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jad2342 vs Some Guy in a Whambulance

Face McShooty

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I'll let my opponent pick the requirements... If i don't like them I will reject the challenge



Standard YCM Rules

First to 4 votes wins

or whoever has the most votes by November 28





Make a sea serpent type monster




[spoiler=Winner gets from Loser]

+1 Rep 25 points




[spoiler=Loser gets from Winner]

60 points




[spoiler=jad2342's card]


When this monster attacks a Sea Serpent-Type Monster, Flip a coin. If Heads, double this cards ATK for the Battle Phase only. If Tails, halve this card's ATK and double the other monster's ATK and DEF.




[spoiler=Some Guy in a Whambulance's card]


You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 2 Fish-type monsters you control. To calculate this card's DEF, choose 1 of the Tributed cards and double the chosen card's DEF. The amount becomes this card's DEF. If the DEF of this card becomes equal or more than 4000, the DEF becomes 0.



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How about...


-Must be an upgraded version of an existing level four or lower Normal Monster.

-Must have an effect dealing with monster destruction.


If you accept, I'll post my card.

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will yall both explain a little more on your requirements? like Hila what do you mean by an actual animal and Caeda what do you mean by an upgraded version? like pretty much an evolution or whatever or what?


I thought it was obvious, sorry.


Upgraded is like a retrained version. Kind of like Celtic Guardian and Obnoxious Celtic Guardian, but for upgraded it doesn't need to be an effect monster. It can be a Fusion, Synchro, Ritual, ect.

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May I suggest the best Sea Serpent-type? We rarely see those, so it should be well supported.


I thought it was obvious, sorry.


Upgraded is like a retrained version. Kind of like Celtic Guardian and Obnoxious Celtic Guardian, but for upgraded it doesn't need to be an effect monster. It can be a Fusion, Synchro, Ritual, ect.


I like that idea.

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oy vey yall idk what to do lol

but Some Guy you raise a good point, I accept your challenge... sorry everyone else you all had pretty intense challenges


What's the Specs?




You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 2 Fish-type monsters you control. To calculate this card's DEF, choose 1 of the Tributed cards and double the chosen card's DEF. The amount becomes this card's DEF. If the DEF of this card becomes equal or more than 4000, the DEF becomes 0.

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I vote for Jad...


Jad's card: Pretty basic, nothing that would actually support anything other than itself however I do think instead of Battling a Sea-Serpent monster (Its Own Kind) it should be maybe and Aqua or Fish-type monster (Which it shares it's habitat with). But overall I'd give it 5/10


SGIAW's card: Very bad choice of wording. And really why would you want to tribute 2 monsters, If it were to be set the effects would not activate because you cant activate effects whle set so your effect is pointless. Also like Jad you have not got the basic picture of Sea-Serpents they are meant to have High Attack low-ish Defence and destroy stuff. Overall 3/10.

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