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Yu-Gi-Oh! Slipspace [OOC/PG-16/Started/Accepting/Co-Owned by TheFinalFan]

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The Paradox war's ended long ago. Its damage However, Remains. Universes and Timelines Destroyed and beyond repair; Smoke and ashes and the Sound of Silence from the Void only Remain mostly. Though, with the darkened picture there is light; Suriviors. The war was the biggest in the Muiverse's Existance, but there where many which escaped Persicution from Paradox's Army's. They require a new Universe to sustain themselves and rebuild there lives, Giving them hope for the future. 'Tri-Vur' is that Hope. Established after the war as a Future defence from Tyrants like Paradox and ensure that C3 shall never be called apon again. It's Fleet Consists of Mostly Colony ships from various Timeline's, Fitted with Slipspace drives to enable Mutiverse Transportation. Escorting the Fleet is the last remaining Unit's of C3, Relic's of the war which still defend Time-Space to this day. The fleet aproches another Empty universe, hoping to find a world to settle apon, But tention between the many surivors and the Members of Tri-Vur thickens by day and night. If it continues, Revoloution will Follow...

This is Self-Explanatory. Look, we know to Obey thee Advanced clause, OOC Rules and all the other Forum rules (Plus my Judgement and FinalFan's). Just follow them and should be fine. I'll implement thought his Warning system just in case;

1st Offence: Just a Warning.
2nd Offence: Second, and Final warning.
3rd Offence: Forbidden To post on IC Forum for a reasonable time.
4rd Offence: Forbidden to Post on IC AND OOC for an Extended period.
5the Offence: Forbidden to Participate in this Role-play. Your character will be Killed off and All complaints will be Ignored. Continued Persistence will
result as been treated as Spam and will be Reported to a Moderator.

You have Been Warned.[/spoiler]

