was finally better before his twelfth birthday, after which he studied for a year at a Pokemon Trainers' School. He is now about to embark on his Pokemon Journey, and wishes not just to be the Champion, but to one day help people, with the aid of his Togepi and the other Pokemon he catches along the way.[/font]
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[b]Name:[/b] James Ray
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 12
[b]Appearance:[/b] about the average hight of people for his age, he has thick black hair that runs down to the bottom of his neck. He usually wears a red leather jacket over a white t-shirt. He has pale skin, and dark green eyes, along with a small nose which is akwardly placed on his large head. He wears baggy blue jeans which get ripped up alot from scrapping on the ground, or other objects.
[b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Duskull
[b]Bio:[/b] James' mother died when he was very young, because of this he normally has a bleak outlook on life. Although somethings excite him, he usually just sighs and talks about how boring somthing will be, causing many people to not like him. This [color="#00FFFF"]just[/color] causes James to have an even more bleak outlook, but at least he's not emo. Despite his depressing look, and hate of alot of things, if people get to know him, he can usually be a pretty good guy. He has already forgoten about his mothers death, but his attitude has stuck with him forever.
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Name: Arthur Lexington
Gender: M
Age: 16
Appearance: [spoiler=Arthur Lexington]http://fav.me/d1c1ckq [/spoiler]
Starter Pokemon: Aron
Bio: Arhur's father was once an elite four member. When Arthur was born, his father retired in order to raise him. When he was old [color=blue]enough to understand what pokemon were, his father began to train him. At first, and for several years, Arthur was taught[/color] only to raise pokemon by helping his dad breed several different types of them. When he was ten, his father began to train him to battle with the pokemon he had raised. With the combination of care for pokemon and determination in battle, Arthur soon became a formidable opponent. Finally, at the age of fourteen, his father let Arthur choose a pokemon for himself to raise on his own and go off and have an adventure if he wanted. After long thought, Arthur chose an Aron, which has been his traveling companion ever since.
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