(Please remove all from brackets)
Character's Name:
Appearance: (A picture or a paragraph-long description)
Deck Type: (A brief description of your deck, NO DECK LISTS!)
Other: (Did I forget Something?)
[Spoiler=My Characters]
[Spoiler= Kana Lukio]
Character's Name: Kana Lukio
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Bio: One of thee Founding members of Tri-Vur and its Current De Facto leader, Kana is A very High ranking duelist in thee Multiverse. Originally, he was born into thee Yliaster Of a Future timeline. Brainwashed from birth, Loyal to Yliaster and swore to Kill thee signers and 'Protect thee World'. At age 15, he was deemed Worthy to wield 'Machine Empress Shinal Infinity' and to take part in murdering thee Signers. During his Time there, he Met Itosuki Bukashino and became Friends. Over time, they discovered thee horrifying truth of Yliaster and Aided thee signers in Destroying them Utterly. The pair where thee only two Spaired thee lives. Thinking they had saved themselves, thee Pair traveled thee world as a dueling duo for Months until a Live changing encounter withe Paradox Himself. The Pair clung aboard Paradox's duel runner and where Thrown into thee Time Vortex, Clinging for dear life. Itosuki was Spared his life; being able to cling on thee duel runner until it Exited thee Vortex. Kana, however was therown asunder and left to die within thee void between Universes. Kana through, was given a second change by a Entity he refuses to Disclose to anyone and Awoke in a Distant Universe. The events he Witnessed there; Called "The Darkdawn Event" where brutal and Led him to Two new Companions. K.A.N.A; A Holographic Artificial Intelligence which was created withe a Cloned brain of himself, and Aya Lukio: Kana's Artificial Daughter. The Trio escaped thee harsh Universe to Kana's Original Timeline. Sadly, thee Events of thee Paradox wars had Irreversibly Altered it into a Barren world withe little in existence remaining. There, Kana knew he had to Defend the remaining Universe from thee same Fate. Gathering Survivor's from his world, Tri-Vur was born. It started small withe only a Small Multiverse Frigate and a handful of Duelists, but grew and grew until how it stands today. Aboard thee T-VN Infinity, he attempts to Estabish a new world for the many suriviors to continue what remains of his life. However, the stuggle is getting to him. The losses and torment he suffered during this extended life has left its mark...
Appearance: Kana is Just a little taller then most people withe Pale skin, His eyes are Dark blue and has 3 Parallel scars around his left eye. His hair is a Deep brown and is Scruffy and Worn to thee bottom of his neck. Clothing wise, He dons He often dons a Metal plated Shirt withe a Embedded Yellow Jewel, Roundly cut withe Black Jeans. Atop of which he dons a White Waistcoat; The Right pocket decorated withe Tri-Vur medals and stamps.
Deck Type: Kana tends to Avoid Using Shinal and uses a Angel sworm Deck, using cards like Valhalla, hall of thee Fallen and Angel 07.[/spoiler]
[Spoiler=Kernal Adept Neural Avatar]
***Restricted Content under the Official Secrets Act, NO#:A78-BETA1. Attempts of Unauthorised Access this Data will result in Mandatory Imprisonment for a Minimum of 25 Years and Death During Wartime.***[/spoiler]
[Spoiler=Aya Lukio]
Character's Name: Aya Lukio
Age: Biologicly 15.
Gender: Female
Bio: Aya is the Daughter of Kana lukio and a Unamed spouse, Artificly created from the pair's DNA and augmented to be Stronger, more Agile and Intelegent then most normal Duelists during the era of the Paradox Wars. Aya was also Accelerated biologicaly so her physical and mental age where At 14 when she was "Born". She never knew her Mother as she Sacerficed herself for Aya and Kana's Escape of there dying world. Born abord a stolen Timeship, She was educated by Kernal Adept Neural Avatar in Many subjects and in Duel Monsters. Aya had also behaverial issue's for much of her Earlyer life, stugling to comperhend her mother's sacerfice and not being able to have other Human contact outside the Stolen timeship and occasional Stops. The behaverial issue's almost Cost Aya's life when she encountered the Paradox loyalist, Kana Zenfure. Her Father was powerless to save her, Forced to duel the Copycat in a duel to the Death. Her augmentions and tutoring by K.A.N.A allowed her to save herself and her father from a Painful death. Beyond then she has aided her father in the Aminstration of Tri-Vur's Duelist Acdemeny's and all around working and protecting the younger Population.
Apperence: Later.
Deck Type: Later.
Other: Later. [/spoiler]
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Character's Name: Anderson Anderson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: A very talented duelist who is skilled in many types of dueling such as Turbo Duels, Tag Duels, and Ground Duels, and is skilled with many types of cards, Vairons, Mist Valley, but most commonly his Unicorns. He recently joined the Tri-Vur Navy to GET THE HECK AWAY FROM STUPID CARD GAMES!!!!!!!! He still wonders why even the NAVY uses card games to solve most of their problems. He hasn't lost a Duel since he joined, mostly because he hasn't dueled since.
[spoiler=Appearance] [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/40735885][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1011/d16/1956/a249857.png[/img][/url][/spoiler]
Deck Type: Unicorn, focuses on removing its own cards from play to gain effects
Ace Card: Lightning Unicorn
Other: N/A
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You don't mind if I make myself First Officer, do you? Second officer if you want to, but Captain would be great. So...?[hr][spoiler=Character: (Family Name First)井島 拘束実 / いとう こうそくみ / Itou Kousokumi][b]Character's Name:[/b] [size="1"](Family Name First)[/size]井島 拘束実 / いとう こうそくみ / Itou Kousokumi[hr][b]Age:[/b] 24[hr][b]Gender:[/b] Female[hr][b]Bio:[/b] Kousokumi is know for her extensive knowledge on mechanical workings, especially in locks. When she was young, she was part of a gang that broke into people's houses. She was the only one of them who could unlock the door, disable the alarm, take what she wanted, and set everything back up before leaving. Nobody realized anything was taken, because she was so adept at this. Even if they did realize, they never suspected her. She would often take Duel Monsters Cards, and eventually made a deck from them. She would often go back and take any cards she needed. She eventually grew out of it, getting a decent job and a reasonably high salary. She still played Duel Monsters. Using her newly-earned funds, she was able to create an even stronger deck, based on locking the opponent's turn. Eventually, she enlisted in the Navy, and quickly climbed the ranks with her athletic, intelligence, and strategic expertise. She was promoted to first officer of the Tri-Vur Navy's flagship, TV-N Infinity. [hr][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1011/d26/1907/871e895.png[/img][hr][b]Deck Type:[/b] Terminal Illness: Locks the opponent's turn by skipping phases. MAIN CARDS: Terminal World and Timeater.[hr][b]Other:[/b] She is the first officer of the TV-N Infinity.[hr][b]Duel Disk:[/b] [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/24zg93q.png[/IMG][hr][/spoiler][hr]

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Sure, Cheif Medical officer is fine. And about the Paradox thing, Its kinda complex. He is the Main villian in the Yu-Gi-Oh 3D Movie and is part of the Backstory for Series 3 of 5D's in canon. In this roleplay and FinalFans roleplays, He's esablished as a mastermind that can Travel the mutiverse, motivated to control Time-Space. So, if you want a grasp of the Full story, your going to be a long time of Finalfan. I cant tell you much more, To be honest. I get confused by it mostly.
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Well, all stuff mentioned in the plot...well, at least most...is utterly confusing. Tri-vur? Where exactly are you getting that from? Is the UNSC to far fetched for you or something? Electro Magnetic Bombardment? I mean, if you are going to call this a Halo/Yu-Gi-Oh! RP, you need much more Halo stuffz. Such as Frigates, MACs, and some recognizable places! I mean, just, ugh. Throughout all I read in the plot, nothing has been mentioned involving Halo Lore. So, are you tapping stuff from other stories previously written? (And such). Where does the UNSC, Covenant, and Forerunner fit in? Is this before or after the Halo incident and Human/Covenant war? I need these things answered. I am die hard Halo. If you need info, I am sure I can comply.
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When you say 'Paradox's army', do you mean the Paradox TheFinalFan made that terrorized the multiverse like, last year in real-time?


Sure, Cheif Medical officer is fine. And about the Paradox thing, Its kinda complex. He is the Main villian in the Yu-Gi-Oh 3D Movie and is part of the Backstory for Series 3 of 5D's in canon. In this roleplay and FinalFans roleplays, He's esablished as a mastermind that can Travel the mutiverse, motivated to control Time-Space. So, if you want a grasp of the Full story, your going to be a long time of Finalfan. I cant tell you much more, To be honest. I get confused by it mostly.

I don't, since I was there from the very beginning. Anyway, this RP may be interesting. Also, isn't Paradox dead? There's a clone of him running around called Yami but eh...you could at least alerted someone before you went out screaming "GUYS KEWL NEW MULTIVERSAL RP".


Sleeping Kirby, Second captian is fine. First Captian is reserved. Mako, Im keeping the Later plot secret to make it more Intresting. Only me and Finalfan know the whole story and Im hoping to keep it like that. Though if people pester about the plot, I'll expand it.

Hey, come on, don't ignore me. I know the plot as well as FinalFan too, you know!!!


OK, I'm done.
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My lord, Finalfan. If you can handle so many Characters, Sure. As for Mako and Merciful Idiots comments, Lets Clear some Things up;

Mako, [i]Tri-Vur[/i] is latin. The Translation is 'Three Hero's", A tribute to Yugi, Jaden and Yusei. I know a Fair bit about Halo; I have Halopedia to aid me, along with Infomation in the copys of Halo 3, ODST and Reach I gathered during Gameplay and my Copy of Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey journal. But if i require some fine Details, i'll ask you. I know about the lack of Halo so far. Remember though, This is a Yu-Gi-Oh! Roleplay. Not an Halo roleplay. Yes, It's got halo elements in it, But it's still Yu-Gi-Oh; I must add Original material into the mix, Not just rip pages from the Story of the last moments Noble team at Reach, the ODST's and the Subrotuine Vergil and John-117 and his struggle to Defeat the Religious Covenant and the Parasidic Flood. Dont worry though; Theres plenty of Halo to go around once we get Cooking.

Now, Merciful Idiot. Paradox is dead, The fleet at the beggining are though unaware of this. I will also give a much Bigger and detailed plot soon, since people are complaining. Oh and one more thing. [b]DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!

[/b]Happy now, People?

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Well, I [b]did[/b] speak truth, but I'll take FinalFan's words for it, although chances are I'm going to be bitter about it for a little while. I mean like when things decide to cannon at me without my knowledge of it.

Oh, never mind, I'll join anyway. Reserve probably 3 slots, if I'm allowed 3.
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Reserve 1 more, as Chief Engineer.[hr][spoiler=Character: (Family Name First) 鍛工 狂者人 / たんこう きょうしゃと / Tankou Kyoushato][b]Character's Name:[/b] [size="1"](Family Name First)[/size] 鍛工 狂者人 / たんこう きょうしゃと / Tankou Kyoushato[hr][b]Age:[/b] 69[hr][b]Gender:[/b] Male[hr][b]Bio:[/b] He's been stuck in Engineering for as long as he can remember. And he can't remember much, so that's probably a short time, anyways. He joined when he was young, and worked at the helm as an ensign. Later, the captain saw he had promising abilities in engineering, so he was moved to engineering. Kyoshato then was able to move up to become Chief Engineer, at the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He spends all of his time in engineering, building things in his spare time. He's kind of crazy, and doesn't really have good social skills. In his old age, however, he's still active. Other crew members have pressured him to retire, but he says he's only going to leave when he dies.[hr][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1011/d30/1902/5a79378.png[/img][hr][b]Deck Type:[/b] 電池メン / でんちメン / Denchimen / Batterymen (Focused mostly on pulling an OTK)[hr][b]Other:[/b] He's Chief Engineer. He has very poor social skills. [hr][/spoiler][hr]

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After looking through the plot, I just realized. I have to start as a duelist? I would really want to start as a UNSC Marine or something related. When I fight, I don't want a monster fighting for me. I want to be blowing s*** up. And besides...dueling is a f***ing retarded way to win a fight, IMO. But thats how the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise goes :P

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